Hello from Rio!

Hello Jow Forums
I want tell you story
My nick name João tarado, tarado is joke irony nick name because I not very interest in girls
I live Rio, in morro favela. All people here very poor, no educate and don't want go school. Is very suck blood system, they don't go school because stupid, and is stupid because not going school
I have 22 years and I want to become computer scientist, I do courses online. I know is not very hope, but become trafficker like my friends is not good
My family from side of mother is class middle and like me lots. They give me one Macbook Air very old for try learn program online. Macbook very old slow and charger is broken, I fix using silver tape. Very bad but work. Neighbors not put pass on wifi, am very happy.
I am /polack/ since I have 19 years, so I want hear how you think of favela and Brasil future because elections is start soon

pic relate, paper very expense. I do algebra linear on piece of cardboard box from outside house. I am angry because one time family is throw away cardboard with calculus.

Attached: Photo on 8-2-18 at 2.13 PM.jpg (1080x720, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 1&version=KJV

Also I want have Brasil general thread, now have for my Brazil friends

I wish you much success, Brazil bro. Be safe.

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when I was in central america surroundd by trees fucking paper and books and stuff were super expensive. Why is that? shits cheap here

Much thank, my new friend from USA! I hope in USA is not very bad election like Brasil
Only thing that leave me anger in USA is stupid look gays and creoles sometimes. USA culture unfortunately is leak here to Brasil. We also have problem SJW now

Factory that make good, white paper from tree is expense here. I think also wood tax because government is trying protect forest

Do you speak any english at all or is this 100% google translate?

How many times have you been robbed?

it's not even google translate, it's someone who knows English pretty decently trying to pretend to sound retarded. nobody writes like that. gay larping faggot UMA

Hello, fellow whiteman.

why are you doing maths on cardboard? Stay safe and off those designated killing street brazil bro

what the fuck is wrong with your finger?

haha I apologize, my english shit
I use translate only for some single words that I don't know speak in english
I am not use for full phrase because I know grammar even more shit than my

2 time, one for shoe because walk outside with tennis. Stupid robber not realize I found them on floor. Other robber is realize I have nothing in pockets, only tell me to fuck self and run away
I am always keep things in house because walk outside is 100% rob if you have good thing on person

I am doing my best, Portuguese especially descriptors of words is opposite of english
example door that is blue color, in english "blue door" but portuguese say "door blue"
Lot of english I know from Jow Forums

Hello UK friend

In my community all houses is put small trash outside. Inside community not very danger, because every person is recognize every person. Danger only when go to store or visit friend

what problem?
I compare with picture from google search "finger", not very different

>I am /polack/ since I have 19 years

>Macbook very old slow and charger is broken

that's one of their haptic touchpads, which means your macbook can't be more than 3 years old.

Attached: a9e.jpg (453x500, 32K)

I am not doing change of hardware
also no dox please, will not find interesting thing

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biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 1&version=KJV

Matthew 7:
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Fake and gay. Nobody writes like this.

i stand corrected. i thought the older ones had a different look

i think this is for real guys

worry not irmão, o mundo está mudando e o futuro vai ser muito melhor que o passado

se melhore cada dia mais que vamos precisar de gente como você

I am not gay and only fake here is your stupid fuck attitude

Keep up the hardwork brazilbro

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Lost me at paper being expensive. Like if you can't get paper everywhere for pennies, if you have cash to buy a pen you can get paper as well.

You people from Rio get no sympathy from me. Always trying as hard as you can to give this country a bad name, specially when your favela buddies decide to steal, rape and murder every tourist from abroad dumb enough to go to that god-forsaken city instead of the hundreds of other safer places to go here.

Stay in brazil fag. We dont want mass favelas here

There is a Brazil general thread already

nao miao joao foao

Valeu mano, mas cuida qndo falar portugues aqui q as vezes da ban

I also follow Catholic religion, thank you for pray for me

I understand opinion but understand. I am poor, I try to spend very little money. I live in shit place and I choose not steal and not crime. I want to have future. Difficult life but not all Rio guys is shit

He not show any wish in reply for enter USA

I've lived over a decade in the US. I probably make more money than you, don't be so eager to say that I'm poor just because of my flag :)

3 pm time here is for social, many people outside
Maybe after few minutes no people outside, I bring mac to window and make picture for /polacks/ know what looks like

Difficult to make picture of outside because Mac not work if charger become disconnect
I going now to make

I feel you, user. I used to tutor a kid from a favela near my parents' house. People like you are proof Brazil isn't doomed.
Boa sorte.

This from outside house
I can make more picture with timestamp if Jow Forums want

Attached: Photo on 8-2-18 at 3.19 PM.jpg (1080x720, 219K)

I not sure if Brasil have good future, but I only can try make my future good

Ever witnessed any murders?

your a dork.

I hear gun shot many time nearby my house, but I never see person murder in front me
One time was in Linha Vermelha traffic jam and I see one car 2 cars front assault by 2 guys in motorcycle
They shout then shoot then go away but after car still drive, so I think missed shot

good lord that is africa tier. how you holding up lad? i imagine you don't earn a lot of money. also are you white?

Attached: fren.jpg (1024x518, 83K)

Fake and gay
Thats the most obvious fake English ive ever seen

he's literally taken pics.

>random photograph of shed
oh wow guess that confirms it

That's actually how they sound, you're just used to the white bread Brazilians that post here.

now I'll just speak using google translate, since you Americans are all dick in the ass.
I do some freelance jobs usually something with computing. People here are retarded, very much. When I say freelance I mean 10 reais to fix someone's modem. Usually it's some dumb shit, like putting the cable in the wrong place. I survive :)

since this one is being difficult, I'm going to go out and take another with timestamp.

at least your making a living mate. besides if you managed to get qualified, you should be able to emigrate.

its written exactly how a fluent person would write if they tried to sound foreign

eh, its just broken english mate. i don't what else you expect from a Brazilian living a favela.

Godspeed, braz-bro.
like your initiative.

you would qualify under our merit-based immigration policy.
we want the best.

What does 10 reais buy you in Brazilia ?

ignore my grandmother, she's trying to get the phone to work

Attached: Photo on 8-2-18 at 3.50 PM.jpg (1080x720, 187K)

I can't tell if this is indoors or not.

macao pussy

your gma seems like a nice lady
i leave your thread now

I already lost ability to recognise what is larp and what isn't but if you are honest you are smart guy and I wish you best.

20 is usually enough for at least a reasonable lunch
the "matches" last less than 5 minutes, so I ended up earning about 40 reais a day
Give it to live

damn man. is that your house? your smart, look white and redpilled enough if you've been browsing Jow Forums for so long, so what are you still doing there? if i were you i would gtfo asap. but then again i don't know how hard it is to do that.

I live there with my family.
To be white does not change your life much here, I can only try to learn English and get a job outside Brazil
It's not as easy as it sounds.

I dunno,

Que'est ce vous voulez que je parle francais moins le traduction google?

they were stuffing my bag because of the grammar, so now I'm just going to copy google translate straight
How do you live in Norway, nordbro?

I am an American working in Norway for a bit. Norway is nice, the people are very isolated and do not interact much unless they are at a bar, then they go insane. I work at the University, so people are friendly enough there and everyone speaks English in science.
I wish you a lot of luck, I started working at 13 while living with a single father who made barely enough to get by, potatoes with dinner every day and meat once maybe twice a week. Worked hard, saved everything, got through community college, worked more and got through 2 years at university, then got into a PhD program where they paid me. I did internships, work study, undergraduate research, tutoring, and everything to get money and take advantage of any program to lower tuition.
If you are interested in computer science, you can train yourself and apply for jobs. Hell even companies like IBM don't require a college degree anymore if you can prove your ability. Look up the job you want, find what they want you to know, go to a University website and find the programs to teach what you need, download them from pirate bay.

your story is very inspiring! I hope I can succeed in the international labor market
my biggest problem is to organize documents and have the ability to work right in a firm of respect
It should already be kinda obvious by my use of Google Translate that I do not speak English very well. I have a dream of entering TU Delft in Holland, but applying without having completed school (everything I know I learned in mine) is complicated, even if I have the wisdom to enter

If you want to work in any company that does international business you need to be fluent in English. I would recommend downloading the Rosetta Stone English Program and start watching a lot of English movies without subtitles.
But if they are willing to give tons of Indians H1B visas to work for half pay, you might stand a better chance as it is less obvious if they use one to hire a guy from Brazil.

mais dificil do que aprender é conseguir quebrar a rotina da favela
quando voce vive numa sociedade que tem muito pouco respeito pelo trabalho legitimo, é dificil voce ter a inspiraçao para atingir mais na vida

Sorry, I copied the wrong side of G Translate
more difficult than learning is to be able to break the routine of the favela
when you live in a society that has very little respect for legitimate work, it is difficult for you to have the inspiration to achieve more in life

I know, we were very poor in the US, but even by those standards we were well above the favelas. I started to make money to pay rent by selling pot, but I realized it was more of a hassle than working in a metal shop doing bitch work. After about a year in the metal shop, I realized I do not want to do this the rest of my life, and that is what inspired me.
I cannot talk about much of my teenage / young adult life with my co workers, they are all born into middle class to wealthy families. Nearly everyone I knew from 14-22 is either dead, in jail, a junkie, or unknown. Only one of my other friends from my neighborhood got out of the cycle and he does assembly line work at a factory.

I am currently trying to make a good list of things that I must do to improve in life
Right now, I use Jow Forums and math books to try and improve my english so that I can at least write fluently (fixing my strong accent and pronunciation will be an entirely different ordeal) and make a convincing application to a university or a respected firm
Leaving my family here will also be difficult but I am ready to make these sacrifices

Well I wish you good luck.
I need to go to sleep for work tomorrow.

Aí irmão, vou te dar umas dicas já que aprendi sozinho desde pequeno mesmo tendo 90% certeza que é bait, e se levar ban to pouco me fodendo que quase não posto aqui mais. Sotaque não é problema e deixe essa porra pra lá (até porque gringo não liga), foca em aprender a gramática do inglês certo primeiro. Tem um bocado de padrões que você vai notando enquanto lê coisa em inglês. Foca em memorizar palavras que voce vê bastante escritas aqui no Jow Forums ou em livros em inglês mesmo, e "adivinhar" as que voce não conhece.

Favela é foda mas se tu tiver acesso a internet e puder usar um dicionário ao invés do google tradutor já ajuda pra caralho. Aprendi a base do meu ingles jogando no PC com um dicionario enorme do lado, e escrever fluente peguei de ler comentário no Jow Forums lá pra 2008 por aí. Pra entender inglês falado peguei de jogo e filme com legenda.

Não sei qual sua formação mas se for ensino médio incompleto tem como tu ir atrás ainda. Trabalhar lá fora precisa de pelo menos isso, e de uma puta sorte e mínima experiência de trabalho com algo aqui. Não é fácil como pessoal fala com os indianos não, mas primeiro tu precisa de um trabalho mediano enquanto aprende inglês, só pra depois poder usar o conhecimento pra algo.

Meu pai trabalhou pra cacete vendendo coisa no lado de calçada com 8-14 anos enquanto estudava em estadual, e mesmo assim arrumou tempo de aprender inglês e atualmente podia facilmente tentar um trabalho lá fora (mas aqui estamos estável), então certamente é possível.

O negócio é só não desanimar, esse tipo de coisa é BASTANTE longo prazo mesmo, e se tu se dedicar tem como entrar em alguma UF daí. Chance deles contratarem você pra programar é mais alta se já tiver diploma aí, e se tu tá se esforçando tanto como você diz que está, não vai ser problema. Digo isso pois cursei ciencia da computação e metade da minha sala eram pessoas como você, e 5 estão nos EUA atualmente.

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Are you still here, Brazil bro? Would money help change your situation at all? Like if someone gave you 400 reals would it really make a difference or just let you get some nice shoes that someone would rob you for?

Valeu mesmo veio. Eu adoraria que todo Brasileiro tivesse essa vontade toda.
Eu tirei um screenshot, vou lembrar disso. Significa muito pra mim. Valeu

Money alone, would not make much of a difference. I have ways of saving up, that's not much of a problem. The main problem is just finding an opportunity to leave. To find some job or education elsewhere. I know enough traffickers here with tons of money, even they wish they could leave.

Sem problema cara, é uma jornada difícil trabalhar lá fora, mas uma coisa que ouvi uma vez e gosto bastante é a seguinte: "se imagine onde você quer estar daqui a 10 anos, e agora comece a pensar nas etapas de trás pra frente".
Leve isso pro peito, continue se esforçando, e tenho certeza que você consegue atingir o que você quer.

Como referência, estou quase quase quase conseguindo algo numa empresa internacional de contabilidade depois de mudar de curso umas 3x e pegar experiência com estágio (relaxa que se tu conseguir entrar numa UF estágio é o que não falta).

Nunca apliquei para UF. Até tenho vontade de entrar na IME, tenho esperança de entrar em alguma competição local de matematica e daí atrair atenção de alguém. Por enquanto estou só quebrando o cu na algebra. Eu tenho alguns amigos na IME, a minha matematica já é digna de segundo ano no curso de engenharia
Fingers crossed né

Become a passable trap and all your troubles are gone

I'll take the possibility into consideration when I feel like being lynched.

you're funny

Have you ever worked with a monkey?

Thank you. I was just curious. I'm in the US and money solves EVERYTHING. And I was offering to help if I could. Best of luck to you, my friend.