Well bant

Do you think you're a bad person and how do you know if you are?

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I think but im not shure. And you op? What are you?

Yeah i am
I know it because I'm worthless

Not sure. I do have a crush fetish though which is kinda fucked up. It's not like I want to crush animals myself but I do enjoy watching small critters like mouses etc. get crushed to pieces.

Overall I reckon I'm a good person. Really bad people tend to be too stupid and obtuse to realize they are really terrible. Basically if you've ever introspected once you're probably not irredeemable.


I need that sweet get 6000000

i'm a good person because i am full of love and checking dubs :DDDD

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Alright, run through why I'm definitely a terrible person.

Yes, because I know I could be a much better person but I'm always choosing not to be. I also should take better care of myself.

im a disordered person
as in my faculties are disordered and i have imperfections

i dindent say that but introspection dosent make you a good person

I've done some asshole shit but I try to even it out by doing nice things for people at an equal rate or focusing on not doing the stuff that really ends up weighing on my conscious. As long as I'm able to do as much as I'm capable of for other people in need and constantly trying to improve myself and do less bad shit. I don't think I can be asked to do much better on a different path.

I don't know, I'd like to think I'm a good person and I try to help people and all that but I have just had a really shitty week. Shit gets stolen, things break and I just wonder why.

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Well It's good that you try to make up for it but (this sounds really bad but I don't mean it that way) how hard is it not to be an ass

Not on it's own, no. There are several factors I believe. People who don't are usually safe to write off as totally unsalvageable though. It's like saying drinking plenty of water is healthy and then you're saying "Yeah, if you just drink water you will die because you need food as well, jerk" Why do you hate me so much?

You know because of your actions and behaviour and thoughts

need more self control.

only on Jow Forums

no i'm just sad

Why are you sad?

I don't know if I'm a good or a bad person.
I don't think it matters.
I try to do what I think is right and not to do the things I think are wrong, and I'm constantly reexamining what that is and why.
That's the best I can do, and I'm satisfied with it.

Depends on what makes someone a bad person.

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I am a terrible disgusting person. I'm also very lucky

tried to get with a taken girl. didnt end well for anyone


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Yes. I'm annoying and dumb and get in people's way