What is Matrix movie really about

I gotta watch it one of these days, but...let me get the discussion going. So from jewkipedia this is one of the excerpts.

> In the Matrix, the Agents interrogate Morpheus to learn his access codes to the mainframe computer in Zion. Tank proposes killing Morpheus to prevent this, but Neo, believing that he is not the One, resolves to return to the Matrix to rescue Morpheus; Trinity insists she accompany him. While rescuing Morpheus, Neo gains confidence in his abilities, performing feats comparable to the Agents'. Morpheus and Trinity exit the Matrix, but Smith ambushes and kills Neo before he can leave. In the real world, machines called Sentinels attack the Nebuchadnezzar.

Zion = obvious
NebuCHADnezzar = chad emperor that smashed that kike gay temple to the ground
Trinity ? Agents ?

What is this movie directed by pedo kikes really about?

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matrix was a scifi movie about how humanity was enslaved by AI and their struggle to set themselves free. All the karate stuff and memes was fanservice.

It's recontextualized Messiah fable.

Sin as a form of slavery and the Messiah (Jesus) who can set you free from it.

OK but we can disregard kike's obsession with signalling their shit to us goys...so...are the directors "self hating kikes" perhaps?

Why are le evil machines attacking Nebuchadnezzar, that name wasn't picked out of the blue, that's a fact that I can't confirm but it's a fact.

It is about accepting yourself as a transgender woman. Both directors are now transgender women. The "redpill" is literally accepting transition + hormones, as both Wachowski "sisters" have now done. It is a metaphor for being transgender.

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and all seriousness goes right out the window

Unplugging from the matrix?

written by a christcuck author
>literally about being reborn a christcuck

>What is Matrix movie really about

The social engineering AI attached to television, radio, internet, satellites, etc....

>The social engineering AI attached to television, radio, internet, satellites, etc....

it didn't appreciate the movie.

Basically if you can be a girl online, you are a girl in real life. A lot of people can't accept this dissonance of identity and perception and commit suicide. It is literally about being trans.

Kikes can't into originality, they leech names, influences and stories all around them. Bible is a huge influence in hollywood.

part of the reason there is not a satisfactory answer to this question is why the matrix is a good piece of art. it is not really about anything other than its internal world:

>we can interpret it as we wish beyond what the creator intended.

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Not even close gay-bro.

It's about a repressed transexual individual being awakened to the truth about themselves and being able to transition to their true self, despite systemic oppression and attacks from others.

If you don't believe me, just ask the Wachowski Sisters.

All you have to see in Matrix is a bunch of expansionist memes.
>1: Following the stranger to a convergent crowd zone, leading to love and the unexpected divergence of fate
>2: Not taking the path of comfort that leads to the familiar road of discontent
>3: Waking up from the false dream that is vampire society
>4: People who are asleep are simply vessels to transport energy of the awakened ones
>5: Dodging certain death is as simple as ignoring the false assumptions taught to you fresh from the womb
>6: Everything that is not singularity will lead to chaos and disharmonious misery
The last one is pretty good. In case you didn't realize, breaking free from the Matrix would not have solved anything except for exterminating all life as it became exposed to the outside of the so-called "prison"

Just watch the movie, use adblock

Which is literally a metaphor for transgender acceptance. We can be something different than we were created (women).





Reconsider some of the dialog in light of an interpretation of a man coming to terms with his gender dysphoria.

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Stop larping as a fag you fag

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It's about us, here and now. We immerse ourselves in technology and the mundane tasks of the day. We don't realize we are the fuel in a great machine of enslavement (jobs, debt, etc). Most of us are asleep but a few "take the red pill" and wake up to reality.

>pedo kikes
its more compliated than that

I am literally gay and if you cannot see this movie as the directors exploring their struggle with fantasies of wanting to be women, you are blind.

Are you talking about the Matrix or the kike trilogy that took over the Matrix? Animatrix and Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions were simply Hollywood kikes attempting to reinfiltrate the public mind through the vessel of trusted fable. But everything in the first movie is about being a strong-hearted Libertarian and literally exterminating those who attempt to merge you with their slave machine.

hahaha, true, but they also plan to literally put us in a matrix

And you have blinders. You can't see beyond your own sexuality. None of you can. It's insufferable.

The movie is Israeli propaganda. It makes you associated "Zion" with "Zionism" subconciously whenever you hear it. It also has a random orgy scene- so it's slowly normalizing degeneracy the sane way Hollywood normalized being a fag.

The Wachowski brothers are now (surprise!) the Wachowski "sisters" after becoming trannies. Can't wait until Pedowood makes another Matrix with a fully gay,black,tranny,pedo,all female cast!!

Except they're denying reality.

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Faggots are well known to associate completely alien concepts with their most intricate mental delusions. In your eyes, people who are turned into subhuman cretins must always have been faggots. But really, it doesn't take much imagination to think of reasons why the kike twins, now insanely successful and trying to remake their image to gain kike acceptance, would adopt homo tendencies.

you're completely lost

It's just a bunch of concepts from better shit mashed together by hack directors. Do you have to overthink everything?

>It also has a random orgy scene

Huh? Where? Don't remember that. You sure you're not confusing it with EWS?

yep, bring on the LGBT agenda fag

bet you they had no clue they dream about that dick when they were doing the movie, you can put anything in to retrospect and try to match the present

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nah but the matrix was where things werent real, and were just a construct. the fact that people could manipulate their avatar and become a different sex in/outside the matrix shows how it is not the reality, and how waking up puts you in your true biological form. if anything its the reverse of what you said. it could even help trans into remission of dysphoria.

yes yes, definitely dont overthink it

The original mostly is pretty clearly about wanting to be a woman as a natal male. It is totally about their autogynephilic fantasies. They are both transbians and movies are often semi-autobiographical. They are struggling with fantasies and the idea that the world isn't real makes it easier to accept that their male physical experience is not pertinent to their spiritual condition.

They see it as a larger quest to accept a new reality. The redpill is accepting a world beyond immediate perception. They are basically calling out anyone who rejects trans ideology as solipsistic.

>“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”

It's not redpilled in the sense that we mean it, its value is introducing the concept of the "red pill" to the mainstream audiences as waking up from the construct of a social reality.

Why do they call him the chosen one?

>Isn't that Star Wars?

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Both of the directors are now transgender women. You really can't see a connection between rejecting your physical reality and being transgender?

He's talking about the San Fransisco club where Trinity and Neo make kike love on a bed backdropped with undulating hordes of animal people

I was just wondering why did they picked Nebuchadnezzar name and Zion name...that shit wasn't a fluke.


Matrix Reloaded 2003
Hello jew.

The movie is about the Borg-mentality, not "Physical Reality"
Borg mentality is what tells little boys they want to be little girls before they have even developed sexual maturity.
Borg mentality is what tells Canadians to imprison parents for preventing their children from living out the kikes' (AI) power fantasies.

Neo is aware that there is smth wrong with his world while working his 9 to 5 drone job while being a shut in nerd in his free time probably jerking it to 2d waifus.
After he takes the red pill and gets unplugged he sees the world for what it is which is slavery to evil overlords.
I think that about sums up the basic message.

>A writer read something about history or religion and used a cool sounding name in their fiction
Whoah dude, mind blown. The Matrix like, totally says something about life and like, history and stuff.

Already addressed that in the fp.

>Zion = obvious
>NebuCHADnezzar = chad emperor that smashed that kike gay temple to the ground
>Trinity ? Agents ?

They are both PRO transgender acceptance. The Matrix is about rejecting your physical reality as a lie.

>what is babylon

>hahaha, true, but they also plan to literally put us in a matrix

dude, they have mind control/reading sattelites that are run by artificial intelligences.

I assure you, we are already IN the matrix.

Why else do you think the red pill ruins peoples lives?

Because it fucking KNOWS that you know.

>i hate transphobes
>im not insane
>im going to cut off my penis!!
Men pretending to be women are mentally ill. Women do not have penises or XY chromosones or adams' apples.
>focusing media on a few thousand trannies
>300+ million normal Americans

Anyone pushing this ideology is working to destabilize this country.

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>what is babylon

Aw shit. Wait. We all speak English. Is this tower of Babel era?

I'll be Nebuchadnezzar III, but I won't just run kikes out of Jerusalem, I'll create a Fortnite league in bringing kike heads and make it into a worldwide tournament. We will have the most fun while cleansing the world.

Wow you think as deeply as a puddle.

Funny. I always thought the brothers were redpilled as us but once they released these movies, they were kidnapped and brainwashed into trans for their (((crimes)))

if I told you that some companies are using directed energy weapons to beam audio advertisements into peoples heads, what would you say?


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The robots were the jews. That's about it.

I'd say which companies and where is proofs

fucking retard

Get fucked. You're talking about the 2000's equivalent of capeshit like the fucking Illuminati hid their secrets in it.
No shit a sci-fi flick has historical/religious/mythical names thrown around to show how well-read the writers are, they all do.

you need to understand the bible to understand the matrix
its a movie about a messiah

neo = antichrist (false jewish messiah)
agents = unbelievers (who listen to satan and do what he tells them)
trinity = the bride
morpheus = satan

neo's is says, he is born on september 11, 2001
numberplates are bibleverses (pic related) Is54:16 "Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy."

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Fucking up everything and sucking the life force out of humanity and you're going to tell me that the robots aren't the jews?

>I'd say which companies and where is proofs


They're mentally ill, gotcha.

>you need to understand the bible to understand the matrix

I'll admit I have no knowledge of the Bible...I'm a lazy fuck. And to be even further honest, I didn't want to go into it when I really started to see what this Western hell is all about - because that's when I stumbled on to Varg and bought into "Bible is kike book"...so I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

And also, few days ago I heard some shit about how protestantism came around, how Guy Fawkes Le Anonymous mask dude is actually a "guy" who wanted to kill the queen or someone for fucking with the Bible - saying how King James version is trash...

So...which Bible isn't pozzed...where to start...I don't know.

>neo's is says, he is born on september 11, 2001

Holy FUCK I never heard about this...I'll go download some 30GB blu ray rip and watch this shit again...fucking hell that's can't be real...

It's a jewish product.

Moreover the two jewish fags who directed that ignominous shit are now lefty women.

Do not bother looking at that shit, any Paradox Interactive promotional video is more redpilled than a faggy jewish mock of current society.

Gas the jews.

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Interesting but i'd like to see it working

>Interesting but i'd like to see it working

would they like it if you were aware of it?

You haven't even watched it...

>God of dreams or God within dreams
to the discerning, let all things be discerned

It's about free will being the foundation of the christian, western worldview.

Matrix is a subliminal communist movie, in fact the most bluepilled movie ever. That's highly ironic
>machines = capitalist puppet masters
>the Matrix = deceitful capitalist mode of production
>redpill = Marxism
>Morpheus team = Soviet, red army
>Zion = politbureau, USSR
>Neo = messiah, revolution
>Sipher (the traitor) = fascist collaborator
>Agents = fascist mercenaries

>>neo's is says, he is born on september 11, 2001
*i meant id
see you dont need to buy a physical book, you can use free bible software or listen to someone who reads it on yt...
i strongly recommend you to listen at least to the ending of the bible (revelation of john) its very enlightening and you will never hear those things in church

yea fawkey tried to blew up the building wehre they made the kjv
and le anonymous is literally a meme from the gospel (Luke 8:30 And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.)

It's about becoming woke, dealing with reality and accepting your mission in life.

I'm not saying I personally agree with trans ideology but to claim the postmodern ethos of the Matrix is not largely a metaphor for their unspoken transgender desires is ignorant.

Which in their case means accepting being women trapped in male bodies inside the "Matrix" and needing to free themselves to self actualize as women.

>yea fawkey tried to blew up the building wehre they made the kjv
>and le anonymous is literally a meme from the gospel (Luke 8:30 And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.)

Danke! Love to pick up these little nuggets of truth here, from Der Volk of all people :)

I know the Church is pozzed, but then again I've read stories about factions in Vatican in-fighting (simply put liberal faction vs traditional)...but not sure how to know who's honest there.

Aren't all versions of Bible today "pozzed" so to speak? Which one isn't?

It is definately anti capitalist though.

Can you evidence any of that?
I mean, everybody accepts that it's about the humans rebelling against the machines on some level.... But where does marxism come in?

No character in the movie changed sex.
While education, imprinting and general social structure was present in the movie.
At no time was it anything other then a message about control. Who has it and how that control works.
Control is not an evil, it is present to allow for order. Without control, there can be no matrix, no order, no purpose.
To say its about Trans or unlocking your delusion is simply a lie.

it's an artwork like a painting, very abstract, so it can be interpreted in many different ways

It is about how a much of people who were trouble makers in the normal simulation was placed in to what they perceive was the reality.

These people “freed” from the matrix believe they are waging a war against the machines, the “struggle” distract them from the fact they were in fact segregated in to their own containment simulation, so they don’t distabalise the main simulation.

>Aren't all versions of Bible today "pozzed" so to speak? Which one isn't?
i have no idea how things are with croatic bible... i use the german schlachter2000 but kjv is pretty nice too, althoug there are a few places wich are not very good translated
a lot of the new translations are not very good but the age alone is not a reliable indicator... i am very sure there is a good translation available in every language

you dont need to go to curch, most churches are corrupt. if you just pray to jesus he will be your shepherd, i promise

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All the redpilled people from the different ships connect to certain spots and run missions in the Matrix, right? Trying to find and jack more people from the system, strengthen the resistance. They are hunted by police and agents, and it's not unusual for them to die in their pursuits. But then Neo comes in. All the other redpilled can only dodge the Matrix, try to survive it, but Neo can actually neutralize it, it doesn't affect him even though he's inside it just like all the others. Neo is the revolutionary leader, he doesn't have to dodge the system and its proponents, he has the power to reduce them to nothing.

You're right there is a surface interpretation of the movie but there are also many other possibilities to interpret the red pill to fit your own beliefs.
>free yourself from a system you don't agree with.

It's definitely NWO propaganda. Last lines of the movie:

>I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us.
>You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin.
>I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you.
>A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.

Yep, that's diamond grade leftist writing

>tfw you realise Speed Racer is the best Wachowski film

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Like I said, I agree that there's a revolution, but not all revolutions are communistic

Matrix was suppose to be generic sci-fi so they slipped past jewish executives, it dropped massive redpills that expanded goyims mindset.

Wachowski got punished hard and turned into trans (through sexual demonic energy that they partook in)

The second and third movies are coopted message and fizzled into muh multiculturalism

How about this idea. We need to unplug from this reality where people are divided by politics and ascend to a higher level of spiritual being.

Sure but this one definitely is. Just watch this in the context of the things I said. Ignore the fantasy stuff. Note all the capitalist symbolisms.


>hopelessly dependent on the system, they'll fight for it
>they are everyone and noone
>they are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys

Neo never left the Matrix.

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>Wachowski got punished hard and turned into trans (through sexual demonic energy that they partook in)

No, it was regular old technological mind control... not "Demonic energy"

wake me up...

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just watch it faggot its a great movie with lots of references

Only brainlets don't realize zion was part of the matrix because their brained turned off during the architect scene