Why has nobody told me that frontend is so fun and versatile...

Why has nobody told me that frontend is so fun and versatile? During my college years I rejected to go deep into webdev-topics because Jow Forums told me how it's all just for hipsters and idiots who cannot do "real" programming and know only how to write scripts.

Now I develop an SPA with typescript at my work and can apply so many object-oriented patterns there and have an architecture very close to what you have in native Java (not SpringBoot annotation shit).

Also with frontend knowledge it is so easy to make a full app and thus found an own startup and become independent. Frontend is the hardest part to setup when you have a ServerlessBackend with NoSQL at your service. You can even develop for native or mobile environments with electron/cordova if that is what your clients use. Now how easily can you found an own company if you only know classic C?

TLDR: always do the opposite of what Jow Forums says

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Thanks for the blog post John.

So you're arguing that webdev is easy and useful, I think most of Jow Forums can agree.
Most people hate on it because it doesn't teach you proper programming, so it's not a great place to start.

but it is a good place to start, at least nowadays, with typescript involved. Who the fuck thought it's a good idea to teach Java in the first semesters, like at the place where I studied?

Because web dev has been historically seen as garbage for so long, but the technologies became great especially in the last years, I'm thinking of JS here who was a joke a few years back.

Now you have to be pretty retarded to reject webdev as a serious career path: lots of great technologies, plenty of work, good salary, and a lot of low-level entry jobs.

>not doing frontend in C
T. hipster

I'm finding this too. HORRIBLE place to start but great place to finish, starting my own company next month

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Is it too late to get into webdev?

programming teaches logical thinking
while css teaches you to do hacky unlogical stuff all the time

and you want people to fry their brains and think in illogical ways, and then expect to understand programming well after they went through all the css shit?


programming first

there lies beauty in programming

css doesn't have this beauty

the intention of css was different when it has been developed

now web deving has evolved and became more sophisticated
but the tools are working the wrong way

css is so far from elegant, less than anything else in the it world

there should be a reinvention, but everyone is too busy creating their own startup that they don't care that millions of human beings are wasting time and braincells when there is no real reason

Pure programming over front end development, any day
if you want to keep your sanity and exercise your thinking

great minds don't do front end

you have enough programming in frontend without the css-stuff. and with scss/sass and mixins, variables etc you do have many aspects of actual programming even in css. even if you don't need that and can just copy twitter-bootstrap examples as a noob

yes, but people learn raw html and raw css first

I started learning basic shit HTML,css and js to get onto tech, figured webdev should be the fastest way into industry.

maybe the problem is that they start making websites from scratch with help of shitty tutorials. at my job, we have lots of people who did only backend and they started working with typescript at the beginning, implementing useful features, not just throwaway-code. only later they learned css

The more interesting question is:

How the fuck do you get from WebDev into things like Machine-Learning (with Python, Octave or Matlab, doesn't matter - the training experience is harder than the languages)?

I too started with webdev, but after 3 years it's fucking boring already. I go to blockchain and machine-learning meetups, went through tutorials, but nobody wants to hire me just because I have a link to my github with a few tutorial notebooks in my resumee.

float is for floating images, why are they suddenly stacking when I use multiple floats after each other
oops why did the float break my design
how do I clear float, how do i do it in a semantic way, so I don't use an element for it in the html file
why do I have to margin auto to center something or push to one side
why is vertical centering so hard, why do i need display: table for this, even when it again has nothing to do with tables
ew, why are vertical margins collapsing, how do I prevent this, what kind of hack am I using this time, this is how it was done back in the day when you wanted to hinder margins from collapsing, but recently we do it this way
and then there are many other problems, but we decided not to change the problem at the core but just use preprocessing, lol just to stack up more on this big pile of something bad

you don't have this crap in pure programming

great and animated video game interfaces exist for a very long time now
but no, the web must be this frankenstein monster

I recommend everyone who wants to keep his sanity to learn some programming on the side without having to bother with css for some time, or maybe get a really good css book, so you will not be lost in the jungle

what is flexbox you retard, you don't need fucking tables for that

This, I really want to move into something cool. I'm just starting my own machine-learning "startup" and hopefully that will be enough.

This is literally the golden age of webdev, what are you waiting for? Where I live (western Europe) companies are desperate for web developers.

machine-learning is not cool. it is just a new buzzword for people who have no idea about what you actually do, eg connecting and rating very specific data. But rating and coccenting data requires boring domain knowledge of things like insurances or banks or HR-departments. I am sure you will get tired of it in a few months as well. machine-learning pays well though, as long as Pajeet has not mastered it yet.

I guess I'll give it a go. Maybe I can finally get a visa to america.

Now that we have React, frontend webdev is actually pretty decent. I just hope Angular dies soon along with the "POO in the frontend" meme.

Glad you're happy, OP, but as other anons said, try not to get too relaxed and broaden your horizons now and then.


of course flexbox and grid is the new savior
but for the longest time it was hackiest mess
and muh backwards compatibility

display: table; not always has something to do with tables, it's just a hack that makes use of the fact that table cells are handling vertical alignment differently, because a block element doesn't align content vertically

>hurr durr I don't understand the box model

It isn't fucking 2006 and except for Safari (the new IE6) browsers followed the standards pretty damn closely nowadays. You only need dirty hacks if you're supporting ancient, buggy browsers.

Float isn't for floating images. It will shift an element to the edge of its container OR until it hits another floated element. Floated elements are treated as display:block which is why it will go onto a new line if it encounters another floated element.

Clear your float on the next element that you don't wish to respect an above floated element. Most people just use a utility class for this - you don't need a useless element.

Because content flows from left to right so you need to auto the margin on the left and balance it with the margin on the right.

align-items:center on a flexed element Or margin: auto with display:grid.

Collapsing margins is considered a mistake. Just like white-space: nowrap should be white-space: no-wrap.

Learn the fucking box model you brainlet.

Yes and React Native too. There are some limitations but it's working pretty well

This is so true. I'm glad I did a bunch of algorithm and low level courses in my undergrad.

>Float isn't for floating images. It will shift an element to the edge of its container OR until it hits another floated element. Floated elements are treated as display:block which is why it will go onto a new line if it encounters another floated element.
it was the intention of a text floating around an image and the most used case, back in the day

so what is it, floating to the end until it hits another floating element
or going down after it hits a floating element
see, you are also confused about that

>Clear your float on the next element that you don't wish to respect an above floated element. Most people just use a utility class for this - you don't need a useless element.
but what if i have a design with a fixed width floating sidebar and a flexible content area
when I float an element in the not floated content area it breaks the design

>Because content flows from left to right so you need to auto the margin on the left and balance it with the margin on the right.
of course, but why not call it that way
why say: "hello pc, please put a pixel on the left, now on the right, yes nice, now on the left and then on the right again and please reapeat, call me when you have finished, you should then be finaly centered."
auto doesn't mean anything, auto means "do as you please"
it means: "Computer, I don't care how you do it just do it, oh you centered it by accident, well done computer."

why not: "center element horizontally in parent element."

>Collapsing margins is considered a mistake.

>Learn the fucking box model you brainlet.
what does anything of this to do with the box model?

>Functional Programming
Does everyone have brain problems?
There's nothing special about memory addresses, higher order functions and immutable state.

>so what is it, floating to the end until it hits another floating element
>or going down after it hits a floating element
>see, you are also confused about that

No wonder you struggle with CSS, your reading comprehension is shit.

It goes until the end of its container UNLESS it encounters another floating element in the same floated context (left-->left or right-->right).

Floating removes the element from the normal page flow. It is treated as a display:block in its own page flow and as an inline-block within its container, which allows text to wrap around it.


The CSS Working Group that creates the standards for CSS have admitted several mistakes in the language design that are kept due to backwards compatibility. What do you mean "what"?

>fixed width floating sidebar and a flexible content area
Nigger you what?

>of course, but why not call it that way

That's literally what you're doing. "Automatically balance the margins on the left and right".

You're a retard.

yes I know about floating grids and how they break when they won't have all the same size and go further than just one row

do you have a link to where they say that collapsing margins were a mistake

>Nigger you what?
when you want to have a layout were one column always has the same pixel width
but an other column to always expand for the remaining area
I tryed that, but when I used a float and a clear within the content, it broke the layout, pushed one of the columns to the very bottem of the other column

>That's literally what you're doing. >"Automatically balance the margins on the left and right".

I know what it does, but why call it differently
"auto" in this context means fill this area until there is no room left
when doing "margin-left: auto;" it doesn't mean balance, it means fill the room up until there is no room left.
A more human language would be: "horizontal-align: center"

auto means nothing, only if you already know how a specific feature works

what would "color: auto" mean
what would "font-size: auto" mean

auto in the context of css and margins means fill the remaining space.
it just happens to be balanced when putting auto on both sides. what if the left margin would be calculated first and then the right one

I just say it's not very nice to read

Human beings have the power to decide their markups, scripts and programming languages how they want, so why choose something that's not absolutely clear just by looking at it?


I'm just frustrated that css is so hacky and I think I'm not the only one

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var is-odd = require('is-odd');


Webdev bubble. Enjoy a future of shit pay and a field heavily saturated with retarded dude bros.