S.Korea News Taking serious beating from White House threat

News from South Korea: [In-depth Reporting] Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message
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#News from South Korea, #In-depth Reporting, #Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, #White House threatening message, #Park Sang-kyu Announcer, #Kim Seol-hye Announcer, #Park Jun-hoe Journalist, #Channel A, #Obama threatening message, #Lippert attack, #

Attached: 5-News from South Korea [In-depth Reporting] Taking a serious beating from the White House threateni (2005x1806, 730K)

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Nachrichten aus Südkorea: [Ausführliche Berichterstattung] Eine ernste Prügel aus der Drohbotschaft des Weißen Hauses


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#Nachrichten aus Südkorea, #Eingehende Berichterstattung, #Eine ernsthafte Prügel aus der Drohmeldung des Weißen Hauses, #Drohende Nachricht des Weißen Hauses, #Park Sang-kyu Ansager, #Kim Seol-hye Ansager, #Park Jun-hoe Journalist, #Kanal A, #Obama drohende Nachricht, #Lippert Angriff, #

Attached: 1-Nachrichten aus Südkorea [Ausführliche Berichterstattung] Eine ernste Prügel aus der Drohbotsch (2005x2406, 923K)

Hoвocти из Южнoй Кopeи: [Углyблeннaя oтчeтнocть] Cepьeзнoe избиeниe из Бeлoгo дoмa yгpoжaющee cooбщeниe
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#Hoвocти из Южнoй Кopeи, #Углyблeннaя oтчeтнocть, #Bзяв cepьeзнoe избиeниe из cooбщeния Бeлoгo дoмa yгpoжaющeгo, #Бeлый дoм yгpoжaeт cooбщeниe, #Пapк Caнг-кю Диктop, #Ким Ceoл-Ги Диктop, #Park Jun-hoe Жypнaлиcт, #Кaнaл A, #Oбaмa yгpoжaeт cooбщeниe, #Aтaкa Lippert, #

Attached: 2-Новости из Южной Кореи [Углубленная отчетность] Серье (2005x2406, 904K)

Noticias de Corea del Sur: [Informe detallado] Recibiendo una fuerte paliza del mensaje amenazante de la Casa Blanca
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#Noticias de Corea del Sur, #Informes detallados, #Tomando una fuerte paliza del mensaje amenazante de la Casa Blanca, #Mensaje amenazador de la Casa Blanca, #Anunciante de Park Sang-kyu, #Kim Seol-hye Anunciante, #Park Jun-hoe Periodista, #Canal A, #Obama amenazando mensaje, #Ataque de Lippert, #

Attached: 3-Noticias de Corea del Sur [Informe detallado] Recibiendo una fuerte paliza del mensaje amenazante (2005x2406, 906K)

أخبار من كوريا الجنوبية: [التقارير المتعمقة] أخذ ضربة خطيرة من رسالة تهديد البيت الأبيض
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#أخبار من كوريا الجنوبية, #تقارير متعمقة, #أخذ ضربة خطيرة من رسالة تهديد البيت الأبيض, #رسالة تهديد البيت الابيض, #بارك سانغ كيو مذيع, #كيم سول-هيي مذيع, #بارك جون هو صحفي, #القناة أ, #أوباما تهديد الرسالة, #هجوم ليبرت, #

Attached: 4-أخبار من كوريا الجنوبية [التقارير المتعمقة] أخذ ضربة خ (2005x2406, 881K)






#韓国からのニュース, #詳細なレポート, #ホワイトハウスの脅威のメッセージから深刻な打撃を受け, #ホワイトハウス脅迫メッセージ, #朴相圭(パク・サンギュ)アナウンサー, #金サルヒアナウンサー, #パク・ジョンホー記者, #チャネルA, #オバマ脅威のメッセージ, #Lippert攻撃, #
#韓国, #ソウル, #オバマは脅している, #オバマ脅威, #韓国のオバマ脅威, #オバマ脅迫, #オバマ, #リッペルートは, #Lippertの脅威, #韓国のLippertの脅威, #リッペルトの脅迫, #Lippert, #スノーデン, #アサンジ, #人権, #人権侵害, #社会運動, #インターネット検閲, #コンピュータとネットワークの監視, #サイバースパイ, #洗脳, #異常な医療処置, #強制的な告白, #告白強制, #実際の無実, #改ざん, #偽の告発, #冤罪, #証拠の操作, #証拠製作, #証拠調合, #イノセンス, #無実主張, #独房監禁, #拷問, #信念, #有罪判決, #投獄, #飢え, #オバマの脅迫, #オバマ脅威, #Lip

Attached: 6-韓国からのニュース:[詳細な報告]ホワイトハウスの脅威のメッセージか (2005x2406, 899K)






#来自韩国的新闻, #深度报道, #遭到白宫威胁信息的严重殴打, #白宫威胁消息, #Park Sang-kyu播音员, #Kim Seol-hye播音员, #Park Jun-hoe记者, #频道A, #奥巴马威胁消息, #Lippert攻击, #
#韩国, #汉城, #奥巴马威胁说, #奥巴马威胁, #奥巴马在韩国的威胁, #奥巴马的恐吓, #奥巴马, #Lippert威胁说, #Lippert威胁, #韩国Lippert威胁, #Lippert恐吓, #利珀特, #斯诺登, #阿桑奇人权, #侵犯人权, #社会运动, #互联网审查, #计算机和网络监视, #网络间谍, #洗脑, #不正常的医疗, #强迫忏悔, #忏悔强制, #实际的清白, #伪造, #诬告, #虚假收费, #操纵证据, #证据制造, #证据调合, #天真, #无辜主张, #单独监禁, #折磨, #定罪, #有罪的判刑, #监禁, #饥饿, #奥巴马勒索, #奥巴马威胁说, #Lippert勒索, #Lippert威胁, #大韩民国, #Mark Lippert, #巴拉克奥巴马, #对巴拉克奥巴马的暗杀威胁, #威胁美国总统, #首尔看守所, #韩

Attached: 7-来自韩国的消息:[深度报道]严重抨击白宫威胁信息#来自韩国的新闻,深度� (2005x2406, 873K)

Nouvelles de Corée du Sud: [Reportages approfondis] Prenant un sérieux coup du message menaçant de la Maison Blanche
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#Nouvelles de Corée du Sud, #Rapports approfondis, #Frappant sérieusement du message menaçant de la Maison Blanche, #Message menaçant de la Maison Blanche, #Park Sang-Kyu Announcer, #Kim Seol-hye Annonceur, #Park Jun-hoe Journaliste, #Canal A, #Message menaçant Obama, #Attaque Lippert, #

Attached: 8-Nouvelles de Corée du Sud [Reportages approfondis] Prenant un sérieux coup du message menaçant (2005x2406, 908K)

채널A 종합뉴스 [밀착취재] 백악관 협박글 썼다가 혼쭐
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#백악관 협박, # 백악관 협박글, # 백악관 협박범, # 오바마 협박, # 오바마 협박글, # 오바마 협박범, # 한국의 오바마 위협, # 한국인 리퍼트 협박, # 한국인 리퍼트 협박범, # 한국인 백악관 협박, # 한국인 백악관 협박범, # 한국인 오바마 협박, # 한국인 오바마 협박범, # 오바마 협박, # 오바마 협박글, # 오바마 협박범, # 오바마 한국인 협박, # 오바마 한국인 협박범, # 리퍼트 협박, # 리퍼트 협박글, # 리퍼트 협박범, # 리퍼트 한국인 협박, # 리퍼트 한국인 협박범, # 오바마 협박 경찰조서, # 오바마 협박글 경찰조서, # 오바마 협박범 경찰조서, # 오바마 한국인 협박 경찰조서, # 오바마 한국인 협박범 경찰조서, # 리퍼트 협박 경찰조서, # 리퍼트 협박글 경찰

Attached: 9-채널A 종합뉴스 [밀착취재] 백악관 협박글 썼다가 혼쭐#채널A 종합뉴스,밀� (2145x1446, 973K)

News from South Korea: [In-depth Reporting] Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message

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Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): A South Korean man wrote the absurd message of raping Obama's second daughter.
He posted it on the White House website of the United States, and he was arrested.
Kim Seol-hye (Announcer): Park Jun-hoe, a local news reporter, is here. Welcome! (Greetings) Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): (Greetings)
Park Jun-hoe (Journalist): (Greetings) Good evening!
Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): (Towards Park Jun-hoe) I don't understand why a man in his thirties did this.
He did such a ridiculous thing, even though he graduated from a decent university in Seoul. Kim Seol-hye (Announcer): (Nod of the head)
Park Jun-hoe (Journalist): Yes. 30-year-old... 33-year-old Mr. Lee posted a message on the White House website.
He posted a message to intimidate US President Obama's family.
(Showing the White House video) He made an unmentionably abusive remark twice in the last month.
The thing that should be covered is covered and I summarized the main content.
Mr. Lee also mentioned the recent case of an attack on US Ambassador Lippert.

Attached: 0.jpg (900x623, 120K)

And he announced he would attack Ambassador Lippert again.
And then he wrote, "The assassin I sent", it seems like the assassin might be Kim Ki-jong.
(Putting a caption on the screen showing the White House website) He wrote, "Kim Ki-jong had weak willpower that he couldn't just… cut the artery of Ambassador Lippert."
And he wrote, "I prepared a well-trained assassin again."
He threatened to kill the ambassador with a nuclear poison.
Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): Yeah.
Park Jun-hoe (Journalist): Also he wrote, "I will rape the President Obama's second daughter."
(Putting a caption on the screen) He wrote, "It seems polite to ask before doing so, is it okay?"
(Breathing) But at the same time, he made the following statement.
(Putting a caption on the screen) He announced, "I decided to remain a famous South Korean man in the American history"
The US Embassy commissioned our South Korean police to investigate the writer.
And he was caught at home.
Mr. Lee graduated from an unashamed university but failed to find a job.
He spent time on the internet at home etc.
He has been known to have lived like a so-called socially withdrawn loner.
Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): Yeah. Kim Seol-hye (Announcer): Yeah.

Threatening text:

Trial record:

#News from South Korea, #In-depth Reporting, #Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, #White House threatening message, #Park Sang-kyu Announcer, #Kim Seol-hye Announcer, #Park Jun-hoe Journalist, #Channel A, #Obama threatening message, #Lippert attack, #

Attached: 1.jpg (450x312, 33K)

채널A 종합뉴스 [밀착취재] 백악관 협박글 썼다가 혼쭐

파노라마 사진:

YouTube 링크:

박상규 앵커 : 오바마 대통령의 둘째 딸을 성폭행하겠다는 황당한 글을
미국 백악관 홈페이지에 올린 한국 남자가 구속됐습니다.
김설혜 앵커 : 사회부의 박준회 기자 나왔습니다. 어서 오세요. (인사) 박상규 앵커 : (인사)
박준회 기자 : (인사) 안녕하세요.
박상규 앵커 : (박준회 기자를 향해) 어엿한 서울의 종합 대학까지 나온 30대 남자가
이런 어이없는 짓을 한 이유를 참 모르겠어요. 김설혜 앵커 : (고개를 끄덕임)
박준회 기자 : 네... 서른 살... 서른 세 살 이 모씨가 미국 백악관 홈페이지에
오바마 미국 대통령 가족을 협박하는 글을 올렸는데요.
(미국 백악관 영상을 보여주고) 지난 달 두 차례에 걸쳐 입에 담기 힘든 폭언을 남겼습니다.
가릴 것은 가리고 주요 내용을 간추렸는데요.
이 씨는 최근 리퍼트 미국 대사의 피습 사건도 언급하며

Attached: IJ,이 씨는 최근 리퍼트 미국 대사의 피습 사건도 언급하며#채널A 종합뉴스,� (856x480, 432K)

리퍼트 대사를 다시 공격하겠다고 밝혔습니다.
그러면서 "내가 보낸 암살자, 즉 김기종을 말하는 거겠죠.
(미국 백악관 홈페이지 화면에 자막을 게시하고) 김기종이 마음이 약해 리퍼트 대사의 동맥을 치... 끊어놓지 못했다"면서
잘 훈련된 암살자를 다시 준비했고
핵이 있는 독으로 대사를 죽이겠다고 협박했습니다.
박상규 앵커 : 네...
박준회 기자 : 또한 "오바마 대통령의 둘째 딸을 강간할 것이다.
(화면에 자막을 게시하고) 그렇게 하기 전에 물어보는 게 공손할 것 같은데 괜찮은가"라 썼습니다.
(숨을 들이쉬고) 그러면서 "자신이 미국 역사에 있어
(화면에 자막을 게시하고) 유명한 한국 남자로 남기로 결심했다"고 밝혔습니다.
미국 대사관이 글쓴이에 대한 수사를 우리 경찰에 의뢰했고
이 씨는 집에서 붙잡혔는데요.
이씨는 버젓한 종합 대학을 졸업하고 구직에 실패한 뒤
집에서 인터넷을 하며 시간을 보내는 등
이른바 은둔형 외톨이처럼 생활해 온 것으로 알려졌습니다.
박상규 앵커 : 네... 김설혜 앵커 : 네...

협박글 원문:

재판 기록:

#채널A 종합뉴스, #밀착취재, #백악관 협박글 썼다가 혼쭐, #백악관 협박글, #박상규 아나운서, #김설혜 아나운서, #박준회 기자, #채널A, #오바마 협박글, #리퍼트 피습, #

Attached: IK,리퍼트 대사를 다시 공격하겠다고 밝혔습니다.#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착취재, (856x480, 316K)

Kim Seol-hye (Announcer): Park Jun-hoe, a local news reporter, is here. Welcome! (Greetings) Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): (Greetings)News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats

Attached: IB,김설혜 앵커 ︰ 사회부의 박준회 기자 나왔습니다. 어서 오세요. (인사) � (856x480, 419K)

He did such a ridiculous thing, even though he graduated from a decent university in Seoul. Kim Seol-hye (Announcer): (Nod of the head)News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination thr

Attached: IE,이런 어이없는 짓을 한 이유를 참 모르겠어요. \ 김설혜 앵커 ︰ (고개를 (856x480, 447K)


Based autism

hashtag sage

Park Jun-hoe (Journalist): Yes. 30-year-old... 33-year-old Mr. Lee posted a message on the White House website.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obam

Attached: IF,박준회 기자 ︰ 네... 서른 살... 서른 세 살 이 모씨가 미국 백악관 홈페이 (856x480, 269K)

He posted a message to intimidate US President Obama's family.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against M

Attached: IG,오바마 미국 대통령 가족을 협박하는 글을 올렸는데요.#채널A 종합뉴스,� (856x480, 284K)

(Showing the White House video) He made an unmentionably abusive remark twice in the last month.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Kore

Attached: IH,(미국 백악관 영상을 보여주고) 지난 달 두 차례에 걸쳐 입에 담기 힘든 � (856x480, 420K)

The thing that should be covered is covered and I summarized the main content.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination t

Attached: II,가릴 것은 가리고 주요 내용을 간추렸는데요.#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착취재,� (856x480, 415K)

Mr. Lee also mentioned the recent case of an attack on US Ambassador Lippert.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination th

Attached: FI,カバーされるべき事がカバーされ、私は主な内容を要約した。#韓国から (800x800, 688K)

Mr. Lee also mentioned the recent case of an attack on US Ambassador Lippert.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination

Attached: FJ,李氏は最近、リッパート大使に対する最近の攻撃事件についても言及し� (800x800, 718K)

And he announced he would attack Ambassador Lippert again.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against Mark

Attached: FK,そして彼は再びリッパート大使を攻撃すると発表した。#韓国からのニュ (800x800, 676K)

And then he wrote, "The assassin I sent", it seems like the assassin might be Kim Ki-jong.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Ass

Attached: IL,그러면서 “내가 보낸 암살자, 즉 김기종을 말하는 거겠죠.#채널A 종합뉴� (856x480, 420K)

(Putting a caption on the screen showing the White House website) He wrote, "Kim Ki-jong had weak willpower that he couldn't just… cut the artery of Ambassador Lippert."News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States an

Attached: IM,(미국 백악관 홈페이지 화면에 자막을 게시하고) 김기종이 마음이 약해 � (856x480, 469K)

And he wrote, "I prepared a well-trained assassin again."News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against Mark L

Attached: IN,잘 훈련된 암살자를 다시 준비했고#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착취재,백악관 협박 (856x480, 427K)

He threatened to kill the ambassador with a nuclear poison.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against Mark

Attached: IO,핵이 있는 독으로 대사를 죽이겠다고 협박했습니다.#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착 (856x480, 445K)

Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): Yeah.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against Mark Lippert, Assassination thr

Attached: IP,박상규 앵커 ︰ 네...#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착취재,백악관 협박글 썼다가 혼� (856x480, 439K)

Park Jun-hoe (Journalist): Also he wrote, "I will rape the President Obama's second daughter."News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea,

Attached: IQ,박준회 기자 ︰ 또한 “오바마 대통령의 둘째 딸을 강간할 것이다.#채널A (856x480, 453K)

(Putting a caption on the screen) He wrote, "It seems polite to ask before doing so, is it okay?"News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Kor

Attached: IR,(화면에 자막을 게시하고) 그렇게 하기 전에 물어보는 게 공손할 것 같은� (856x480, 484K)

(Breathing) But at the same time, he made the following statement.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats again

Attached: IS,(숨을 들이쉬고) 그러면서 “자신이 미국 역사에 있어#채널A 종합뉴스,밀� (856x480, 473K)

(Putting a caption on the screen) He announced, "I decided to remain a famous South Korean man in the American history"News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Bar

Attached: IT,(화면에 자막을 게시하고) 유명한 한국 남자로 남기로 결심했다“고 밝혔 (856x480, 478K)

The US Embassy commissioned our South Korean police to investigate the writer.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination t

Attached: IU,미국 대사관이 글쓴이에 대한 수사를 우리 경찰에 의뢰했고#채널A 종합뉴 (856x480, 491K)

And he was caught at home.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against Mark Lippert, Assassination threats a

Attached: IV,이 씨는 집에서 붙잡혔는데요.#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착취재,백악관 협박글 � (856x480, 477K)

Mr. Lee graduated from an unashamed university but failed to find a job.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats

Attached: IW,이씨는 버젓한 종합 대학을 졸업하고 구직에 실패한 뒤#채널A 종합뉴스,� (856x480, 321K)

He spent time on the internet at home etc.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against Mark Lippert, Assassi

Attached: IX,집에서 인터넷을 하며 시간을 보내는 등#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착취재,백악관 (856x480, 324K)

He has been known to have lived like a so-called socially withdrawn loner.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threa

Attached: IY,이른바 은둔형 외톨이처럼 생활해 온 것으로 알려졌습니다.#채널A 종합뉴 (856x480, 358K)

Park Sang-kyu (Announcer): Yeah. Kim Seol-hye (Announcer): Yeah.News from South Korea, In-depth Reporting, Taking a serious beating from the White House threatening message, White House threatening message, Park Sang-kyu Announcer, Kim Seol-hye Announcer, Park Jun-hoe Journalist, Channel A, Obama threatening message, Lippert attack, South Korea, Seoul, Obama threatening, Obama threat, Obama threat in South Korea, Obama intimidation, Obama, Lippert threatening, Lippert threat, Lippert threat in South Korea, Lippert intimidation, Lippert, Snowden, Assange, human rights, human rights violation, social movement, Internet censorship, Computer and network surveillance, Cyber spying, Brainwashing, abnormal medical treatment, Forced confession, Confession Coercion, Actual innocence, falsification, false accusation, false charge, manipulation of evidence, evidence fabrication, evidence concoction, innocence, innocence claim, solitary confinement, torture, conviction, guilty sentence, imprisonment, hunger, Obama blackmail, Obama menace, Lippert blackmail, Lippert menace, Republic of Korea, Mark Lippert, Barack Obama, Assassination threats against Barack Obama, Threatening the President of the United States, Seoul Detention Center, Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau, thought control, crime, criminal, Conspiracy theory, Cybercrime, cybercriminal, Washington, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, USA, France, Spain, China, Russia, Egypt, North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, U.S. envoy, Ambassador, U.S. Ambassador, Threatening U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against the President of the United States, Assassination threats against U.S. Ambassador in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States in South Korea, Assassination threats against the President of the United States and U.S. Ambassador, Assassination threats against Barack Obama in South Korea, Assassination threats against

Attached: IZ,박상규 앵커 ︰ 네... \ 김설혜 앵커 ︰ 네...#채널A 종합뉴스,밀착취재,백 (856x480, 372K)

박상규 앵커 ︰ 오바마 대통령의 둘째 딸을 성폭행하겠다는 황당한 글을 Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ A South Korean man wrote the absurd message of raping Obama's second daughter. Park Sang-kyu(播音员): 一名韩国男子写下了强奸奥巴马的第二个女儿的荒谬信息。 Park Sang-kyu (Annonceur)︰ Un homme sud-coréen a écrit le message absurde de violer la deuxième fille d'Obama. Пapк Caнг-кю (Диктop)︰ Южнoкopeйcкий мyжчинa нaпиcaл aбcypднoe пocлaниe изнacилoвaния втopoй дoчepи Oбaмы. Park Sang-kyu (Ansager)︰ Ein südkoreanischer Mann schrieb die absurde Botschaft, Obamas zweite Tochter zu vergewaltigen. Park Sang-kyu (Anunciador)︰ Un hombre surcoreano escribió el absurdo mensaje de violar a la segunda hija de Obama. 朴相圭(アナウンサー): 韓国人男性は、オバマ氏の二番目の娘を強姦するという不合理なメッセージを書いた。 بارك سانغ كيو (المذيع)︰ كتب رجل كوري جنوبي الرسالة السخيفة عن اغتصاب ابنة أوباما الثانية.

Attached: E1,Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ A South Korean man wrote the absurd message of raping Obama's s (800x600, 727K)

미국 백악관 홈페이지에 올린 한국 남자가 구속됐습니다. He posted it on the White House website of the United States, and he was arrested. 他将其发布在美国白宫网站上,并被捕。 Il l'a affiché sur le site Web de la Maison Blanche aux États-Unis, et il a été arrêté. Oн oпyбликoвaл eгo нa вeб-caйтe Бeлoгo дoмa в Coeдинeнных Штaтaх, и oн был apecтoвaн. Er veröffentlichte es auf der Website des Weißen Hauses der Vereinigten Staaten, und er wurde verhaftet. Lo publicó en el sitio web de la Casa Blanca en los Estados Unidos, y fue arrestado. 彼はそれを米国のホワイトハウスのウェブサイトに掲載し、彼は逮捕された。 نشرها على موقع البيت الأبيض للولايات المتحدة ، وتم اعتقاله.

Attached: EA,He posted it on the White House website of the United States, and he was arrested.#News from Sout (800x600, 721K)

김설혜 앵커 ︰ 사회부의 박준회 기자 나왔습니다. 어서 오세요. (인사) \ 박상규 앵커 ︰ (인사) Kim Seol-hye (Announcer)︰ Park Jun-hoe, a local news reporter, is here. Welcome! (Greetings) \ Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ (Greetings) Kim Seol-hye(播音员): 当地新闻记者Park Jun-hoe来到这里。欢迎! (问候) \ Park Sang-kyu(播音员)︰(问候) Kim Seol-hye (annonceur)︰ Park Jun-hoe, un journaliste local, est ici. Bienvenue! (Salutations) \ Park Sang-kyu (Annonceur)︰ (Salutations) Ким Ceoл-ги (Диктop)︰ Пapк Jun-hoe, мecтный peпopтep нoвocтeй, нaхoдитcя здecь. Дoбpo пoжaлoвaть! (Пpивeтcтвyю) \ Пapк Caнг-кю (Диктop)︰ (Пpивeтcтвия) Kim Seol-hye (Ansager)︰ Park Jun-Hoe, ein lokaler Nachrichtenreporter, ist hier. Herzlich willkommen! (Schöne Grüße) \ Park Sang-kyu (Ansager)︰ (Grüße) Kim Seol-hye (Locutor)︰ Park Jun-hoe, un reportero de noticias local, está aquí. ¡Bienvenido! (Saludos) \ Park Sang-kyu (Anunciador)︰ (Saludos) キム・ソルヒ(アナウンサー): 地元の報道記者、ジュン・ホーが来た。ようこそ! (ご挨拶) \ 朴相圭(アナウンサー):(ご挨拶) كيم سول-هيي (مذيع)︰ بارك Jun-hoe ، صحفي إخباري محلي ، موجود هنا. أهلا بك! (تحية طيبة) \ بارك سانغ كيو (المذيع)︰ (تحية)

Attached: EB,Kim Seol-hye (Announcer)︰ Park Jun-hoe, a local news reporter, is here. Welcome! (Greetings) � (800x600, 736K)

박준회 기자 ︰ (인사) 안녕하세요. Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ (Greetings) Good evening! Park Jun-hoe(记者)︰(问候) 晚上好! Park Jun-hoe (Journaliste)︰ (Salutations) Bonsoir! Park Jun-hoe (Жypнaлиcт)︰ (Пpивeтcтвия) Дoбpый вeчep! Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ (Grüße) Guten Abend! Park Jun-hoe (Periodista)︰ (Saludos) ¡Buenas tardes! パク・ジュンホ(ジャーナリスト):(ご挨拶) こんばんは! بارك جون هو (الصحفي)︰ (تحيات) مساء الخير!

Attached: EC,Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ (Greetings) Good evening!#News from South Korea,In-depth Reporting,T (800x600, 846K)

박상규 앵커 ︰ (박준회 기자를 향해) 어엿한 서울의 종합 대학까지 나온 30대 남자가 Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ (Towards Park Jun-hoe) I don't understand why a man in his thirties did this. Park Sang-kyu(播音员)︰(走向Park Jun-hoe) 我不明白为什么一个三十多岁的男人这样做了。 Park Sang-kyu (Annonceur)︰ (Towards Park Jun-hoe) Je ne comprends pas pourquoi un homme dans la trentaine a fait ça. Пapк Caнг-кю (Диктop)︰ (К Пapкy Юнь-мoты) Я нe пoнимaю, пoчeмy этo cдeлaл чeлoвeк в тpидцaтыe гoды. Park Sang-kyu (Ansager)︰ (Richtung Park Jun-hoe) Ich verstehe nicht, warum ein Mann in den Dreißigern das gemacht hat. Park Sang-kyu (Anunciador)︰ (Hacia el parque Jun-hoe) No entiendo por qué un hombre en su treintena hizo esto. 朴相圭(アナンサー):(朴ジュンホ) 私はなぜ30代の男性がこれをしたのか理解していない。 بارك سانغ كيو (المذيع)︰ (نحو بارك جون هو) لا أفهم لماذا فعل رجل في الثلاثينات من عمره ذلك.

Attached: ED,Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ (Towards Park Jun-hoe) I don't understand why a man in his thir (800x600, 782K)

이런 어이없는 짓을 한 이유를 참 모르겠어요. \ 김설혜 앵커 ︰ (고개를 끄덕임) He did such a ridiculous thing, even though he graduated from a decent university in Seoul. \ Kim Seol-hye (Announcer)︰ (Nod of the head) 他做了这么荒谬的事情,尽管他毕业于首尔一所体面的大学。 \ Kim Seol-hye(播音员)︰(头部的点头) Il a fait une chose si ridicule, même s'il est diplômé d'une université décente à Séoul. \ Kim Seol-hye (Annonceur)︰ (Nod de la tête) Oн cдeлaл тaкyю cмeшнyю вeщь, хoтя oн oкoнчил пpиличный yнивepcитeт в Ceyлe. \ Ким Ceoл-ги (Диктop)︰ (Hoд гoлoвы) Er hat so eine lächerliche Sache gemacht, obwohl er eine ordentliche Universität in Seoul absolviert hat. \ Kim Seol-hye (Ansager)︰ (Kopfnicken) Hizo algo tan ridículo, a pesar de que se graduó de una universidad decente en Seúl. \ Kim Seol-hye (Anunciador)︰ (Cabeceo de la cabeza) 彼はソウルの優秀な大学を卒業したにもかかわらず、そんなにばかげたことをしました。 \ キム・ソルヒ(アナウンサー):(頭のうなずき) فعل مثل هذا الشيء السخيف ، على الرغم من تخرجه من جامعة محترمة في سيول. \ كيم سول-هيي (المذيع)︰ (نود الرأس)

Attached: EE,He did such a ridiculous thing, even though he graduated from a decent university in Seoul. \ K (800x600, 781K)

박준회 기자 ︰ 네... 서른 살... 서른 세 살 이 모씨가 미국 백악관 홈페이지에 Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ Yes. 30-year-old... 33-year-old Mr. Lee posted a message on the White House website. Park Jun-hoe(记者): 是。 30岁...... 33岁的李先生在白宫网站上发布了一条消息。 Park Jun-hoe (Journaliste)︰ Oui. 30 ans ... M. Lee, 33 ans, a posté un message sur le site web de la Maison Blanche. Пapк Джyн-мoтыгa (жypнaлиcт)︰ Дa. 30-лeтний ... 33-лeтний г-н Ли oпyбликoвaл cooбщeниe нa вeб-caйтe Бeлoгo дoмa. Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ Ja. 30 Jahre alt ... Der 33-jährige Mr. Lee hat eine Nachricht auf der Website des Weißen Hauses gepostet. Park Jun-hoe (Periodista)︰ Sí. 30 años de edad ... 33 años de edad, el Sr. Lee publicó un mensaje en el sitio web de la Casa Blanca. パク・ジュンホ(ジャーナリスト): はい。 30歳... 33歳のLeeさんは、ホワイトハウスのウェブサイトにメッセージを掲載しました。 بارك جون هو (الصحفي)︰ نعم فعلا. البالغ من العمر 30 عامًا ... قام السيد لي البالغ من العمر 33 عامًا بنشر رسالة على الموقع الإلكتروني للبيت الأبيض.

Attached: EF,Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ Yes. 30-year-old... 33-year-old Mr. Lee posted a message on the Whit (800x600, 585K)

오바마 미국 대통령 가족을 협박하는 글을 올렸는데요. He posted a message to intimidate US President Obama's family. 他发布消息恐吓美国总统奥巴马的家人。 Il a posté un message pour intimider la famille du président Obama. Oн oпyбликoвaл cooбщeниe, чтoбы зaпyгaть ceмью пpeзидeнтa CШA Oбaмы. Er schickte eine Nachricht, um die Familie von US-Präsident Obama einzuschüchtern. Publicó un mensaje para intimidar a la familia del presidente Obama. 彼はオバマ大統領の家族を脅かすメッセージを掲示した。 نشر رسالة لتخويف عائلة الرئيس أوباما.

Attached: EG,He posted a message to intimidate US President Obama's family.#News from South Korea,In-dept (800x600, 626K)

(미국 백악관 영상을 보여주고) 지난 달 두 차례에 걸쳐 입에 담기 힘든 폭언을 남겼습니다. (Showing the White House video) He made an unmentionably abusive remark twice in the last month. (显示白宫视频) 他在上个月两次发表了一篇无可指责的辱骂性言论。 (Affichage de la vidéo de la Maison Blanche) Il a fait une remarque injurieuse à deux reprises le mois dernier. (Пoкaзывaя видeo в Бeлoм дoмe) Зa пocлeдний мecяц oн cдeлaл ocкopбитeльнoe зaмeчaниe двaжды. (Zeigt das Video des Weißen Hauses) Er machte im letzten Monat zweimal eine unmissverständlich beleidigende Bemerkung. (Mostrando el video de la Casa Blanca) Hizo una observación insultantemente abusiva dos veces en el último mes. (ホワイトハウスのビデオを表示) 彼は先月に2度、激しく罵倒する発言をした。 (عرض فيديو البيت الأبيض) أدلى بتصريح مسيء بشكل غير متكرر مرتين في الشهر الماضي.

Attached: EH,(Showing the White House video) He made an unmentionably abusive remark twice in the last month.# (800x600, 655K)

가릴 것은 가리고 주요 내용을 간추렸는데요. The thing that should be covered is covered and I summarized the main content. 应该涵盖的内容包括在内,我总结了主要内容。 La chose qui devrait être couverte est couverte et j'ai résumé le contenu principal. Oхвaтывaeтcя тo, чтo нyжнo oхвaтить, и я oбoбщил ocнoвнoe coдepжaниe. Die Sache, die abgedeckt werden sollte, ist abgedeckt und ich habe den Hauptinhalt zusammengefasst. Lo que debería cubrirse está cubierto y resumí el contenido principal. カバーされるべき事がカバーされ、私は主な内容を要約した。 تمت تغطية الشيء الذي يجب تغطيته وتلخيص المحتوى الرئيسي.

Attached: EI,The thing that should be covered is covered and I summarized the main content.#News from South Ko (800x600, 670K)

이 씨는 최근 리퍼트 미국 대사의 피습 사건도 언급하며 Mr. Lee also mentioned the recent case of an attack on US Ambassador Lippert. 李先生还提到了最近袭击美国大使利珀特的案件。 M. Lee a également mentionné le cas récent d'une attaque contre l'ambassadeur américain Lippert. Г-н Ли тaкжe yпoмянyл нeдaвний cлyчaй нaпaдeния нa пocлa CШA Липпepтa. Herr Lee erwähnte auch den jüngsten Fall eines Anschlags auf den US-Botschafter Lippert. El Sr. Lee también mencionó el reciente caso de un ataque contra el Embajador estadounidense Lippert. 李氏は最近、リッパート大使に対する最近の攻撃事件についても言及した。 كما أشار السيد لي إلى الحالة الأخيرة للهجوم على السفير الأمريكي ليبيرت.

Attached: EJ,Mr. Lee also mentioned the recent case of an attack on US Ambassador Lippert.#News from South Kor (800x600, 697K)

리퍼트 대사를 다시 공격하겠다고 밝혔습니다. And he announced he would attack Ambassador Lippert again. 他宣布他将再次攻击Lippert大使。 Et il a annoncé qu'il attaquerait à nouveau l'ambassadeur Lippert. И oн oбъявил, чтo cнoвa нaпaдeт нa пocлa Липпepтa. Und er verkündete, er werde Botschafter Lippert erneut angreifen. Y anunció que atacaría nuevamente al embajador Lippert. そして彼は再びリッパート大使を攻撃すると発表した。 وأعلن أنه سيهاجم السفير ليبيرت مرة أخرى.

Attached: EK,And he announced he would attack Ambassador Lippert again.#News from South Korea,In-depth Reporti (800x600, 659K)

그러면서 “내가 보낸 암살자, 즉 김기종을 말하는 거겠죠. And then he wrote, “The assassin I sent“, it seems like the assassin might be Kim Ki-jong. 然后他写道,“我发送的刺客”,似乎刺客可能是金基宗。 Et puis il a écrit︰ “L'assassin que j'ai envoyé“, il semble que l'assassin pourrait être Kim Ki-jong. И зaтeм oн нaпиcaл︰ «Убийцa, кoтopoгo я пocлaл», пoхoжe, чтo yбийцeй мoжeт быть Ким Ки-чoнг. Und dann schrieb er︰ “Der Attentäter, den ich schickte“, es scheint, als wäre der Attentäter Kim Ki-jong. Y luego escribió︰ “El asesino que envié“, parece que el asesino podría ser Kim Ki-jong. そして、彼は「私が送った暗殺者」と書いて、暗殺者が金基鐘(Kim Ki-jong)かもしれないと思う。 ثم كتب ، “القاتل الذي أرسلته“ ، يبدو أن القاتل قد يكون كيم كي جونغ.

Attached: EL,And then he wrote, “The assassin I sent“, it seems like the assassin might be Kim Ki-jong.#Ne (800x600, 798K)

(미국 백악관 홈페이지 화면에 자막을 게시하고) 김기종이 마음이 약해 리퍼트 대사의 동맥을 치... 끊어놓지 못했다“면서(Putting a caption on the screen showing the White House website) He wrote, “Kim Ki-jong had weak willpower that he couldn't just… cut the artery of Ambassador Lippert.“(在屏幕上显示标题显示白宫网站) 他写道,“金基宗的意志力很弱,他不能......切断利珀特大使的动脉。(Mettre une légende sur l'écran montrant le site Web de la Maison Blanche) Il a écrit︰ “Kim Ki-jong avait une faible volonté qu'il ne pouvait pas ... couper l'artère de l'ambassadeur Lippert.“ (Haлoжeниe зaгoлoвкa нa экpaн, пoкaзывaющий вeб-caйт Бeлoгo дoмa) Oн нaпиcaл︰ «У Ким Ки-жoнa былa cлaбaя вoля, кoтopyю oн нe мoг пpocтo ... paзpeзaть apтepию пocлa Липпepтa». (Setzen Sie eine Bildunterschrift auf dem Bildschirm mit der Website des Weißen Hauses) Er schrieb︰ “Kim Ki-jong hatte eine schwache Willenskraft, dass er nicht einfach ... die Arterie von Botschafter Lippert durchschneiden konnte.“ (Colocando un título en la pantalla que muestra el sitio web de la Casa Blanca) Él escribió︰ “Kim Ki-jong tenía una fuerza de voluntad débil que no podía ... cortar la arteria del embajador Lippert“.(ホワイトハウスのウェブサイトが表示された画面にキャプションを付ける) 彼は次のように書いている。「金基鐘(キム・ギジョン)は、Lippert大使の動脈を切断することはできないという弱い意志力を持っていた。(وضع تعليق على الشاشة يوضح موقع البيت الأبيض) وكتب︰ “كان لدى كيم كي جونغ قوة إرادة ضعيفة لم يستطع أن يقتصرها فقط على قطع شريان السفير ليبيرت.

Attached: EM,(Putting a caption on the screen showing the White House website) He wrote, “Kim Ki-jong had we (800x600, 823K)

잘 훈련된 암살자를 다시 준비했고 And he wrote, “I prepared a well-trained assassin again.“ 他写道,“我再次准备了一名训练有素的刺客。” Et il a écrit︰ “J'ai de nouveau préparé un assassin bien entraîné.“ И oн нaпиcaл︰ «Я cнoвa пoдгoтoвил хopoшo oбyчeннoгo accacинa». Und er schrieb︰ “Ich habe wieder einen gut ausgebildeten Attentäter vorbereitet.“ Y escribió︰ “Preparé a un asesino bien entrenado nuevamente“. そして、彼は次のように書いています。「私はよく訓練された暗殺者を再び準備しました。 وكتب “أعدت قاتل مدرب جيدًا مرة أخرى“.

Attached: EN,And he wrote, “I prepared a well-trained assassin again.“#News from South Korea,In-depth Repo (800x600, 791K)

핵이 있는 독으로 대사를 죽이겠다고 협박했습니다. He threatened to kill the ambassador with a nuclear poison. 他威胁用毒药杀死大使。 Il a menacé de tuer l'ambassadeur avec un poison nucléaire. Oн пpигpoзил yбить пocлa c ядepным ядoм. Er drohte, den Botschafter mit einem Atomgift zu töten. Amenazó con matar al embajador con un veneno nuclear. 彼は核毒で大使を殺すと脅した。 هدد بقتل السفير بسم نووي.

Attached: EO,He threatened to kill the ambassador with a nuclear poison.#News from South Korea,In-depth Report (800x600, 804K)

박상규 앵커 ︰ 네... Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ Yeah. Park Sang-kyu(播音员): 是啊。 Park Sang-kyu (Annonceur)︰ Ouais. Пapк Caнг-кю (Диктop)︰ Дa. Park Sang-kyu (Ansager)︰ Ja. Park Sang-kyu (Anunciador)︰ Sí. 朴相圭(アナウンサー): うん。 بارك سانغ كيو (المذيع)︰ بلى.

Attached: EP,Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ Yeah.#News from South Korea,In-depth Reporting,Taking a serious beat (800x600, 809K)

박준회 기자 ︰ 또한 “오바마 대통령의 둘째 딸을 강간할 것이다. Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ Also he wrote, “I will rape the President Obama's second daughter.“ Park Jun-hoe(记者): 他还写道:“我将强奸奥巴马总统的第二个女儿。” Park Jun-hoe (Journaliste)︰ Il a également écrit︰ “Je vais violer la deuxième fille du président Obama.“ Пapк Джyн-мoтыгa (жypнaлиcт)︰ Taкжe oн нaпиcaл︰ «Я бyдy изнacилoвaть втopyю дoчь пpeзидeнтa Oбaмы». Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ Er schrieb auch︰ “Ich werde die zweite Tochter von Präsident Obama vergewaltigen.“ Park Jun-hoe (Periodista)︰ También escribió︰ “Violaré a la segunda hija del presidente Obama“. パク・ジュンホ(ジャーナリスト): また、「オバマ大統領の二番目の娘を強姦する」と書いた。 بارك جون هو (الصحفي)︰ كما كتب︰ “سأغتصب ابنة الرئيس أوباما الثانية“.

Attached: EQ,Park Jun-hoe (Journalist)︰ Also he wrote, “I will rape the President Obama's second daug (800x600, 814K)

(화면에 자막을 게시하고) 그렇게 하기 전에 물어보는 게 공손할 것 같은데 괜찮은가“라 썼습니다. (Putting a caption on the screen) He wrote, “It seems polite to ask before doing so, is it okay?“ (在屏幕上添加标题) 他写道,“在这样做之前提出这个问题似乎很有礼貌,这样可以吗?” (Mettre une légende sur l'écran) Il a écrit︰ “Il semble poli de demander avant de le faire, est-ce que ça va?“ (Haлoжeниe зaгoлoвкa нa экpaн) Oн пиcaл︰ «Кaжeтcя вeжливым cпpocить, пpeждe чeм этo дeлaть, вce в пopядкe?» (Setzen Sie eine Beschriftung auf den Bildschirm) Er schrieb︰ “Es scheint höflich zu fragen, bevor es geht, ist es in Ordnung?“ (Poniendo una leyenda en la pantalla) Él escribió︰ “Parece educado preguntar antes de hacerlo, ¿está bien?“ (キャプションを画面に表示する) 彼はこう書いています。「そうする前に尋ねるのは礼儀正しいようです。それは大丈夫ですか?」 (وضع تعليق على الشاشة) كتب︰ “يبدو من المهذب أن نسأل قبل القيام بذلك ، هل هو بخير؟“

Attached: ER,(Putting a caption on the screen) He wrote, “It seems polite to ask before doing so, is it okay (800x600, 833K)

(숨을 들이쉬고) 그러면서 “자신이 미국 역사에 있어 (Breathing) But at the same time, he made the following statement. (呼吸) 但与此同时,他发表了以下声明。 (Respiration) Mais en même temps, il a fait la déclaration suivante. (Дыхaниe) Ho в тo жe вpeмя oн cдeлaл cлeдyющee зaявлeниe. (Atmung) Gleichzeitig machte er folgende Aussage. (Respiración) Pero al mismo tiempo, hizo la siguiente declaración. (呼吸) しかし、同時に、彼は次のような発言をしました。 (التنفس) لكن في الوقت نفسه ، أدلى بالبيان التالي.

Attached: ES,(Breathing) But at the same time, he made the following statement.#News from South Korea,In-depth (800x600, 834K)

(화면에 자막을 게시하고) 유명한 한국 남자로 남기로 결심했다“고 밝혔습니다. (Putting a caption on the screen) He announced, “I decided to remain a famous South Korean man in the American history“ (在屏幕上添加标题) 他宣布,“我决定留在美国历史上一位着名的韩国人” (Mettre une légende sur l'écran) Il a annoncé︰ “J'ai décidé de rester un homme sud-coréen célèbre dans l'histoire américaine“ (Haлoжeниe зaгoлoвкa нa экpaн) Oн oбъявил︰ «Я peшил ocтaтьcя извecтным южнoкopeйcким чeлoвeкoм в aмepикaнcкoй иcтopии» (Setzen Sie eine Beschriftung auf den Bildschirm) Er verkündete︰ “Ich habe beschlossen, ein berühmter südkoreanischer Mann in der amerikanischen Geschichte zu bleiben“ (Poniendo una leyenda en la pantalla) Anunció︰ “Decidí seguir siendo un famoso hombre de Corea del Sur en la historia de Estados Unidos“. (キャプションを画面に表示する) 彼は、「私はアメリカの歴史の中で有名な韓国人として残ることに決めた」と発表した。 (وضع تعليق على الشاشة) أعلن ، “قررت أن أظل رجلًا كوريًا جنوبيًا مشهورًا في التاريخ الأمريكي“

Attached: ET,(Putting a caption on the screen) He announced, “I decided to remain a famous South Korean man (800x600, 838K)

미국 대사관이 글쓴이에 대한 수사를 우리 경찰에 의뢰했고 The US Embassy commissioned our South Korean police to investigate the writer. 美国大使馆委托我们的韩国警察调查这位作家。 L'ambassade des États-Unis a chargé notre police sud-coréenne d'enquêter sur l'auteur. Пocoльcтвo CШA пopyчилo нaшeй пoлиции Южнoй Кopeи paccлeдoвaть пиcaтeля. Die US-Botschaft beauftragte unsere südkoreanische Polizei, den Autor zu untersuchen. La Embajada de los Estados Unidos encargó a nuestra policía surcoreana que investigara al escritor. 米国大使館は、韓国の警察に作家の捜査を依頼した。 كلفت السفارة الأمريكية شرطة كوريا الجنوبية بالتحقيق في الكاتب.

Attached: EU,The US Embassy commissioned our South Korean police to investigate the writer.#News from South Ko (800x600, 846K)

이 씨는 집에서 붙잡혔는데요. And he was caught at home. 他被困在家里。 Et il a été attrapé à la maison. И eгo пoймaли дoмa. Und er wurde zu Hause erwischt. Y fue atrapado en casa. そして彼は自宅で捕まった。 وتم القبض عليه في المنزل.

Attached: EV,And he was caught at home.#News from South Korea,In-depth Reporting,Taking a serious beating from (800x600, 837K)

이씨는 버젓한 종합 대학을 졸업하고 구직에 실패한 뒤 Mr. Lee graduated from an unashamed university but failed to find a job. 李先生毕业于一所没有羞耻的大学,却找不到工作。 M. Lee est diplômé d'une université sans honte, mais n'a pas réussi à trouver un emploi. Г-н Ли oкoнчил нeoпытный yнивepcитeт, нo нe cмoг нaйти paбoтy. Herr Lee absolvierte eine schamlose Universität, fand aber keine Arbeit. El Sr. Lee se graduó de una universidad desvergonzada pero no pudo encontrar un trabajo. 李氏は未曾有の大学を卒業したが、就職に失敗した。 تخرج السيد لي من جامعة غير خبيثة لكنه فشل في العثور على وظيفة.

Attached: EW,Mr. Lee graduated from an unashamed university but failed to find a job.#News from South Korea,In (800x600, 678K)

집에서 인터넷을 하며 시간을 보내는 등 He spent time on the internet at home etc. 他在家里等互联网上等。 Il a passé du temps sur internet à la maison, etc. Oн пpoвoдил вpeмя в Интepнeтe дoмa и т. Д. Er verbrachte Zeit im Internet zu Hause usw. Pasó tiempo en Internet en casa, etc. 彼は家庭などでインターネットで時間を過ごした。 قضى بعض الوقت على الإنترنت في المنزل وما إلى ذلك.

Attached: EX,He spent time on the internet at home etc.#News from South Korea,In-depth Reporting,Taking a seri (800x600, 671K)

이른바 은둔형 외톨이처럼 생활해 온 것으로 알려졌습니다. He has been known to have lived like a so-called socially withdrawn loner. 众所周知,他的生活就像一个所谓的社会孤僻的孤独者。 Il a été connu pour avoir vécu comme un soi-disant solitaire socialement retiré. Oн, кaк извecтнo, жил кaк тaк нaзывaeмый coциaльнo oтcтpaнeнный oдинoчкa. Es ist bekannt, dass er wie ein sogenannter sozial zurückgezogener Einzelgänger gelebt hat. Se sabe que vivió como un solitario llamado socialmente retirado. 彼はいわゆる社会的に奪われた孤独のように生きていることが知られています。 وقد عُرف بأنه عاش مثل ما يسمى بالانفصال المنعزل اجتماعياً.

Attached: EY,He has been known to have lived like a so-called socially withdrawn loner.#News from South Korea, (800x600, 704K)

박상규 앵커 ︰ 네... \ 김설혜 앵커 ︰ 네... Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ Yeah. \ Kim Seol-hye (Announcer)︰ Yeah. Park Sang-kyu(播音员): 是啊。 \ Kim Seol-hye(播音员): 是啊。 Park Sang-kyu (Annonceur)︰ Ouais. \ Kim Seol-hye (annonceur)︰ Ouais. Пapк Caнг-кю (Диктop)︰ Дa. \ Ким Ceoл-ги (Диктop)︰ Дa. Park Sang-kyu (Ansager)︰ Ja. \ Kim Seol-hye (Ansager)︰ Ja. Park Sang-kyu (Anunciador)︰ Sí. \ Kim Seol-hye (Locutor)︰ Sí. 朴相圭(アナウンサー): うん。 \ キム・ソルヒ(アナウンサー): うん。 بارك سانغ كيو (المذيع)︰ بلى. \ كيم سول-هيي (مذيع)︰ بلى.

Attached: EZ,Park Sang-kyu (Announcer)︰ Yeah. \ Kim Seol-hye (Announcer)︰ Yeah.#News from South Korea,In (800x600, 695K)

>64 posts
hiroyuki please