What did Nike do?

>checked twitter, everything is fine
>played some vidya
>people are burining Nike shoes now

What did I miss?

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>nigger from NFL kneeling at American anthem
>gets fired
>muh dik
>nigger is now the face of Nike's new products
>Americans got butthurt
>get shot

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I should have guessed it was something retarded like that, thanks.

just going to hijack this thread to say that nike shoes are absolutely terrible and actively harm your feet, no matter the price range

mfw been wearing $15 new balance tennis shoes for over a year now and they never fail me

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Can't relate, I've been fine with fairly cheap nike shoes, actually maybe the most comfortable I wore yet.

i thought it was nike uses 3rd world labor

based, nb are always pretty good. I stick to Asics and Mizunos nowadays though, generally.

Well the cheaper you go the less over-engineered they are so you tend to just get stuck with the "cheap shoe" problems as opposed to the "nike" problems. Nothing wrong with cheap shoes in general so long as you swap them out and let them air out so that they keep their spring. (Ideally let it air out for 24 hours every 24 hours but if you do it once a week or so it should still maintain the show well enough)

Yeah, they are fairly spent today but they lasted me a good 2 years or so.
Recently got newer, expensiver ones and they fell much diffirent, can't tell if worse or better yet.

Just be aware that sometimes overspecialized shoes can hurt you. I personally avoid designated pronators and supinators as I only have slightly altered walk pattern, and neutral center shoes work for me. I have a pronator that serves me well due to its thick inner and outer sole, though.

>tfw adidas boi
the based and redpilled athletic shoe brand. they also look a lot cooler than gayke (nike)

Yeah I don't even look for "specialized" shoes, I'll just get whatever feels the most comfy and doesn't look like barf.

Also something that fits my wide ass foot.

Adidas is almost just as bad lole. Still better than n*ke but it definitely underperforms for what they charge.

I got some new shoes a couple months ago as it was buy one get one half off. I swap between them based on whether I am wearing shorts or pants. Should keep them going for a while.

>Also something that fits my wide ass foot.
Ah, a fellow squatch. Yeah, it's not fun shopping for wide shoes. Such little variety, and not like ordering online would let you try them on first.

based, hope they hold up for your sake.

Also I tend to stick to the faux-hiking tennis shoes for my everyday pairs as I feel they tend to hold up for a longer period of time. It's also more obvious when they're getting unusable because of the extra depth in the sole pattern.

I'm lame and like more of the skater/vans style so I got supras. Probably not the best but I like them.

Wide foot gang rise up.
But yeah it sucks, especially when you find really good shoes but they dont fit, then you have to get a bugger number which makes you look like a circus clown.

As long as you don't hurt your feet and give them something cushy every once in a while (not memory foam though it's worthless in shoes, deforms irreversably after like 2 days of use max)

I know the pain. I used to be super confused when I was younger and was going up and down sizes etc. I think I still have a pair of 15's from before I realized I was 14-4e. (sorry that I don't know the euro conversion for shoe sizes)

Colin Kappernig is a model for their shoes or something. to be completely honest i find kapernicks form of protest to be infinitely mote respectful than BLM protesters who destroy private property and loot from the local businesses.

Nike made a retarded 30th anniversary decision to have an awful handegg player who was only known for kneeling during the national anthem to be the face of resistance and sacrifice despite getting paid millions by the NFL and now getting paid millions to be in Nike advertising.
I honestly don't understand why Nike thought this was a good business decision.

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>tfw when Cyka

Also, is LAIKA gonna be bankrupt soon.


i miss when he played. my team used to be good back then. jim harbaugh was fun af to watch, too.