Whiter than you, muhammad

>whiter than you, muhammad

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Yeah, well that guy is equal in mass to at least 4 lanklet yuropoors, so stay mad.
1 American white > 1 Eur*pean white


how the fuck does this happen?


Probably lives with his mom and doesn't go out. His lack of social life or success with women has led his overly-caring mother to pity him and seek to provide with whatever comfort he requires. So she feeds him. It makes him happy, and in a sad world like hers, that makes her feel some twinge of happiness too.

Combine that with a regular dosage of medications so he doesn't just fucking kill himself because he's a failure, and you've got a 450lb sack of shit like that.

>Pink Nipples
Probably true

In awe at the size of this lad.

>miniority wymyn crave white men

Attached: cringe4.png (579x720, 391K)


Is he stuck?

absolute tank

no the walls in the US are usually fairly pliable so you can still get through hall ways if you are a little bigger

>Widescreen enabled

what a monstrosity

100% dense burger meat, why do mutt abominations don't recognize their degeneracy?

my only hope is that she milks him once a week to keep that prostate healthy!

Get your shit together Fingolia

It's called Freedom, asshole. He is 400 pounds of pure American freedom

watch yourself kraut

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Holy fucking shit


the human body is amazing

watch a few 'my 600 pound life' episodes to see what a typical meal looks like

>whiter than you, muhammad
You're goddamn right. I'll describe my experience visiting Finland for a week on a business trip.

>Gypsies were all around Helsinki begging for money, gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.
>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of Helsinki.
>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to force you to buy their shitty merchandise.
>Mosque on every other corner, more Arabic and African shops than Finnish ones.
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.
>Everyday there was some kind of protest which usually ended with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them.
>One thing you'll always see in Finland is someones car on fire.
>White Finnish women are only ever seen with either non-white men or mixed children.
>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keeps happening.
>Finland has the world's strictest hate speech laws, complaining about migrants will result in years of imprisonment.
>Dangerous no go zone district all around Helsinki where ambulances and police are attacked.
>Helsinki is one of the dirtiest cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss.
>Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in Helsinki, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.
>The most common belief among the Finnish is that Finland's national identity, culture and ethnicity don't exist.

Attached: finland-police.jpg (658x375, 55K)

also sugar

obesity is a national crisis, thousands are dying every day


Yes, I can see that Europeans on the other hand make quality threads.

>freedom of meat
will do more research

learn to fucking speak english. OUR LANGUAGES ARE NEARLY FUCKING IDENTICAL

absolutely abhorrent post

>When you spot a skinny american

Attached: Two big ol eyes.png (1106x1012, 660K)

Based and red pilled

The real question is how the fuck does his spine not snap in half like a twig?

>Going to Helsinki
Your first mistake.


Isnt this sweden?

That’s way more than 450lbs lol

Despite the attempt at explanations, I still struggle to understand it. I'd have to eat so much fucking food. And all the while I was eating all that food, the people around me would have to let me do it, and I'd have to turn my own brain off for all of that time.

Low quality photoshop right there

Under a white ran state this would never be allowed.

This. Factor in dynamic loads on that absolute unit and you could be looking at half a ton of forces, its pretty impressive to be honest.

When your man tits are bigger than your head you know you have a problem.

Attached: 4GKJfdC.gif (468x338, 1.77M)

His legs must be fuckin jacked

Learn German and come back, bitch nigga. We finna see how you fare.

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Yeah but you're looking at it through a healthy mindset. This guy probably has 1 person in his life (mom) who enables him. He has no other outside contact. This is also probably years of eating an extra 200-500 calories per day which would gain you 1-2 pounds a week. So that since you were 9 and at 25 you are a tub of shit. I'm also willing to bet that this guy has a conditioned response to food, if sad, eat food. If happy, eat food.

ironically probably has more muscle from carrying that shit around all the time than most bodybuilders, but will die of heart failure before losing 300lbs

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Animal cruelty.

I think thats a good trade off desu.

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>wider than you


Attached: fat earth3.jpg (647x3193, 320K)

Attached: fat earth2.jpg (640x5030, 630K)

Poor julius

Attached: fat earth.jpg (640x3904, 458K)


Forgets to tell you in Chicago their where more murders then in Iran, without social medicine program.

Aren't finns pretty much gooks because their women got raped over and over again by Mongols?

fucking hilarious

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What is the point of covering the face at this point?

How many people are that obese and have a similar haircut and facial hair? Also the weight of his upper body to his legs (which are still fat) should be a give away to anyone who knows this creature.

this is fucking comedy gold

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>Thinking that Helsinki is Finland.
Helsinki is a shithole that no true Finn likes



Fatties have the best calves


>Size of this Lad.

Underrated worst Korea Bantz

>more muscle than most
>Can't stand up without help
>Gasps for air after running 5 meters
Yeah, uh that's not how muscles work, buddyo

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I can't even bring myself to be amused by this anymore, I just get angry when I see these useless assholes abusing the good will and resources of everyone around them while they continue to sit there with these dead cow eyes and ignore the fact that they themselves are the problem. Whining and crying their way through life because they just can't stop fucking eating.

Attached: pepevomit.jpg (748x730, 42K)

> this is white in America

Even some Finnish yokels who've never been in Helsinki think this is true.

Pls, don't fall for this bait.

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I can't stand how many fat people there are in America. It's disgusting. We need to start fining fat people. If they can't or don't want to pay then they go to fat camp which is funded by tax payers. Of all the dumb shit my money goes to without my consent, I'd fund fat camp with a smile. Break a sweat fatties, you'll be better for it and you know it.

>maximum HP
>0 points in conditioning

Why Americans don't cultivate fruits and légumes in their garden? It's more natural...

>their garden


>their fast food

There, fixed that for you.

I guess he was really hungry.

I can tell it's a trump voter

That's gotta be fake. How are his arms and legs not fat?

Nah German is a fucking autist language

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Binland indeed.
It's times like this I'm glad my country only existed for OCHO SEGUNDOS.
Die a hero rather than live long enough to become an open-air Arab cumdumpster

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I was in Finland recently, that guy is describing Sweden, Helsinki was breddy cool all things considered. Germany or France is still the worst display of shame that I've seen recently though.

He eats way to much food

He cute

Those goddamn veins on his blubber


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Freak show appeal. Nothing great. The picture was edited by someone on DeviantArt.

bullshit, finland is better place to live in than america in every way

>>Gypsies were all around Helsinki begging for money
Those are just Romanians.

Mandatory fat concentration camp for these fat fucks.


What If Adolf moved in with this guy how would he fix him?

Why would you want to watch that soap opera?

I think you mean how would he gas him.


Fuck, you make hitler sound like some kinda nut job

Adolfo here. Most of you guys chirp about E celebs. If being fat was this mans only down fall and everything else fell completely in line I’d probably have him behind a desk giving you faggots orders

>why do mutt abominations don't recognize their degeneracy?

Better luck next time, Hans

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that bathroom looks european

>This is how obesity type XVIII looks like, and its beautiful.


Damn I'm incel too but my mom treats me like shit

Guess her roastie instincts override her motherly instincts.

Depression, addiction, etc... it's like why do functional alcoholics always end up stopping by the booze store or section and grabbing more than needed, and then they say "why the fuck do I drink so much".
It's just routine, mixed with comfort, and happiness. Add a dose of depression somewhere along the lines, and you get dependency.