Got ya motherfucker

Got ya motherfucker

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Let's leave him here while we get ready

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preparations complete

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ready to go

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bye bye kitty

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haha where he is going

We may never know
I can only hope that the rest of the dumb kotposters will follow him there though




Just why?

Are you sending him down a river, a lake, or the sea?

The pacific.

>no related pictures found

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What the fuck dude?? Why kill a kitty? ISIS literally uses cages and drowning to kill people.

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Holy shit
lmao poor kot

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I can watch people get beheaded and feel nothing. Women getting raped, burned alive, run over by cars, nothing. But when I see something truly helpless get tortured, my heart sinks. I feel it in my gut. I feel what it is like to be human. To have compassion, empathy, and so many other emotions.

Hope he's alive.


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>the pacific.

I'm not buying it, post pics of the board floating far from shore

Put me in the screencap

only a kot id can save him


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cAt spells cat, motherfuckers

>kerdasi amaq