I'm gay and I like anime!

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Nobody cares that you're a fag. If you want attention, because of your sexuality, go on

bro i thimk its anti karenposter trolling

How old are you?

Oh, well. Still, if it's legit...

x^2-10x+y^2-20y=-125 what is x+y=?

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then we should use barrel bomb on that west homo do u guys use this salute?

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I'm 18 will you be my boyfriend...?

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use girls dumb homo

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Yeah. We use the salute.

so based

So you are a Karenposter?

That's kinda hot

For the next 15 minute okay
I'm 25 by the way

No it's not

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10 and a half is hot

I'd be gay too if I was a slag poster.

Can you not do math or something?

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Nope, don't even know multiplication. I just picked an age I find sexuality attractive.

you can just say u like anime, no need for redundancy

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Hehe yeah like that is actually my age, stupid aussie

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I hope it is though. Even if your lying I can close my eyes and pretend.

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