Porn Makes Me Violent

Please remove the porn ads.
I spend all day every day here and I'm literally in tears after having to spend today looking at sex images.
Porn is a weapon.
Stop using this weapon to frustrate me and my fellow Jow Forums and Jow Forums brothers.

I'm a man, I'm addicted to porn like many of you accept O fight my addiction and don't give in because porn ruins society.
I'm now viewing porn because the ads turned me on.

I hate myself but I'm starting to hate you supposed "humans" even more.

Is this what a school shooter feels like?

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"porn makes me violent"

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Nigga, just close ur eyes. Like, turn off the pc.

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>nigga never heard of adblockers

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Jezebels are my muse because with every jezebel I see, my hate for Jow Forums and humanity in general is stoked like a noxious fire. This fire fuels my writing processes, and I try my best to channel it into something of artistic and creative merit -- but, alas, in the end my brain is seared by images of mocking jezebels. These scantily clad women are an anti-muse to me. They seek to take away my monolithic writing fortitude and replace it with sinful thought. For all the jezebel posters reading this, I feel no hatred towards you. I only feel a mild indifference: how could you know what you are doing with every click of that "post" button? And this has been why I consider Jow Forums jezebels to be my collective muse. Thank you.

I hate porn ads but for a different reason. Seeing ugly grannies and dicks turns me off when I'm trying to fap to loli.

The Jezebelposting problem had intensified, and threatened to consume the entire board. The meteoric rise in Jezebels coincided with an inverse and proportional fall in posting quality; the precipitous decline was inevitable, but one could scarcely have predicted it would have come with an army of jpg. succubi. The old guard resigned itself to the board's fate, and many left so as to avoid the full extent of the downfall. Those who remained cried out in anguish each time they were confronted with another lurid jezebel starring daringly at them from their computer screens. "STOP posting jezebels!" they exclaimed, cock in one hand and mouse in the other. It is one thing to have an unsuccessful love life, but it is an entirely different thing to be reminded of that failure when simply trying to discuss whether DFW would have an iPad if he were alive today. If some had their way, literature would be as sexless as they were- or at least literature boards. Regardless, the puritanical chorus raised the issue in every thread started with a vivacious young woman wearing form-fitting dresses or athletic shorts revealing an excessive amount of thigh. "Stop posting bare cute feet!" blurted one beleaguered user, so aroused he struggled to make the post. It was over all quite a ghastly scene, with such raffish men frothing at the mouth, shouting at computer screens and their own libidinal energies.

You're in the wrong place Jezebel. All that you'll find here are lonely, shy, inarticulate homebodies. Even if you do find someone out of the half dozen or so replies, it won't amount to anything more than a few minutes of human connection followed by intense disgust and regret; it will be like the rest of your life—disappointment towards the scheming, slimy, dishonest humans who never quite live up to that heroic ideal you've built in your mind. Houellebecq writes: "Once you have developed a sufficiently ideal, noble, and perfect sense of love, you are done for. Nothing, henceforth, will suffice." I suggest ice cream and cats.

shhh It will drive brainlets and faggots out of the board. That's all we need, and it's a good thing.

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Oh boy, more jezebel-posting attention seeking
Fuck you, im not clicking your link
Begone from my intellectual discussion forum, lowly hippocampuw glorfier
Attempt to garner attention through obscene usage of carnal visual aids elsewhere, bottom feeding SCUM

No. The long answer is that if you are an attractive enough/morally strong enough person to change a girl from a whore into a good Christian girl, you wouldn't need to waste your time on a whore, you would just find a good Christian girl to wife up.

If you're not morally strong enough, it doesn't matter how good you look. She'll take her cue from you and go back to being a jezebel. If you're not attractive enough, she won't bother with you because she's a jezebel. She'll only mess with someone she perceives to be more attractive than herself; she won't date down. The only reason she would date someone less attractive than her would be out of desperation, and as soon as an alternative comes along she'll go with that guy because she's a jezebel.

But once you're at a stage where you are attractive and morally strong (enough), it begs the question as to why you're dealing with this girl. There's only a couple of reasonable explanations, the most likely being that you have some prior history with her. Even if you have a prior history, there's only so many situations where you won't be revealing a sort of weakness by dating her.

So no, it isn't worth it. You could be putting your effort into bettering yourself, or into a girl who isn't a whore. There are only a very limited number of situations where it is worth it.

>Is this what a school shooter feels like?

Now, now, Hungary. Don't go ahead and pull an Jow Forums on us

I literally just started seeing porn ads on this board like 3 days ago. That was one of the reasons I liked Jow Forums, because no porn. But here it is.

A Spectre is haunting Jow Forums--the Spectre of Jezebel's! More importantly it is the spirit of low effort posting, baiting,porn posting, e-celeb worship, and social media screenshots. What is the cause of this predicament? Surely human nature, but every human vice has it's outlet, and that outlet is Image posting. Since the very Genesis of political thought LAWS have been considered instructive, and guide or inhibit the worse side of our nature. Just as Plato recognized that allowing certain forms of music would allow individuals to indulge and develop thier vices, so must the Mods recognize that allowing image posting feeds the destructive activities that corrupt this board. How many threads must be lost to shitposts? How many well meaning anons must see their effort-posts bumped from the catalog with 3 replies by bait threads that garner 100's? No more! all this could be solved by one simple action--make Jow Forums a text only board. Will there be backlash? surely. Will our numbers thin? Most likely; but what great change hasn't encountered adversity? None, and we mustn't shy away from the correct path simply because it is lined with thorns. With your help we can make this board safe for literature, and real discussion.

I think I'm starting to crack the code of Jezebel posting, so I'll present my hypothesis in hope to ease the pain of my fellow sufferers. Now I'd like to begin with the distinction between women that are Jezebel's or pretend to be one of them and those who are just simply beautiful or hot. The latter group of women, more precisely photos of them, appeal to the "natural" beauty of feminine essence. Pictures of them mostly show normie women with great bodies standing in poses that look like they are taken from established catalog of model training. Those picture mostly appeal those who find nice curves, big tits and fat asses exciting.
Now, the Jezebel posting is something a little bit more distinct. As you can see from the op's image, the appeal of it lies not in the model-like appearance of the female and not in the ripe curves of her "natural" body. Those are absolutely absent. What it tries to make explicit and where its effect is grounded, is in the certain structure of fantasmatic elements. Cat ears, her pose, milk being poured on her tongue depicts well known Neko fetish that comes from Japan and has its own category in anime. Jezebel posting combines elements of "real" women (3D) with imaginary images (2D). In this way it creates surplus enjoyment (you not only enjoy the beauty of the female but also the fantasy elements).
This explains why Jow Forums posters are so frustrated by Jezebels. We know from experience that enjoying 2D anime girls can be viewed as compromise to feeling attraction towards real life girls (I can't have any contact with real life girls, so I'll choose anime girl which will be at my will). What Jezebel posting does is that it mixes the sacred (fantasmatic imago of certain fetishes) with profane (3D women). You then see beautiful women appropriating fantasmatic anime culture and second object choice of those who had to make a compromise.

Complaining about Jezebel posting only serves to strengthen the resolve of Jezebel posters. To combat this plague upon this board anons must change the approach. From now on, the sight of a Jezebel must strengthen the resolve toward chastity and the pursuit of truth. The best tactic here is, not to turn away the eyes, but to have compassion on the Jezebels, to see, for instance, that look of desperation and boredom in their eyes, and to have a sort of detached pity on them, and then to see how they have dolled themselves up with eye shadow and lipstick, and to get a sick feeling in your stomach, knowing that a person has deliberately degraded themselves for the sake of attention, on account of their despicably weak capacity to feel shame. Think of the user who posted the image, how he, yielding to his own lust, saved the picture on his computer, knowing full well that he was to act out of some sadistic impulse and post the picture, even without any kind of relation to the comment. How he must have derived some subtle, sick pleasure out of considering that other anons would become weak and distracted by it, and knowing at the same time that he was abusing the apathetic insecurity of some young woman. Learn to find it strangely horrific that young women have a lost look in their eyes, as though they were men that fell into a kind of feminine stupor and suddenly became strongly identified with showing off their bare skin and looking like they want to be preyed upon in animalistic fashion.

If, on the contrary we see a woman with none of these characteristics, who yet appears alluring, one must consider the possibility that she has made the noble pledge of chastity herself, and would be utterly horrified to find a man huffing over her in a savage way or scanning her body with his eyes, licking his lips and so forth. We must all become partners in Christ and feel sorrow for these Jezebels, and become sick with ourselves for behaving like beasts driven by blind lust. Do not wish for your sisters to debase themselves in an ugly or crude way, rather exhibit through your pure, concentrated will to truth a true manhood which helps to restrain the wild feminine impulses which yield to the ridiculous and the superfluous.

didnt read lol

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porn is bad

this is not rite to me

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If you are too much of a brainlet to install ublock you deserve it

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