So apparently they diagnose pets (dogs, cats etc) with depression and ADHD (god knows what else)...

So apparently they diagnose pets (dogs, cats etc) with depression and ADHD (god knows what else). How exactly do they take an "illness" which is not grounded in any real physiological cause, based almost entirely on subjective opinions from the sufferer and apply that to an animal that can not in any meaningful way communicate with the doctor? They even feed them psychiatric medication. Really? Didn't I tell you so. Psychiatry.

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Be careful, you've just called forth the self-diagnosed victim complex hordes. Prepare to be called a big meanie.

Oh, what's that? Fido is feeding sad? Oh no, he must be depressed. Let's just give him some prozac (they actually do give dogs prozac btw).

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get fido on /x/ so he can do shrooms and lsd to contact jesus

Conditioning, that's what they do. I'm going to be careful though, since apparently I'm too preachy when it comes to this.

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depression is a meme

depression is a meme

depression is a meme

prozac is too expensive
cat just needs good pats, beanbag chair and blankets
and maybe toy springs to bat around and chew on

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Nah, just shoot them up with drugs, that'll solve it. After all, depression is an illness with physiological cause, right? Just like the flu.

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Well, there's probably a physiological mechanism to it. I dunno that it's like the flu though. Depression isn't a virus, even if it's viral.
I think exercise works better than drugs.

Yeah, bad wording from me. Everything has a physiological mechanism, as physiology would describe the normality. What I mean is a pathophysiological cause.

Beats me.
All I can say is that they don't seem to be making the situation any better and I don't trust anyone who has both peer pressure and money in favour of their decisions unless they can show me proofs I understand.

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There is no proof worth showing as of yet, otherwise we would have known, I also doubt there ever will be because of the difficulty of said task. Medication is still prescribed because it has shown to have effect in some cases, this does not however in any way prove the illness exists. All it does is let us know that certain neurotransmittors are involved with the mood, something we already knew. If that was the only proof required for a vague illness to exist, heroin would be the cure for all.
It's conditioning now, psychiatry are pushing that these are indeed diseases just as legitimate as say diabetes. People eat it up, the issue is that they now believe they have an illness, so why try to better yourself, you're sick and the doc said I need to be on medication my entire life. It's reckless.

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I dunno if we'll never know.
We didn't know about germs til about a hundred and fifty years ago.
Psychiatry is a pretty new discipline, and higher education overall is kind of a mess right now.
And of course psychiatry will push for things like that. It's in their interest to do it. And nails who stick up get hammered.
Try not to have too desolate an outlook, ok?
But maybe that's callous. It's only natural to be righteous in the face of such wickedness. Still, a positive outlook is good, as long as it's realistically tempered.

stop projecting your insecurities about your own mental instabilities unto others

Brain is too complex I feel. I'll try to calm down about this.

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My cat had PTSD

Should you be calm about it? You don't need to answer me. You should ask it of yourself.
It's a decision you should make before trying to do so. It's not like your passion is disrupting other threads here.
Hmm. I asked somebody about it a while ago, but they never answered me. Maybe you'll have a good answer though.
When you act emotionally and not rationally, is there a part of you that's always aware of it, and recognizes it, even if you find you can't act on that perspective? For me, it's there, always now at least. I'm not sure if it was there since my beginning, but I can't remember a time without it.

too close a question again maybe?
I wonder why nobody likes that question.

Surely you would know, at least I do. I guess it depends on the individual. A lot of people seem to be butthurt when you diss psychiatry though.
Nah, I'm just not always around! ^-^

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I'm not always around either!
By the way, I hope I didn't ruin your proxy persona with that post I made.
I just wanted you to get some good sleep. It's okay, right?