What's a book that you genuinely loved and didnt read out of boredom r/bant? And why...

What's a book that you genuinely loved and didnt read out of boredom r/bant? And why? For me its colorless tsuku tazaki and his years of pilgrimage. I relate to the MC in so many ways

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fear n loathing in las vegas cuz i like

No Longer Human by Ozamu Dazai, I read it nearly every year.

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Romanzo criminale

I wish i could find that book. Ive had my eyes on it

Digital or physical? I read it first in English on my Kindle then I bought the dead tree version in Spanish.

The Martian was pretty good, read it before the film came out because I knew about it before the "hype". Book was significantly better than the film even if the film wasn't "incompetent"


Brothers karamazov

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Search in the Book Depository

Tales of a rat-hunting man

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>didnt read out of boredom r/bant?
I always read to be entertained or to learn.

Charles dickens really sparks my autism

i only remember the first chapter because i read it on a vocation to the coast

'what fire leaves us'

i have been looking for the fucking thing for a long time

Do they legit deliver from USA to other countries for free?

I've bought around 20 books from there. They're owned by Amazon.

The Grapes of Wrath

Do androids dream of electric sheep

I have read a few books. My favourites are the alchemist by paulo coelho and a history book named "man and science" by george georgiou aifantis

Reading that right now, very interesting book

Anything by Tolkien

Im glad that youre reading it. Its good.

Ive been reading something happened by that guy who wrote catch-22. Im bored to death of this guy's life. Its like reading a diary of some nobody from the 20th century

"No room for fax machines" by Marceline Gambo

>What's a book that you genuinely loved and didnt read out of boredom r/bant?
I enjoy reading. My favourite is Swann's Way, because Marcel's description of memory, identity creation through the environment and childhood really struck such a massive chord for me that it made me realise a lot about myself and spoke out something that I always

felt yet never could express.
Good book, School Girl is also recommended

Most books by Tolstoy
Count of Monte Cristo
Hunchback of Notre Dame

Secret history by Donna Tartt