Study reveals the Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy

>Study reveals the Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy

>An international research group has applied methods of theoretical physics to investigate the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves. Scientists predicted that under resonance conditions, the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base.


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Aliens built the pyramids.

Niggers BTFO once again


Too bad that would be utterly useless since countless granite plugs had to be removed to go through the pyramids. No one had even been in the Kings chamber (or many other chambers) from the time it was completed until the modern age


what are all these ancient energies underneath the pyramids?

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>Pointy things can focus stuff
Give'em the nobel prize today

>angled surfaces can reflect light a certain direction
>we wuz ancient technology

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Kek, we wuz stealth

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lots of scared wh*t*b*is in this topic desu

All i have on ancient history including the pyramids
Or here the same in blog form with more of a red string making it easier to read but less info due to missing replies of others

Goes from ancient technology, over hidtory to how all the cultures explain the same things

Also like everything important ancient egyptians are white

2 years ago a geologist studying earthquakes and their affect ie. Earthquake lights stumbled on how/why pyramids conduct energy. Geo dude put granit in hydraulic press to mimic crustal/plate shifting , that produced earthquake lights = electro magnetic sparks. Further research showed that the crystalline structure of granite WHEN COMPRESSED resulted in electromagnetic discharge. Hence all the weight of granite ( and other similar rock) focused in pyramid shape when vibrated like earthquake produced a fluid movement of electromagnetism.
Proven theory televised rhru actual real physical science. TOTALLY IGNORED by mainsteam science because it doesnt fit their bullshit eco tourism narrative.

ZOMG! You just described the piezoelectric effect.

Yah. I just watched the program , cant recall the name might have been NOVA but the science dudes were all mouth open amazed at successfully reproducing earthquake lights in a lab. Then they got shut down on the pyramid connection. Old school science btfo by main stream sjw academic narrative.


What I’m saying is that the piezoelectric effect has been well-known and well-understood for a long time. For fucks sake it’s what makes most watches keep time. It’s not a big stretch to figure out that smooshing granite, which by definition is 60% quartz, will show the same effect.

Only (((some))) sciences are “settled”.

african astronauts hahahahahaha

It’s being this stupid that cost your NSDAP boys the war.


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Almost looks like an obelisk...

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every single thing with mass affects radio waves you brainlets, its called gravity

It is producing masculine energy. Why do you think violence and radical self-preservation(psychopathy) rule this world?

not a single science is settled, because it is impossible to totally prove anything

This is settled science, although your local rabbi or masonic initiate might say it is make belief and total nonsense.

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No its always a Jewish conspiracy suppressing the truth. ;)

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Still kind of funny that the pyramids could turn into giant piezo-clickers during earthquakes
wonder how sensitive it is / does it broadcast too?

That would explain why that pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda triangle fucks shit up.

So you needed to wait for earthquakes to generate energy? And how to utilize said energy during an earthquake? Also weren't the pyramids covered in limestone?

We can actually use this to 100% prove that niggers didn't build them. See if it hooks up to a printer.

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Ancient astronaut theorists said yes (as they admittedly always do) but you didn’t listen. Instead you made memes.
Who’s laughing now ?

>still claiming they were built 4400 yrs ago
>ignoring they were covered in shit-tier stone by people who found them 4400 yrs ago
>ignoring all of the quartz-lined tunnels all over the area leading to-from the pyramids and other structures that would have to be older than 4400 yrs

I think back to when they found tobacco on all the mummies and that Egyptian "archeologist" faggot trying to suggest what was found was his fucking PIPE TOBACCO that "accidentally fell out while I was examining it" level bullshit.

>The antagonist in 'Shutter Island' is actually a patient.

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This is how digital scales work. Piezoelectricity

Search for Axel Klitzke, he knew a few years ago where all chambers are. Just by using the mathematics which are hidden in stone.

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Conspiracy theorists have been saying this for years

The law of one/Ra material talks about it.

science is never "settled," I've been trying to explain this to my little brother who's gone from ben shapiro worshipping "conservative" to full-on "rational science believer" fag. he reads shit in books in school and believes it 100%, but doesn't understand that every aspect of the universe is fractal and one can "zoom" both "in" and "out" literally forever when observing it. ancient civilizations didn't necessarily understand this but they did understand phenomena that we disregard as pseudoscience or superstition today because it doesn't fit into the framework of reality that science has currently discovered, despite it being true.

our grandmother passed away last year, after her health declined for years. a year prior she had a near-death experience wherein she saw and spoke with her deceased relatives and everything, before forcing herself to come back. she stayed alive for one more Christmas with the family, and used the remaining time to try and mend things with her son who estranged himself from the family. then, after Christmas, she waited until her daughter who was taking care of her (our mom) was out of town before passing peacefully. afterwards, reflecting on it, our mom told us that our grandmother was present when HER mother (our great-grandmother) passed away, and it fucked her up for life, and she vowed to never let the same thing happen to her daughter. so, literally, she waited until the tiniest window of our mom being out of town before dying.

my brother doesn't believe in any of this because le ebin neuroscience he's studying in school doesn't allow for any of it to be true, yet I experienced it all firsthand. he considers himself "conservative" yet is blinded by 'le science" to the point where he ignores obvious truths right in front of his face.

it's honestly quite depressing, I thought the lad was getting redpilled, turns out he's been downing bluepills at school behind my back. sad, many such cases

Everyone knows Klowns were the first astronauts.

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This makes me vomit in my mouth a little, but your brother seems like the type to be helped by a little Juden Peterstein.

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STFU cave beast, our melanin kingz used them to charge their ancient transport devices that our peepo still use today.

People on here laughed when I said orgonite was beneficial

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he watches Peterson and that's what i don't get, man. I haven't watched all Peterson's shit but I've seen some of it and it seems like "maybe ancient wisdom actually has surprising amounts of truth to it after all seeing as how y'know it's been passed down and iterated upon for thousands of years" is more or less his entire thesis, at least of his Bible series. how my brother watches all his shit and doesn't even have an inkling towards any of this is wholly beyond me. obviously not EVERYTHING ever said by ancients holds truth, but still... I just cant' understand someone who steadfastly believes "established science is 100% immutable truth because even though everyone in the entirety of human history had it wrong, we DEFINITELY have it right THIS time, The Science Says So."

is there a term for this syndrome/behavior? I feel like we'll never reach anything remotely close to True Enlightenment unless we, as a species, can admit to ourselves that--even though we've learned a lot about the nature of the known Universe over the past several thousand years--we actually don't know fucking shit about shit. we've learned interesting and useful practical information about how many aspects of the Universe seem to work given the current framework of perception we have, but that's about it. it's like we're playing a complex video game like Dwarf Fortress without any wikis or manuals, we're just figuring it out as we go, and learning shit that helps us play better... but that doesn't mean we understand the code that makes up the game, or the architecture of the computer that runs it, etc, etc.

you'd think studying neuroscience would wake people like my brother up to this, seeing as how we demonstrably don't know jack shit about how our own brains (the things that, as far as we can tell, control every aspect of our behavior, emotions, personalities, and agency) work, AT ALL.

I'm just so fucking sick of the blatant, militant ignorance that permeates modern society

He doesn’t seem to be beyond help but I think the idea that science isn’t solid, not 100% provable, and that scientists aren’t entirely reliable is something you come to yourself. I learned because I know a lot medical personnel who know up close.

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>theoretical physics

Well neuroscience is kinda bunk, incompleteness theorem and all


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user, it is tough carrying so many redpills. All of us experience this with normies, just because your brother is conservative does not mean shit. Having influenced political leanings does not make you open to spirituality or whatever you describe. He is actually part of the majority of western people in these ways.

Maybe when society gets redpilled ablut the fake moon landings and flat earth concepts they will start to question their seeming authoriative sources more. I for one do not believe shit anymore.

That's the million dollar question. Piezo electric generators basically with resonance chambers. Wtf were they using it for?

It is called MUH STUDIES syndrome, where normie tier retards guide their entire lives and beliefs by medical and science information

Why do so many faggots try to make big hills of blocks into magic? It's a pile of rocks.

>implying pyramids have anything to do in any way with niggers

lol I'll run that by him sometime when he's not mad at me anymore, he's convinced it's 100% immutable truth and that his field of study is akin to something like pure mathematics/logic or some shit

I think studying programming and game (video and tabletop) design is what got me to the point where I am today. games are complex series of systems and rules layered atop each other, and "solving" all but the most trivial games is incredibly difficult. thus, if the universe were a simple simulation, we would've already discovered all of its rules and fully understood its systems by now. instead, we're just agents who can perceive a limited amount of stimuli and reason about our existence. we can study biology and microbiology and molecular biology and neuroscience and shit to understand stuff at a micro level, and economics and anthropology and history and psychology to understand our own existence at something of a macro level. we can study ecology and astrophysics and such to understand a bit more about the known, perceivable universe at a more macro level, but what about beyond that? how could we possibly know our place in the non-terminating fractal of existence?

not that we HAVE to do any of this in order to live happy, fulfilling lives, and pass on our genes and memes to future generations, of course... but still, we should understand that no matter how much we understand about ourselves and the Universe around us we'll never know more than an infinitesimally tiny fraction of the possible knowledge that exists. and that's okay, there's no problem with that, as long as we come to terms with it

someday a Singularity will occur and what we know as human consciousness will transcend our current form and go up, down, sideways, or w/e a level in the greater cosmos. until then, we just have to be fucking humble about how much we don't and CAN'T know about reality. arrogantly believing we have anything resembling "all the answers" will be our doom

Apparently Ra was channeled years ago and the conversations were recorded. The channeled entity talked about the pyramids being used for THIS EXACT REASON.

This is such fucking bullshit.

OK, so if you're inside the Pyramid, your radio will pick up Medium Wave stations slightly better.

I'll bet that ANY building of ANY shape will have SOME effect on radio waves by sheer coincidence.

>Nigga Jamal
plz tell me that account's not real kek

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>Maybe when society gets redpilled ablut the fake moon landings and flat earth concepts they will start to question their seeming authoriative sources more.
funny you should mention that, "WHAT, DO YOU BELIEVE IN FLAT EARTH TOO THEN, IDIOT??" was the final not-an-argument he threw at me. I tried to explain that I neither believe nor disbelieve in flat earth, and can't, until I see evidence for myself one way or the other (i.e. going to space, which isn't likely to happen in my lifetime). I tentatively believe in the now-standard ball earth theory, but I'm 100% open to being shown arguments both against and in favor of it, because I have an open fucking mind like any truly rational person would. in fact, seeing him react that way made me question ball earth more than ever, because my brother isn't one to fall for the "get emotional about someone not believing in something" thing i.e. SJW programmed mind-triggers, but he totally devolved to that when he ran out of arguments against me.

what is it about humans that makes us so prone to this sort of mindset, i.e. tying beliefs about the nature of reality to emotions? I'm inclined to believe it's a core human trait and not just the result of ((programming)), because it crops up time and time again throughout history and such. why can't we just objectively realize we can't begin to understand our place in the universe, humbly accept it, and keep an open mind about things?

>implying niggers were pharaons
>implying niggers were israelite slaves
egyptians were a white ethnicity and the israelites were the now europeans

Niggy btfo

This is the stupidest thing I've read today. I hope it will stay that way, but I do not underestimate Jow Forums's ability to generate absolute garbage.
Am I white?

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Of course they are legit. Many people have tried to join this consciousness through alchemy.

>Wtf were they using it for?
as a tomb

You may elaborate on the amount of pharaos that were buried in a pyramid.

>Nigga Jamal
He misspelled 'Nigger.'

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You need to watch the show "Ancient Aliens". I think they make marathons of the show at the History channel during weekends. Aliens shared technology and help building the pyramids.

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OP is wrong and a troll shill spreaing race hate d&c bait tactics

runs on Jinga though. powerful ancient space native weaponry. Floating continents might return

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thats a half-nigger.

why orion tho

So, how does this all fit together? Do you have a neat conclusion?

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"many security, surveillance, and reconnaissance tasks is that of monitoring (or observing) the movements of targets navigating in a bounded area of interest. A key research issue in these problems is that of sensor placement --- determining where sensors should be located to maintain the targets in view. In complex applications involving limited-range sensors, the use of multiple sensors dynamically moving over time is required. In this paper, we investigate the use of a cooperative team of autonomous sensor-based robots for the observation of multiple moving targets. We focus primarily on developing the distributed control strategies that allow the robot team to attempt to minimize the total time in which targets escape observation by some robot team member in the area of interest. This paper first formalizes the problem and discusses related work. We then present a distributed approximate approach to solving this problem that combines low-level multi-robot control with higher-level reasoning control based on the ALLIANCE formalism. We analyze the effectiveness of our approach by comparing it to three other feasible algorithms for cooperative control, showing the superiority of our approach for a large class of problems"

"The development of natural language interfaces to Artificial Intelligence systems is dependent on the representation of knowledge. A major impediment to building such systems has been the difficulty in adding sufficient linguistic and conceptual knowledge to extend and adapt thelr capabilities. This difficulty has been apparent in systems which perform the task of language production, i.e. the generation of natural language output to satisfy the communicative requirements of a system"

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stfu the jews stole the syrup leaf from your flag you cryptocanuck

"In this paper we consider a distribution network model where each edge is owned by a selfish owner agent and a customer agent wants to supply a product or service to each of the nodes in the network using the edges that result in lowest possible distribution cost, i.e., a minimum spanning supply tree. We characterize the Walrasian Equilibrium price space of such an economy and propose a descending-price auction mechanism, which discovers one of these prices following certain conditions. Finally, we study the strategic behavior of the owner agents in such an auction and show that following a greedy strategy is a Nash Equilibrium for the owner agents"

Attached: woke.png (345x528, 431K)

"Today there is a growing importance to deal successfully with devices operating in their non-linear regions. This originates from the use of complex modulation schemes and the demand for high power-efficiency at low cost in modern (portable) telecommunication applications. Presently different measurement techniques are used to characterize the large-signal (non-linear) behavior of a device or system. However, these measurements generally are based on signal analysis, which is characteristic to the signal, but not necessarily to the device-under-test (the network). Therefore, Agilent Technologies developed a LargeSignal Network Analyzer , which truly is a network analyzer, not a signal analyzer. In this paper we discuss basic concepts of the LSNA and its applications. The LSNA measures incident and scattered travelling voltage waves (or voltages and currents) in time and frequency domain appearing at both signal ports of any two-port device-under-test under a periodic or periodic-modulated excitation. This information represents, under the given stimulus, the complete behavior of the device-under-test. It can be used to verify, improve or even generate device models at the physical level, circuit level or system level, which cannot be accomplished using presently employed measurement techniques. Users can benefit from LSNA measurements in following ways: reduce the number of design cycles (better device models), reduce manufacturing cost (more optimal designs), maximize product efficiency, increase on-chip system integration, or benchmark the competition"
"CARMA attempts to emulate the human ability to integrate multiple knowledge sources and reasoning techniques in a flexible and opportunistic fashion. The goal of this approach is to enable computer systems to optimize the use of the diverse and incomplete knowledge sources and to produce patterns of reasoning that resemble those of human decision-makers"

This paper presents an implementation of a symmetric distributed reduced order motion planning algorithm for formation control of mobile robots that uses middleware services to access information throughout a wireless ad hoc network. The implementation was tested on four MICAbots in a square formation. We demonstrate that the reduced order motion control algorithm can be used to control formations of nonholonomic mobile robots"
"Virtual objects in a web-based environment can be interfaced to and controlled by external real world controllers. A Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) welding cell was created that models a robotic arc welding cell (the Automated Welding Manufacturing System project,) located at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The VRML welding cell contains a model of a 7 degree-of-freedom robot, a welding table, torch and various fixtures and parts. The VRML robot is interfaced to, and can be controlled by, the real world robot controller. This is accomplished by a socket connection between the collaborator's web browser and the real world controller. The current joint angles of the robot, which are stored in a world model buffer in the controller, are collected by a Java applet running on the web page. The applet updates the VRML model of the robot via the External Authoring Interface (EAI) of the VRML plug-in. Virtual welds, a series of VRML cylinders, are also dynamically created every 100 ms on the part based on the current robot position and colored according to the calculated weld quality of that section of weld obtained from the real world controller. This allows a collaborator to visually determine where a bad section of weld has occurred without being present in the physical welding lab."

Nimrod, the hunter-king of Babylon. He was a giant - of non-human origin - who helped spawn religions used from Egypt to India, Japan, and Scandinavia. Likely the pyramids were a monument in honor to the origins of these giants.

"Nine teams participated in the TREC-2002 cross-language information retrieval track, which focused on retrieving Arabic language documents based on 50 topics that were originally prepared in English. Arabic translations of the topic descriptions were also made available to facilitate monolingual Arabic runs. This was the second year in which a large Arabic document collection was available. Three new teams joined the evaluation, and the cross-language aspect of the evaluation received more attention this year than in TREC-2001. A set of standard linguistic resources was made available to facilitate cross-system comparisons, and their use as a contrastire condition was encouraged. Unique contributions to the relevance pools were more typical of previous TREC evaluations then the results of TREC-2001 had been for the same document collection, with no run uniquely contributing more than 6% of the known relevant documents"
"In order to monitor a region for tra#c traversal, sensors can be deployed to perform collaborative target detection. Such a sensor network achieves a certain level of detection performance with an associated cost of deployment. This paper addresses this problem by proposing path exposure as a measure of the goodness of a deployment and presents an approach for sequential deployment in steps. It illustrates that the cost of deployment can be minimized to achieve the desired detection performance by appropriately choosing the number of sensors deployed in each step"

"this paper we will describe an approach to parsing one major componeut of which is a stragegy called RECONNAISSANCEATTACK. Under this strategy, no structure building is attempted until after completion of a preliminary phase designed to exploit low-level information to the fullest possible extent. This first pass then defines a set of constraints that restrict the set of available options when structure building proper begins. R-A parsing is in principle compatible with a variety of different views regarding the nature of syntactic representation, though it fits more comfortably with some than with others--a point to which we shall return"

'Human episodic memory provides a seemingly unlimited storage for everyday experiences, and a retrieval system that allows us to access the experiences with partial activation of their components. The system is believed to consist of a fast, temporary storage in the hippocampus, and a slow, longterm storage within the neocortex. This paper presents a neural network model of the hippocampal episodic memory inspired by Damasio's idea of Convergence Zones. The model consists of a layer of perceptual feature maps and a binding layer. A perceptual feature pattern is coarse coded in the binding layer, and stored on the weights between layers. A partial activation of the stored features activates the binding pattern, which in turn reactivates the entire stored pattern. For many configurations of the model, a theoretical lower bound for the memory capacity can be derived, and it can be an order of magnitude or higher than the number of all units in the model, and several orders of magnitude higher than the number of binding-layer units. Computational simulations further indicate that the average capacity is an order of magnitude larger than the theoretical lower bound, and making the connectivity between layers sparser causes an even further increase in capacity. Simulations also show that if more descriptive binding patterns are used, the errors tend to be more plausible (patterns are confused with other similar patterns), with a slight cost in capacity. The convergence-zone episodic memory therefore accounts for the immediate storage and associative retrieval capability and large capacity of the hippocampal memory, and shows why the memory encoding areas can be much smaller than the perceptual maps, consist of rather coarse computational units, and be only sparsely connected '

Aliens are Demons.

>Satan BTFO once again

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"We present a detailed analysis of the evo- lution of genetic programming ((P) popu- lations using the problem of finding a program which returns the maximum possible value for a given terminal and function set and a depth limit on the program tree (known as the MAX problem). We confirm the basic message of [Gathercole and Ross, 1996] that crossover together with program size restrictions can be responsible for premature convergence to a suboptimal solution. We show that this can happen even when the population retains a high level of variety and show that in many cases evolution from the sub-optimal solution to the solution is possible if sufficient time is allowed. In both cases theoretical models are presented and compared with actual runs"


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alleged source

Is is directing the energy to something?

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All the more pointing to the evidence of anti gravity machines

Egypt Egypt Egypt

No one ever talks about the pyramids in Bolivia

Or the big shiny black one in Alaska that no one is allowed to fly around

Correction. Bosnia

All retards who thought they were tombs