Is suicide the only way out ?

is suicide the only way out ?

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out of what?

You can die on the battlefield

this whole misery shit
no troll replies

Explain lad, what you wanna do that you can't do and get you depressed?

The war ending anytime soon?

>no troll replies
I'm serious

i want to get out of this shithole , can't wait any more , don't want no money no degree no career shit nothing just sit on the street of a good country
yes it seems but it won't get that better as you think
don't want to die for traitors


Try to help others whenever you can, joke around and stuff

What do you think about the ones that left and went to europe?
Did you wish you gone with them at the time if you had the chance?

Die for isis


maybe, id say drugs but they will take you there
its still worth it tho, why be miserable
im miserably bored

yes, boy

who are traitors? also what is a good country? is Russia good enough for ya?

slava ukraine

how is that gonna get me out of here ?
i envy them , i regret not going every fucking day
you know i didn't make a decision not to go
but not taking a decisions was still a decision
fuck my lo iq 17 yo ass
no troll
then what ?
because life is shit ?

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Not gonna get you out, but by helping others you will feel better?
Because i do. Well, i'm not in your situation tho

who are the traitors?

I would give you a hug right now, no homo

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Russia bro is right. Military will give you a new life. It will sacrifice for you if you sacrifice for it. Im more sad now that im not in it anymore.

your life is shit, maybe you could turn that around
thats what keeps me going
one day Ill be rich enough that I will be able to spend my days submerged in self indulgence
if that doesnt work then ill do whatever it takes to be as high as I can for as long as I can, maybe work at a mcdonalds or idk, until one day I kill myself or something else happens

its sad that you enjoyed it on the first place
find a purpose that wasnt given to you

depression makes you dumb, just so you know
motivation is everything

I do have a purpose, you assume to much. The brotherhood is what I miss.

belonging to something bigger than yourself? join a book club, idk


wtf are you on about?

WHO ARE TRAITORS!!!!!!?????????

Where were you been any hot zones?

Al Qaeda spotted

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Idk, im a bit drunk and I just reply to everything

can't help others when i don't know how to help myself
everyone who betrayed the Syrian people
and this could-have-been beautiful country
fuck them
thanks man
man you don't know how it is , people be risking their lives just to escape going into the army ..
i know i can turn it around
i just don't want to do it or can do it here

Only been to Kandahar on the airfield, only took incoming a few times and helped with a blood bank for a Romanian soldier that lived. Otherwise I spent time in garrison jumping out of airplanes.

is assad is traitor in ur opinion? also iran and china will rebuild your country so dont worry

what should ur country do in syrian conglin in ur opinion?

well, you can be a refugee in Europe, probably

>i just don't want to do it or can do it here
we are on the same boat user
you need help, you have to find your drive to get out. brainwash yourself and hold onto any thread of motivation you can find. Im a mess so dont take my word for it

seek medical help, but most importantly find your motivation and hold on to it

how ?

I don't know, use search site

I grew up in the Gulf so I have my own opinions that differ greatly to most Americans. I prefer Shia to Sunni muslims. I prefer Iranians, Syrians and Lebanese people over gulf Arabs. If I was in charge we would be allies with Iran and Syria not KSA. Fucking Saudis are huge jews, lazy as fuck. We shouldnt bother with the place its too far away anyway. If we wanna shoot niggers then we should be doing it in South America.

based , stay based bro

Remove Chechens please.

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pssst be silent (((( he)))) can hear us

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Are you just a Brit living in Italy? Because no Italian says lad

Nah, idk why i started using lad, probably cuz those hey lads threads

Blow a bomb out your ass for Allah

suicide is a way in to hell

are you Orthodox Christian?

the sentiment is true for all denominations

If you really are ready to die then you can at least try something. Don't just kill yourself in some dank cellar, but pick a direction and just go. See what happens. What's gonna stop you if you don't fear death? Maybe you'll end up like that guy who went to mexico to kill himself, did hookers and cocaine for a week and decided to keep living.

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so i should go full retard stop everything i do and try to go to europe ?

Come to the States. Europe is gonna collapse in a few years, we have lots of space.

how is europe gonna collapse ?
that said i will like being in us more but that shit is even harder

Join the Army and tell people you hate sandniggers it will make them laugh. It will be safer than living in a black neighborhood unironically.


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Not sure about other countries but the UK is certainly falling to pieces.
The only parties capable of winning elections are falling to pieces, one is run by a literal commie the other a spineless centrist.
The police are unable to do their jobs due to a mix of cuts and red tape so crime has skyrocketed and London especially is headed the way of South Africa
Socialism seems to be really gaining traction here now because the Conservatives have fucked up big time, it will almost certainly happen and the result wont be pretty
Any economic hope the country had is about to disappear with Brexit
The only way anything is really gonna change for the better is violence, and I think a storm is brewing.

>depressed syrian
yes, do it faggot

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go to europe and become a rapist and petty thug
then become radicalized on facebook and participate in a terrorist attack against the country that gave you refuge. make sure you kill women and children too.

I hope you're okay Syrian user.

there is no way out, suicide only makes it worse