/sig/ - self improvement general - a thousand mile journey starts with a step

Every Jow Forumsack has a moral duty to better themselves. This thread is for information, questions, and discussion on how to become a better man.

For beginners: ghostbin.com/paste/fsbxp

Iron Pill Diet: i.sli.mg/tjOtAn.jpg
TL;DR - get lots of protein, eat fruits and vegetables, cut down on junk food

How to Win Friends and Influence People: yourcoach.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Dale-Carnegie-How-to-win-friends-and-influence-people.pdf

>Dating & Women
Book of Pook: bookofpook.neocities.org/

>Other Self-Improvement
The Well-Cultured Anonymous: github.com/bibanon/bibanon/wiki/The-Return-of-the-Well-Cultured-Anonymous


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Other urls found in this thread:


To defeat the Jew IRL, you must defeat the Jew within yourself.

How to better yourself:

Go to the gym at least three times a week, and fill the other days with physical activity as well.
Take up one of the following physical hobbies to do on off days:
>Competitive Intramural Sport (soccer, football, basketball, lacrosse, etc.)
>Competitive court sports (tennis, badminton, racquetball, jai-alai)
>Natural activities (hiking, trail-building, rock-climbing, kayaking)
>Endurance/Conditioning (swimming, running, marathons, sprints, 5Ks)
>Combative sport (martial arts, wrestling, grappling, Jiu-Jitzu)
>Game sports (golf, skeet shooting, disc golf, archery)

If you do not participate in at LEAST one of these activities, you should start. Many of these are easy to pick up and have a thriving social community about them. Stay active, develop hobbies, and make friends at the same time.
This is the very good Jow Forums Sticky. Skip to the exercise section for some good starting routines if you’re new.

Stop consuming unnatural foods. Fast food, shit packaged food like potato chips, Doritos, candy. Instead, your snack food should be things like beef jerky, pistachios, almonds, raw spinach, carrots, cheese.
Eat fruit. Eat steak, eggs, nuts.
Eat veggies. Eat veggies that you grew yourself, if you can.
Eat fish. Eat fish that you caught yourself, if you can.

Stop drinking $8 craft hipster beer. There’s a reason they’re big right now, and it’s because the ATF doesn’t make them put nutrition facts on the cans. All those IPAs and Doubles and Stouts and craft shit usually hover around 30g carbs and 300+ calories each. Although the social benefits of drinking occasionally with friends does drastically outweigh the negative effects, you should still keep your drinks to one or two, whiskey or gin only.
Do not drink soda, ever. The only acceptable drinks are water, coffee, wine, and whiskey/gin (occasionally).

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Stop listening to degeneracy. Listen to things that are good for you.

youtube.com/watch?v=Isic2Z2e2xs [Open]
Prepare yourself for The Big Happening. Do you have enough food and water to survive two weeks in total isolation? Do you have enough toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, etc to survive total isolation for a month?

Respect yourself and your race. Dress well, and face the day. Wake up early and meditate at the beginning or the end of the day. Make your bed every morning. Do the dishes every evening. Tend your garden every afternoon.

And read at LEAST 500 pages a month. That’s 125 pages a week. The book can be anything. Ideally it should be non-fiction and historical literature, but if you want to read nothing but Nancy Drew novels and old diaries you bought off eBay, you’re still miles ahead of most other people you’ll ever come across in your life. Read 125 pages a week of anything.

Stop watching any kind of pornography. That includes soft porn or erotica. That should be the ultimate goal for you. You should understand that nothing in life is for free. Watching sexually arousing materials teaches your brain an easy and free way to satisfy one of the strongest needs: sexual need. Watching porn not only damages your brain but also supports this whole degenerated industry run by Jews. It is made for the sole purpose of destroying young, white males. If you have a strong sexual urge just use your imagination and masturbate. But remember: Don't do it more often than once in two weeks.
> youtube.com/watch?v=u4j2d7iLWsw& [Open]
>youtube.com/watch?v=njU4pROL9rM [Open]

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For those struggling with Nofap, first of all, it is worth it. You will regain so much, it is your virility, your manhood, your personality.



It is insanely difficult in the beginning. You have to distract yourself, do not ever give yourself free time, alone, with internet. Keep occupied, work, school, sports, if you feel it is worth it you will do so.

At some point you will hit a plateau, a connection. You are now in control, what was so difficult somehow is gone. You are at the fore front of your life, you will care way less of what people think, upward spirals in your life, strength not made of muscles but that which feed your muscles, and mind. Attraction like you have never seen, males and females. The source of passion, manliness, virtue. This is understating the effects of Nofap. There is so much more I can not think of right now.

I have been experimenting with Nofap (and tons of other things), I regard it as the strongest influence in a manly life.


"It is the only specific that keeps up true manliness."

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The kikes own the porn industry and they give it away for free. When have you ever known (((them))) to give anything away for free? Don't fall for it. Don't give in to your base instincts.

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Take your iodine faggots

Iodine is a necessary nutrient for your body.
> be 1930s
> put iodine in flour/bread
> all kids get smarter
> discover iodine boosts iq and brain function substantially
> can't have the goyim get smarter
> replace iodine with bromine, which is toxic to the brain and endocrine system
> good goyim, eat your wonder bread

Iodine detoxes bromide and fluoride from your brain's receptor cites and lodges there. Intelligence and brain function improve

How Adding Iodine To Salt Resulted In A Decade's Worth Of IQ Gains For The United States. businessinsider.com/iodization-effect-on-iq-2013-7?IR=T

IODINE Deficiency; Allowing Flouride, Bromide, and Chloride to Wreak Havok on our systems. archive.is/Eg7bI

The Guide to Supplementing
with Iodine. jeffreydachmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/The-Guide-to-Supplementing-with-Iodine-Stephanie-Burst-ND.pdf

Iodine is magical miracle - most underrated supplement! longecity.org/forum/topic/67063-iodine-is-magical-miracle-most-underrated-supplement/

Dr. David Brownstein talks about the importance of iodine. youtu.be/afZg2jzHuCs [Open]

Dr Group lecture on iodine
youtu.be/oDRd40VK5PY [Open]

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Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging, Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University
>in fasting, nerve pathways are activated that increase neuronal resistance to stress and age-related neurodegenerative disorders
> animals live 30% longer when put on an alternative day fasting and their nerve cells were more resistant to degeneration.
> Women on the 5:2 diet lost more body fat, retained more lean muscle mass, and had an improvement in glucose regulation
> fasting for 10 hours eliminates glucose stores in the liver. 12-16 hours turns fatty acids into keytones which are great energy source for cells especially brain neurons.
> BDNF is increased by intermittent fasting and is key in generating neurons, learning, memory, preventing cognitive degeneration, preventing depression, improving cognitive function.
> during fasting cells go into a protective mode, improving their ability to remove “molecular garbage.”
> it is possible to gain muscle during intermittent fasting
> many small meals is not as effective as intermittent fasting for increasing insulin sensitivity and combating diabetes.
> You are able to think more clearly and creatively in a fasted state
> Most cancer cells rely on glucose and are not able to metabolize ketones. Intermittent fasting and/or ketogenic diets, sometimes in combination with chemotherapy, may slow or stop tumor growth—and perhaps even protect normal cells
> Plato wrote that he did some of his best thinking while fasting. Upton Sinclair wrote “A Fasting Cure,” and even Mark Twain touted the benefits of fasting

Benefits of Fasting: Increase of neuro genesis, elimination of toxins, better sleep and focus, longevity and energy. youtu.be/PKfR6bAXr-c

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss w/ Jason Fung, MD youtube.com/watch?v=v9Aw0P7GjHE

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The first step to success is to start NoFap. Increased T levels, confidence, energy and overall feeling of masculinity really help with any task you shall embark upon.
Also remember to exercise, even if it means to do some pushups, pullups and maybe dumbbell curls.

Eat healthy, don't drink soft drinks, cut off sweets (except for dark chocolate), fastfood, alcohol and cigarettes (the last two are okey but only in small quantities).

Start reading a book and actually finish it. What I can recommend are:
>White Power by GLR
>Mein Kampf by AH

These two are redpills so massive, that they will change the way you perceive the world even if you considered yourself redpilled prior. They will also increase your ability to voice your views more coherently without sounding like a psycho fedora.

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What level are you? What do you have to do to get to the next level? What is holding you back?

I'm between 9 & 10. I need to read much more and work on communication, particularly inspiration. Also I need to work on patience.

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Haircuts are gay

cheat day for me today lads. gonna eat a chinese tonight

then next weeks its nothing but boiled eggs and smoothies. gonna get more reps in on my arms and do more planks/sit ups to sort out my belly etc. im gonna try and learn more about dieting in general through september and try and make some good gains for the rest of the year.

bump 4 /sig/

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I'm completely demoralized and want to become better but I just don't feel it. I understand that the difference between motivation and discipline is relying on emotion vs relying on will, with will being obviously superior, but how the fuck do I start. Everything is painful and it seems like no matter what I do I'm still fucked from the societal level all the way down to my own individual situation (have child support due to exwife becoming blue haired feminazi after marrying her because she was a good christian girl). Everything is so fucked and my soul is completely broken. My smile hasn't been functional in 4 years and I don't know how to come back.

Amazing feeling almost immediately after using. Clear focus all day.

Here's a /SIG/-ish discord server. Lots of pdfs of good right wing books here!

cold showers destroy depression and help sharpen the mind in the morning which combined with a little bit of caffeine and a good diet in general can help with motivation for the day

>before sig: sits in front of pc all day
>after sig: sits in front of pc all day


inb4 mods

Unfortunately some people will stay top of pic related till death. Others are lucky though.

>No Rollo Rational Male

You failed already

Roll. Also bump. Also thank you /SIG/ for helping me combat the blackpill inside of me. Also gas kikes.

sounds suspicious as fuck



Made it to the gym for the first time in months. Felt good.

I've been in great shape for years with regular gym attendance. Always ate well and never did drugs. Solid group of friends for over a decade. Several girlfriends and flings. Still miserable.

There's more to it than just this, boys. Men have a strong desire to succeed financially and be recognized for it. We're providers and it needs to be asserted that we can bring in what's needed and always relied upon.

World peace

Alright i haven't lifted in months; what's the best way to get back into it without getting tendonitis? Stretching and water? Is there anything else I should be doing?

>gonna eat a chinese tonight

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You need to recognize your goals. You have a child, you must do what is best for them. Do you want them to have a slob for a father? Is that the only child you want to have? Go out and start a family that will work. What can you do to make your childs life better? What do you need to make sure you are taken seriously and accomplish those goals.

The best solution I've found is to just have a family and work 60-80 hours a week at a trade job. No time to let the mind wander to things that'll give you a stiffy at the most inconvenient times ave cause you to dope out. My mind is occupied thinking about theoretical physics and futuristic megastructures while I'm welding or using the lathe or cutting rebar.

OP's pic is hifhly misleading. If you are that fat you will never look normal when you lose the weight. You will have flappy skin or huge scars from plastic surgery. Super lard asses should just an hero. I was 330lbs at 6ft 1 i lost 135lbs in 2 years and even i look like shit with shirt off. I might get decent aesthetics if I lean bulk on roids back to 250lbs or so...But I probably won't

Any redpills on introversion? I'm very introverted, even hanging out with people I like is super draining. I have a feeling that this isn't natural, because humans seem to be very social creatures. Living alone is a very new luxury. Just 70 years ago it was common for 10-20 people to share a small house. For me that would be absolute hell.


Redpilled books on relationships/masculinity etc. :

Rollo Tomassi - The Rational Male (read 5/5). What you must read if you read no other book on this list
Jack Donovan - The Way of Men (read 3.75/5: Important for understanding true tribal masculinity but he goes off on a tangent about globalism a bit too quickly. He should've introduced is as well as he introduced the idea of having to create your own civilization/tribe from scratch and having to determine the qualities you need from the men you trust)
Esther Perel - Mating in Captivity (important book. Still to read)
Sex at Dawn - Christopher Ryan, Cacilda Jetha

Have you got a decent amount of cash to blow? Set aside $1000 and purchase some manufacturing equipment. Vinyl cutter machine, laser engraver, wood engraver, automatic embroiderer, 3d printer, and get to work manufa Turing trinkets to sell. A fool and his money are easily parted. Pick a popular genre and just more or less copy what is already being done. Live laugh love tier shit.

Hell, buy some bags of concrete and mix them up and form landscaping blocks. There are a million ways to put yourself to workmaking something of value. Find something of value and emulate it. Then mechanized it, then delegate it. Boom, that's money.

But its no brag. Its actually incredibly alienating. Ive lost all my old friends. All of them. And family members who matter have shrunk to a handful.
At the same time I eat libshits for breakfast and I know for a fact I've redpilled at least a few normies and there is some satisfaction there.
But in the end what remains is a great disconnection. A great gulf. The loneliness is brutal. Not for the weak.


Depends on what you do for a living, Sven. If your job is very independent and care free, you won't feel the need to be social because you don't rely on it for success. The opposite is true if you work with clients and customers and have a team you have to constantly rely on to get the job done.

If you don't have a job, well, get one. Nothing more I can say about that. You need a stimulus

But now reading books instead of fapping to traps

Leave masturbation to gain more confidence.

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Susain Cain - Quiet
Haven't read it as of yet so I don't know if it's some bluepilled feel-good-about-yourself woman-circle jerking shit. Supposed to be about being an introvert.

Tbh user I've found that I prefer being alone. Even at college I don't seek out my friends too often, most of the time I go to the library and read (am reading Brave New World currently).
I think the redpill on introversion is that you should use it to read/expand your brain and become mentally 'ascended'

> friends
No, you just didn't have any to begin with. You know what they say about misery? It comes from miserable people. Keep on keeping on, if you are a 10, people look up to you, even if they don't show it, because they're 4s at the highest

Jesus the autism

I've got over 100k saved, some of it invested and some in cash awaiting a big correction.

I was more talking about having a high paying job with some status. Not so much having great side hustles that bring in extra money. Having to work several different jobs to make ends meet is low status, more so if it's physical labour.

most people get surgery to remove the flappy skin


Im between 8 & 9 but also a wamen so some things r N/A


quads or bust

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bowden-pill books

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>find anons
>rent a fucking house
>get work
>pay rent
>anyone asks who you are
>we wuz good boy americans/brits/germans/martians going to church getting them programs
>keep making money
>save money
>get more anons in
>reach out to average family and do normal shit like talk about bullshit stuff while helping clean up the community
>continue under radar until normalised

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yesterday i lost the no fap fapping to a gay with a big ass. Just fuck me shit out.

I will try again.

nofap now until end of year goal
we doing it boyos

trim your eyebrows....

trim.... WTF maing

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MODS dont move this to bant. The outwards image of a political idealist is important to implant a certain idea of who the person is and the possible reason of the politics he follows. Girls like muscles and swaying women for a political movement is important because they are like a pack of beasts- if one goes they all follow. And 50% if the population is women. MODS READ THIS

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Just fuck my shit up

If you have a really unkempt brow you should do soemthing about it. I use tweezers to pluck out some hairs, trimming is a bit gay though.


Its called being a Finn, burgerino.

Yeah and they have scars that make them look like they are puppets or something.

When's the optimal time to have a protein shake, pre or post-workout?

Doing god’s work OP.

The friendships were legit. But I was a different person.
Being a 9 or 10 is actually so at odds with the modern world I still struggle with taking the red pill at all. Perhaps we will always wonder if it was worth it, although youd probably remind me men like us never had a choice.

Biggest 3 for me:
Rollo Rational Male
Steve Sailer on anything but especially on race/genetics
Paglia Sexual Personae. Dont laugh. Its actually an epic call for white patriarchy, in the language of a Western Chauvinist art historian (despite some forgettable feministic forays)

Warning, blog post incoming.

I've been tapering off caffeine for the past 2 weeks. I have a 3-day weekend so today is my first day with no caffeine.

I've been drinking energy drinks for years, and eventually reached the point where I was drinking at least 1 bang a day (300mg caffeine). I tapered by taking a 200mg caffeine pill 1 week, then taking half the next week, today I'm off it.

It's a horrible crutch... not even that actually. I was at the point where the caffeine did nothing, I drank an energy drink just to reach the point where I was slightly below feeling normal.

In my opinion, caffeine in all forms is extremely overrated. Coffee, tea, energy drinks, all overrated and bad for you, don't listen to the hype. I'm getting back into daily meditation and including more cardio on top of my lifts. I want to feel natural energy and zest for life again, I don't want to have to take caffeine and amphetamine to fucking feel anything. I just want to feel fucking alive without having to use a chemical crutch. Fuck drugs.

rollin quads

Start with low weight and gradually increase it each workout

you can do it lad... but don't be surprised if you feel like shit for at least two weeks, but after you get past that your mind will start to work normally again. you can always use cold showers to wake up instead


Short answer is, it doesn't matter, you should do it whenever it's more convenient to you.

scars are better than flappy skin
good question. Jow Forums has a constant /sig/ on the board so you can always ask those guys... since they are experts in this shit

today will be 5th day of no fap this week
i restarted the babypips forex course this week after a few months break
i wrote down the 10 commandments and put them on my wall
good week actually, it's all starting to come together
i even cleaned my room fully for the first time in a few months

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I feel sick if I drink a shake pre-workout. I always do it post for that reason alone.

Dw, Brazil poster. As soon as the new prez gets elected and starts enacting US-like gun freedoms, you'll start being able to live a more conservative lifestyle which will draw your eyes and your mind away from fat ass shemale porn. It's hard, I know

Pretty much everything is already done, what do ?

Yes. The only difference is that i now have a BMI of 22, and can do 200kg deadlifts.

how to do i get the same satisfaction from reading books that i get from playing vidya? pc gaming has been my demon for many years

This. But seriously

>You will have flappy skin
If you lose weight when you're still healthy, and do it as a gradual thing, not a crash diet, I do not forsee this happening.

I’m improving myself fellow user! I’ve always had a supper skinny butt but now I’m upping my calories to fill it out xd


It is natural. Humans are social animals but that doesn't mean there is no variation within the same species. Introverts exist.

Does anyone have any well reasoned and solid arguments as to why carnism is acceptable or preferable as a diet, rather than soi-free veganism?
If factors surrounding
>Environmental impact
>Ethics of farming or killing animals
can be refuted wholly, I see no reason to continue this diet.

Do BCAA an hour before, and an hour after workout. Then eat a big protein rich meal (or a 1.5 scoop shake) two hours after working out.

Not just any books. FICTIONAL books that inspire you to look up new ideas and sciences that draw you to make your mark on the world, not fantasy bullshit.

Never confuse fantasy and fiction

Vidya just gives you the feeling of having made your mark by allowing you to run a program, interact with its given choices, and outputting a response that allows you to cheat your real world self.

At the end of the day you have to sit down and tell yourself "I accomplish nothing in the real world while interacting with this program"

Depends how flappy, I'll rather live with a bit loose skin than endure the pain and not being able to train for months and possible excessive scarring etc. complications.

Be more specific. Are you addicted to online gaming or just gaming in general? How do you deal with most games being shit?

Practice your social skills, you’ll learn that talking to and interacting with people is nice. And as you get better at it people will want to talk with you because now you’re interesting and funny.
As OP said read How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Also read As A Man Thinketh

Depends, you drink it before and then calorie load after if you want bulky muscles, eat before protein after if you want firm muscles. Depends on your body type and what muscles youre targeting that day

ON Serious Mass + Kale + Spinach + Poppy seeds + Almond milk + Peanut butter

Good shit, I swear on me mum

soi-free veganism seems pretty healthy but a nice meaty bit of protein every now and then isn't gonna hurt anyone (apart from the lamb kek

We are living in a time where people do not find it necessary to put in effort to do minimal effort tasks, I'd bet sooner rather than later there will be a market revolving around people who simply don't want to do simple things like getting out of bed or putting on clothes. Everyone wants to be spoonfed today for everything they do. This is the profound affect of technology on our civilization.

If you put in your /sig/ hardship into perspective, relative to your peers you are essentially creating your own independent space program compared to their science fair project that is the bare minimum to get a passing grade. Seriously, if you ever notice these patterns that people follow it will make your /sig/ journey so much easier. You will see that all the effort you put into yourself is completely justified

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