Is this bait?

Is capitalism good?
Is fascism good?
Is communism good?

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Is anything really good or bad?

It depends on perspective.

Yes no no

no no yes

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Explain, why you think this way?

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>cUb ID

Capitalism and communism (socialism) both aren't good alone. You must make a healthy mix with those two. We don't live in a completely capitalist world, neither do we live in a completely socialist one. There are small differences between the countries. Most countries lean more to capitalism, a few do lean more to socialism. And currently, China, a country with a communist party leading, has it's "Wirtschaftswunder". Showing that, even though they're not a capitalist-leaning state, they can have a working economy. Of course, the way the leading party is handling their workers isn't the best currently, but I'll tell you, the working conditions will become better over time.
They were a developing nation and currently are a emerging nation. Soon, they will belong to the industrial nations. When this happens, they will become more "western".

Pretty good answer

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>Is capitalism good?
>Is fascism good?
>Is communism good?


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Nice digits.

I used to be fine with the system as it is, but after the company I worked for closed down because one of the execs was doing some illegal shit I haven't been able to find work since. I don't actually think Communism is the solution, but the current system is flawed - I'm educated, capable of doing work, and more than willing to work, but I've been out of work for two years now functionally because my chosen industry is shrinking as more of it is automated, and because in entry level positions in other industries they'd have to pay me an adult wage instead of a junior one.

I'm more than a little disenfranchised by the whole situation, and have been meeting with a local socialist activist group when not volunteering, and frankly their ideals appeal to me as we move into an increasingly automated world. At what point have all the grunt level jobs been filled mechanically? Not to mention the fact that I'm bitterly angry at the Baby Boomers for demanding every last dollar we have for education, accommodation and the like, and then continuing to blame us whenever they stub their proverbial toe.

I don't want Communism per se, but I definitely want something to change.

Yeah, okay I can see where you're coming from.
Thanks for giving me an answer, I hope thing will come your way.

What do you think should be fix with the current system we have?

Fascism is A-OK

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all political systems would be good if people were perfect. the question is more of morality and practicality. and in my opinion communism is the most moral, but not practical at this moment in time. capitalism is far from moral, and no longer practical in its current form. fascism is neither moral or practical

I'm a labourer by trade with a passing association with a local socialist group - I don't know what will fix the current system really. What I want to see is the government cracking down on corporate tax evasion instead of giving tax cuts to millionaires - this trickle down shit doesn't help anyone. Put that money into a more robust welfare system and government job creation or re-education to allow people to enter different industries more easily. If you really want to crack down on NEETs and other parasites, do it, no skin off my balls, but making drastic cuts to welfare because of sweeping statements about a few bad apples hurt my ability to feed my kid.

>capitalism is far from moral, and no longer practical in its current form.
What's not practical about it?

Removes the practices of materialism that is ever so present in socialism and capitalism




in the US alone there’s 6 vacant houses for every homeless person, there’s more cars in the world than there are people, and we exceed all nations by far in waste of food. there’s no logical explanation for that much excess unless those basic needs of housing, food, and transportation were going to become free. but instead it’s only to increase revenue for the smallest portion of the population. but moreover, it’s illogical to put the future of the majority in the hands of a minority with an invested interest to work towards their personal cultivation of wealth

> Why?
Crypto is pure capitalism on steroids and it fucks most people over daily. So thats witnessed first hand, pure free market with no regulations just rapes majority into oblivion and with time people that got rich start to fuck each other over.
Fascism is just too authoritarian, simply doesn't work, people are just too different and it will always end is mass executions at some point.
Commies are just filthy jews trying to exploit other nations. Ruined my country so fuck them for that.

I agree with you there. I've so many people carrying around wads of cash while carrying food stamp cards. To me that's not fair, why is my tax's payer money going to this asshat. Don't get me wrong there are people out there that generally do need the help. I'm not sure how it is over there in Australia but over here we have a big drug problem. So I think we should do drug test if anybody wants government assistance. It's not perfect but it's a start.
I don't know, user.
What are some pros?
There are a lot of abandoned homes over here in Iowa and a lot of people are flipping them to resale them. As for the cars I know a lot place that are buying scrap cars and selling them for parts or using them for metals. Iowa has a Central Shelter & Services for the homeless but it's up to the ones that are homeless to work. We can alone house so much. I know it's sad to hear but it's reality. Your way of thinking is very admirable but if you give them everything, then why work?
Ever heard of the saying "teach a man to fish". The homeless with disabilities now that's a different story. I don't know where to start with that?
>but moreover, it’s illogical to put the future of the majority in the hands of a minority with an invested interest to work towards their personal cultivation of wealth
I agree
So what works for you?

Sorry if I sound weird, I haven't gone to bed yet

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Market economy with regulations should work, I mean it somewhat works right now irl, but when market starts controlling the government too much like whats happened in US it becomes a mess. Antimonopoly regulations should be stronger and corporations lobbying shouldn't be a thing, but its hard to get around it since everyone is greedy and sponsored politicians will always be a thing.

I'm torn to what I just read.
I really wish that there are more incorruptible people out there.
Thanks for sharing your view point

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capitalism is bad because it raises and falls, crash after boom crash after boom

fascism is bad because it only works for a short term and then bottoms out

communism is bad because it relies on people not behaving like people

the only answer is using what you need and not blindly adhering to one thing like it was a religion


a study from 2002 shows that 45% of homeless either have a job or had one in the past 30 days. the stereotype of homeless people being lazy is, in my opinion, a stockholm syndrome like symptom of capitalism. i would say the same for the idea of working explicitly for more rather than working for experience, passion, curiosity, or just for the general progress of society

*working explicitly for money

>capitalism is bad because it raises and falls, crash after boom crash after boom
>communism is bad because it relies on people not behaving like people
They are same economically, they are both pyramid systems, one just cannot sustain itself through multiple generations so you get things like USSR crumbling on itself and other one can, and can pretend to have pension and social system working until bubble bursts.

I guess but I'd say it's up to the person, generally speaking. Not just homeless but to everybody. If you feel like lounging around by all means do it but don't expect me giving you money for free. Believe me I've been stopped by multiple homeless people in gas stations asking for money. I look at them and tell them " I would pay you $10 if you could clean my car window" most of them do it and they other walk away.

you’re right, it’s up to the person, because regardless of the society you always have people with less work ethic than others. but from a practical standpoint, i just see waste of good as a greater evil than people working less because they have their basic needs met

>i just see waste of good as a greater evil than people working less because they have their basic needs met
It's hard but not impossible.
Capitalism to me is about creating your own destiny. You can be a man with nothing but if you have that drive, you can become a man with everything you need to live comfortably. I'll help you if you need it but you gotta meet me half-way there.
Capitalism is not perfect but it doesn't mean we can't improve it.
We this was a nice talk, user.
Thanks for sharing your view-point .
I'm going to bed.

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yeah get some sleep dummy

Not until I get the GET

you feel sleepy
head is heavy
eyelids closing

i believe in you

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I bet your bed is really comfy. Just go rest for a second, 44444 is too far away anyway.

Sorry no can do!

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Depends but usually no

Anaracho-Christianity is the only way

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>Is capitalism good?
>Is fascism good?
>Is communism good?

Philosopher kingsare the only correct political system

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blind adherence to a system or ideal is bad, even if you call it objectivism or pragmatism
