These fine upstanding people are looking for a band name, can you help them?

These fine upstanding people are looking for a band name, can you help them?

Attached: Skärmklipp2.jpg (959x920, 143K)

>These fine upstanding people are looking for a band name, can you help them?

Butterbean and the Twigs

How is this political?


the blue wave and the orbits

The Onion and the Leeks

she can stand in the middle and they can call themselves lol

"No Jobs: No Genders"

Cucks and Posers

Frummpystilskin and the gender neutral elves.

OP and the Faggots

They're part of the anti-fascist protest against the Nordic Resistance Movement. They're about to beat up pic related.

Attached: 1511538260207.jpg (1100x733, 82K)

two bi fat?

Fatty and the faggots

The Resisters

Slampig and the Degenerates
"Slam Pig"
Los BetaFaggots
Los Undesirables
The Its

3 stooges.

Attached: MV5BNGJkY2VmNDAtZDMwNy00ZWQ0LWExMTgtMWRkYmVmMGZjYWY1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTIzOTk5ODM@._V1_.jpg (1012x1500, 279K)

Famous footwear

Dinner Roll and the Breadsticks

The Janitors
