Be me, earlier this week

>be me, earlier this week
>get an assignment at work to fix a bug that I can’t reproduce
>post about it here
>everyone recommends that I do pic related
>follow their advice and just close the ticket and leave a comment that I don’t have enough data to fix it
>fast forward to today
>boss calls me into his office
>say’s I’m fired for poor performance, explicitly mentions the bug I didn’t fix last monday
>say I didn’t have enough information, he says that’s not an excuse
>no severance pay unless I agree to train my replacement

Fuck you Jow Forums, I’m never listening to you again.

Attached: 9A0C8873-B33C-4B1E-BE0D-BB8ECAA545E7.jpg (640x589, 225K)

Other urls found in this thread:


cool story bro

>employer takes a shit on you
>somehow it's Jow Forums's fault
Nice blog

I doubt this happened, as it's common sense that unreproduceable-bugs are hard/impossible to fix.
Just out of curiosity what kind of bug was it - supposing this truly happened?

>what kind of bug was it

A user was getting a 401 error when attempting to view their account settings, even though they were logged in

your boss made up this bug
he just wants to get rid of you and the other person he fired about this bug.
go sue him together with the other person

>going to Jow Forums for actual advice
You realize that 90% of this board has never had a job, right?

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Is this really something I can sue for?

>no severance pay unless I agree to train my replacement
lol americans sure love being cucked

If you still haven't learned your lesson user, you then I'll just spell it out for you. You need to stop taking advice from anonymous strangers who are probably 10 years younger than you with zero industry experience.

>no severance pay unless I agree to train my replacement
that really tells you shouldn't be working there in the first place.

>listening to Jow Forums
You had it coming nig

} /* thread */

>set ticket to on hold
>closes ticket

your fault user

>listening to retards on a Loation still-life appreciation forum
shiggy fucking diggy

yeah, you should definitely sue

Probably user side security software causing the issue.

>you're incompetent
>train your replacement btw


This isn't bad advice especially when you actually can't re-create the bug. I would do this in JIRA from time to time. The important part left out is letting your boss know you can't reproduce it so you are working on bugs you can actually fix.

>starts his thread with a pepe pic and doesn't bother to post details about his problem

I hope your story is real

In most western countries yeah, you can.

Lol. Nice job. I get retarded bugs all the time i cant reproduce or dont exist. I just close then or ignore them. Once in a while i woll attach a screenshot proving that its a bullshit ticket.

fat chance if you live in burgerland
maybe next election you'll vote for a candidate who doesn't go out of their way to fellate billionaires

Who else should I have asked for advice? Everyone who has ever worked on that bug has been fired.

>I emailed my boss about getting their contact info, but he seems to be ignoring me... wtf do I do now?
>They fired the last guy who did that, coincidentally with the same bug I’m working on
sounds like he just wants to fire you and the other guy.

> listens to Jow Forums
> outcome is our fault
KYS your self faggot.

Oh, I don't know, your fucking boss maybe? How do you even remember to breathe you stupid cunt?

But his boss was ignoring him...
This all looks like a conspiracy to fire you to be honest. See if you can contact the other fired guy and dig into it, maybe you can sue and outkike them. Alternatively, consider bringing a gun and shooting the place. You would be remembered as a hero of workplace justice and receive a lot of fanmail from women in prison.

Firstly, lol. Secondly, do a poo and hide it somewhere randomly in the office as a goodbye gift.

Attached: catflower.jpg (465x465, 171K)

>can I sue for x?
nigga you can sue for whatever the fuck a lawyer will take you on for, chances are you can do it for the low price of a commission of any winnings - nothing up front.
assuming you're not talking to retard-tier law firms

Yes, but suing your employer might make it hard for you to get another job in the future.

OP you were going to be fired anyways, just accept it. They used it as an excuse to say you couldn't perform your job so you were let go.

>This all looks like a conspiracy to fire you to be honest.

>kill yourself yourself

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That's some pretty bad advice. Saying that you "need" someone else to refactor the code or add documentation in order to fix the bug will not work. Refactoring that code would be a much larger effort than fixing a bug, and it may fix the bug itself. The business doesn't want to spend money rewriting code whenever there's a bug. Best thing to do if you're struggling with a bug is to ask someone who is more familiar with the code to take 30 minutes and work through it with you. Worst case scenario, you tell the company that the bug will take longer to fix, and have them analyze the importance of this bug vs your time spent elsewhere. If the bug is really that important, you can refactor all that code by yourself if they give you more time.


train your replacement to install gentoo and be a Jow Forumsentooman he will end up the same path just like you

your boss just wanted to sack you op. he was just needing an excuse.

how did you get it to do that

litealy kys you're self

>taking Jow Forums's advice in 2018
you are a shit programmer and a shit employee

>Everyone who has ever worked on that bug has been fired.
totally not suspicious at all

Dumb frogposter.
Hope you stay unemployed for a while.

I just put solved on bullshit tickets and collect checks

Im Canadien


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Maybe you're lucky and working somewhere else is actually better for you. Don't be sad and enjoy the life change.