I just want a thread about politics and self improvement. Nothing to bann here.

OP pic is accidental, believe me.
Post your pics.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I never understood why /SIG/ gets banned here? It is most definitely self improvement of a right wing variety, surely if someone were to create a leftysig then there wouldn't be a problem, it's simply a way to fully emulate a form of political stance.

Since when its banned ?

it was banned because it wasnt inherently political. /SIG/ threads that had a fascist theme never got banned because it was to some degree politics oriented

About 2 or 3 weeks ago they gave me a 3 day bann ((("because it is offtopic"))).
But I don't care, IP bann is a joke.

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/sig/ gets banned, moved to /bants/ or just pruned from both Jow Forums AND Jow Forums. You know the kikes don't like it when the sheep improve themselves.

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Its supposed to go onto Jow Forums 2 board Jow Forums but pol doesn't use bant

Has anyone tried this and does it work? One user said that he got banned for posting this and the thread was deleted too.

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How come no Evola in the bookcase?

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how good could that advice possibly be?
he obviously failed, or he wouldn't have been there to post it.

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Ahahaha I didn't think about that at all. But anyone who gets out won't be able to share it with us then because he would have to come here to post it.

Ill help you improve right here

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How about a (home improvement) thread???

Attached: 21728151_1877591082258676_5009605925111769148_n.jpg (960x540, 40K)

Always bump not /sig/

>You know the kikes don't like it when the sheep improve themselves.
Can't find the goddamn pasta about the allies destroying all the Germ statues and exercise books.

Can't find it either, but I can back up your statement. Arno Breker is the one who made the statues IIRC.

how do I shake off the porn jew once and for all?
I can't help but relapse after a week or so


this is now a fascist /SIG/ thread.
why is fascism arguably the best political position and why is it the only one to push for self improvement as a core value?

What I had to do was do basically nothing for a week but think about not doing it. DO NOT try to distract yourself with other things, if you do you will only relapse when you face boredom or lose access to those activities (meaning you have only put off the problem not defeated it head on). Face it head on and in good faith. If one week isn't enough extend it to two weeks or even three weeks, it is worth the apparent wasted time. You will gain it back sevenfold.

Attached: SIG_learn.png (1434x1741, 532K)

go to /nofap/ board in infinite chan, it's a good board with good advice and friendly people

you mean you constantly think about not watching porn?


The OP pic should be on circumcision or some other topic that always has 20 non political threads that never gets banned, just to try and keep these alive. It's the best part of /pol

>pic is Jow Forums related this is a /pol topic don't be a faggot mods.

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