Cat is asleep

Cat is asleep

Dogs are cute but only the ones who are fluffy and not inbred fucks

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cats and dogs are just worse foxes and raccoons

cute kot

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Foxes piss everywhere

Best doggo

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shitposter kot

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prove it

i kill your doggo

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My other cat just swallowed a mouse

Nice trips
Lol, I like the fact they kill pests and such. Not only cute but also useful

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I wish I had a calm cat.
I have a bengal and hes a fucking psychopath.
Just spent the last half hour avoiding him attacking me cuz hes super high energy right now.
He's so into going outside its like dealing with a heroin addict.

Did you get the cat after it grew? I think it doesn't see you as a 'leader'.

Doubt it. You don't even have the guts to kill yourself.

Anybody wanna help me milk my cat?

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Get a refund if you still have a receipt

My cat ate the receipt

Slap some flextape on that pussy

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When I order flextape it comes through the mail and my cat goes through the mail.

wut lol

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Oh shit. Your cat eats everything

Thats why I wanna milk my cat. To make my cat useful.

A nice business strategy is to make it eat cocoa and sell it as cat chocolate milk

how is killing yourself the same as shooting a dog ?

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That sounds like an excellnt idea.

I'm telling you, you're gonna get rich. Later on, you can buy a civet cat and compete with Starbucks

Can I milk a tiger?

You can try

Ok will try

Wish you the best of luck

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Thank u


Had him since he was like 6months. Cats in general don't follow pack hierarchy, but bengals in particular are just fucking nuts.
He is just too high energy. Wants to go outside and murder small animals 24/7, but I can't do that because the retard will get run-over or eaten by an eagle.