Post 2000 anime should be banned

Anime nowadays promotes pederasty, sex with little girls, female degeneracy, white genocide, and completely ugly.

The only anime allowed should only be whatever came before the year 2000. Most anime today sucks and japan is a shithole nation anyway.

Attached: anime sucks today.jpg (1920x1920, 1.82M)

Other urls found in this thread:

All anime is degenerate. Kys.

Not all anime is degenerate, just whatever came after 2000 and that isnt cell shaded.

japs are getting pay back turning white kids gay

its like telling a gaymer to stop gayming, or a junkie to just get clean, they are hooked. the feel good spot in their brain is triggered when engaging in these activities

how do you keep posting this dumb shit
your "lolis" image is a trap, there's even male symbols in the background

80's anime was the pinnacle.

The westerners caught onto it and that's what fucked it.
>But if we didn't get the sweet sweet trap anime Jow Forums would never had existed

>ss is ok but loli is bad
Be consistent fucker

>rape scenes
>not degenerate

Ghiblis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Disney


Go back to R*ddit

Jojo has terrible fucking animation.

any man above the age of 18 caught watching anime should be put in a concentration camp

>Berserk is degenerate
>DBZ is degenerate
This nigga dumb

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Different =/= bad. Just because it's not generic weeashit animation, doesn't make it bad.

You're a grown man watching cartoons. Can't think of anything more pathetic.

say the one who is contry is unable to afford it

anime is still great, you just gotta dig through the shit

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>Japan is base-

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Why the fuck are you commenting on this thread then? It's an argument about the era's of cartoons, if you don't like it GTFO. You're clearly some stupid boomer, and not an actual Jow Forums user

Based leaf desu, and no one wants to admit it.

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Sorry you got triggered, hon. Go back to your cartoons and video games and that should calm you down.

not all shows after 2000 are degenerate

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tell em pops

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nice meme! Mind if I save this one?

r u qt?

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Explain why this is objectively a bad way to waste time. Everyone needs some chill time where the brain can cool down, and this is an alright way to do it. The best argument you could possibly provide would be that I could be reading a book instead or something, but any book worth a damn is still mentally taxing

No, I want you to have it... Dad :)

You'll be last in the day of rake and a month pass. If weeaboos and anime are purged, you can stay.

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>has CBC
>says anime is degenerate

>using DBZ as an example of better animation

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Fuck off, anime is still leagues better than the hedonistic, racemixing, virtue-signalling garbage made in the West.

Those are Indonesian guest workers. Hopefully the nips learn from what happened with Turks in Europe and actually make sure they leave.

>anime today
>all from 10+ years ago

Attached: Japan-then-and-now--America-then-and-now-_t2er.jpg (948x886, 352K)

Source on the /ss/ ecchi anime

You don't like galactic heroes, dbz, classic simpsons, berserk, or home movies?
Not all cartoons are created equal faggot. 9/11 made me reply
And anyone wants to make fun of home movies look up coach New York Times or replace with dr Katz which is even more Jewish.

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>ss shota
still there
still there
>better animation
wrong, stills from DBZKai doesn't mean it was good
were shit back then, continue to remain shit
>hetero relationship
still there
>better stories
subjective opinion
like 1 show out of 50 running
your shitty harems pander to as wide of an audience as they can so they can generate sales
>horrible animation
depends on studio, time and money allocation, source material; and it's not like muh old animoos had better animation
>more gayshit
oh noooo, shows actually have some diversity now instead of being carbon copies of existing ones, crossdressing!!! never seen before

1/10 made me reply kill you're self op

Then whoever watches movies and tv should be put in death camps at 16, considering how garbage they are.

If you really can't find normal, entertaining post-2000 anime with a decent plot/storyline and not bad graphics and think it's all pederasty then you've gotta be specifically looking for that shit. Outlaw Star was like 98 or 99. Samurai Champloo, Death Note, literally some of the most known and sought after anime doesn't have shit to do with fucking kids. Newer shit has more storylines about teenage/high school years because that's the series main audience but you're probably some 15 year old hearing all the faggots at your school talking about how much they like yaoi mangas or some stupid shit. Blood+, Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate, Tokyo Ghoul, Deadman Wonderland all had like 16-20 something year olds but you're not going to watch any of them and be like "holy shit look at all this kid fucking and tits everywhere" unless you're brain is specifically focusing on that shit instead of the entertainment of the actual plot, character development etc. There is a niche market for weird tranny shit for sure but that has more to do with market trends and a handful of jap businessmen who get off on that shit. You sound like you don't have the brain capacity to field an entire genre so instead of taking two seconds to use your brain you just shit on the whole thing. I've got a box of DVDs from when I was younger my kids are probably going to get a kick out of like Trigun and Gundam shit that's more innocent than anything else new on television right now geared towards little kids. I got them as random birthday gifts or Christmas gifts over years and bought a few of the newer ones to check them out and support them. You anti-anime dipshits from plebbit have been trying this psy op for years now. Fact is when I have a son or daughter I can plop them in front of hours classic anime like Conan the Detective or Lupin the 3rd and they'll have even more fun and won't be brainfucked like kids raised on gendergueer faggot steven universe psy op bullshit.

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Im bored tell me all the shows i should be watching

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been watching stop! hibari-kun
a trap anime from 1983
*past 2010

i'm new to anime and even I can tell you that it's very easy to avoid the ecchi trash. Just look at the fucking episode thumbnails.

can we put this wall on the mexican border

Cowboy bebop, legend of the galactic heroes, anything by Satoshi Kon

>Trying to ban HXH's Chimera Ant arc.

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None ..
You're job was not to participate with entertainment it was to find the jew behind it

anything japanese post '94 is trash

get out of here

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Get the fuck off Jow Forums you foster's swilling hillbilly. This has always been an anime site and nothing's changed. What got your dick in a twist? Pointing out that there are far more subversive faggoty genres out there than anime that are targeting even younger children? You think something like Steven Universe, where literally everything is thinly veiled faggot and tranny propoganda, is preferrable for a kid to watch versus something like Conan the Detective? What kind of idiot are you exactly?

read my other posts faggot

fuck right off, you haven't bothered looking for the good stuff

Are you implying cowboy bebop is bad? I'll fucking rape you to death

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couldn't have said it better myself.

Oh yeah okay makes sense now. I didn't read that other post at all.

Reminder that in Japan: 1. It is heavily enforced to separate reality from fiction, those that can't are shunned by society and mocked as failures. 2. Anime isn't accepted as a normal hobby, keep it to yourself of face social mockery. 3. Traps are gay.

Okay, this is epic

Pre-2000 -- Cowboy Bebop, Legend of the Galactic Heroes(LotGH), Berserk
Post-2000 -- Death Note, Parasyte, Space Brothers, Haikyuu

Everything else is shit tbqh.
Also, LotGH is the absolute best.

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>All anime is degenerate. Kys.
That's where you're wrong kiddo

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Forgot about Parasyte that was a good one too imo.
Anime in japan is a completely normal hobby, just as much as any GoT or Walking Dead fan. Otakus are still made fun of but no shit any grown man that sits around 18 hours a day doing nothing but binge watching anime without a job is going to be shunned anywhere. Speaking on martket availability Japan is literally ground zero for producing not just anime and manga but all the billions of dollars of merch that goes along with it from hoodies to figures to playing cards and shit. Yeah I'm sure all those hundreds of thousands of people who make a living and feed their kids off anime totally shun the shit as a hobby. Get fucking real retard. You can watch the shit just like people click on an hour of reality TV a night and not be an otaku, unwashed NEET faggot. If anything the plot's and storylines are more mentally engaging than any "Real Housewives of Atlanta" nigger-tier shit that's so popular on cable right now where stupid cunts sit around boozing it up on TV and squabbling like fucking cats about who wore purple shoes today or some shit. Look at all the digital media choices you have like GoT, Walking Dead, Handmaid's Tale, Steven Universe, "reality" tv shows of any kind where fake retards ham it up for a camera for 30 minutes and all the other shit. If you think anime is worse or more destructive than most of that other shit, you might actually be retarded. Imo it's better than being stuck watching fucking ESPN all the goddamn time even though I love watching sports because 90% of other shit on cable is just unwatchable bullshit for incredibly dumbed down idiots. I'd rather kick a few bucks to some gooks who put in some time and put together an original plot then animated it all and put a cool soundtrack to it then watch the 10th season of "Nigger tattoo shop of Houston" or constant onslaught of "stand-up comedians" that are literally pure propogandists and not even funny at all.

I would fuck mitty.

this is what peak anime looks like, you may not like it...but its true.

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Based, good post.

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EM is endgame, bros

Oberstein did nothing wrong

But user he literally killed Kircheis but passing that stupid 'No Admiral can Conceal Carry' rule.

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The only people that are in the wrong are the ritarts that didn't search the casket.

japan is a western puppet that follows whatever the US tells it to, it doesn't matter if its culturally different because they'll be lapdogs no matter what

LM you asshole

So fucking what, a bunch of overweight otaku is not gonna change Japan but rather the future generation of children that are still taught valuables lessons by Heroes of Justice.

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Bleach is pretty masculine imo, and there are many great animes post 2000, but got it right

>Death Note
shit taste

Don’t forget Haikkyu

Classic Anime is more entertaining then anything produced in hollywood in the last 20 years

I know it's entry-tier shit but Death Note through episodes 1-26 is unironically pretty good.


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the truth ironically is most anime is enjoyed by women.
Even in weeb circles the myth anime was just enjoyed by creepy guys has been false for years.

All the kawaii girly stuff is for girls.

keep tellin yourself that retard

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OP is a fagot

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no kidding

>All anime is degenerate

this is an actual post made by someone on Jow Forums

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Megalo Box is a wonderful exception to the post-2000 anime shitshow

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creativity died in 2000

good man

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this shit plays in your country, shut the fuck up

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eternally based

1st anime I ever saw was Akira , all other anime was judged against that standard ,. Besides Akira the only anime I ever liked was FLCL .

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are u 12? grow tf up