There is no reason to run Linux anymore since WSL on W10 how do you feel about it Jow Forums?

There is no reason to run Linux anymore since WSL on W10 how do you feel about it Jow Forums?

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You're a fucking retarded??

There are still a lot of reasons to run linux my dude desu.

there is no reason to run windows since linux exists

If I could get 144 FPS in Overwatch while using Linux I wouldn't need Windows at home anymore. That's the one reason I have it on dual boot. How do you feel about that?

>sudo apt install mpv
>sudo apt install youtube-dl
>mpv [url]
Doesn't seem to be quite as easy as actual Linux.

WSL is very limited in hardware access, meaning that it's mostly just a bash shell on windows rather than a real linux system. It's also slow as fuck.
I wish it wasn't, but for the time being, just running macOS is probably the best option.

I thought MS already remotely deleted copies of youtube-dl...

>Using W10
Nice selfie op

>implying there was a reason to run Linux in the first place beyond psychological preteens LARPing being l33t h4x0rz

> Haskell compiler has a 1TB virtual memory leak on WSL

Yeah right better than linux

Quick rundown?

Slow as fuck

fuck you

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This post glows in the dark.

There is no reason to install Windows since virtualbox exists

There's no reason to install windows because wine's cmd exists.

You might as well have the baremetal OS that has the best collection of drivers. Lots of Windows users agree.

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the reason you run Linux is so you don't have to put up with Microsoft's shit. Getting rid of Windows is one of the central features here.

what weirdo told you that

Some lying freetard. They;re always saying tin-foil-hat shit like this.

wsl is a slow and incomplete piece of shit

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Yeah, Wine is so vastly superior - especially when you consider its decades longer development time.

>It's also slow as fuck.


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It feels fucking great man

>Doesn't seem to be quite as easy as actual Linux.
Just use chocolatey then. But you won't because you're already invested into the linux ecosystem without ever realizing how silly it is to claim a package manager is a fucking advantage lmao

If you think chocolatey is any good, then you are a low IQ monkey.

I need GNU plus Linux, not GNU/NT

There is no reason to run Windows anymore since GPU passthrough and wine how do you feel about it Jow Forums?

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Wine also has to deal with a black box closed source environment.

>jerking yourself off to package managers

But you have ManyEyes(TM). It should be so easy to make something that works, considering how slow, defective, useless, etc. Windows is?

Or you could do what 90% of people do - just run Windows. Enjoy the better drivers, better support, WAY more (working, usable) software, and no have everyone you meet IRL mocking you.

You need to install an X server, exactly as you would do in linux
Are you 10?

Wine aims at a moving target so it will forever be work in progress. Considering what it achieved so far it's pretty impressing if you like it or not.

Also, no one is mocking me for my choice in software because I don't have pathetic beings as friends.

>moving target
Hasn't hit 100% Windows 95 after 23 years.

>Considering what it achieved so far it's pretty impressing
No, because I use Windows. I have way higher standards in UI than you.

>Also, no one is mocking me for my choice in software
You are very, VERY wrong.

>because I don't have pathetic beings as friends.
Rationalization: The Post.

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You seem pretty desperate with such a weak rebuttal. Is your shitposting power already depleted?

Shhh. You're not being obtuse and vague enough. You're gonna spook the niggercattle.

>moving target
>Hasn't hit 100% Windows 95 after 23 years.
This is where Wine gets it completely wrong in the dev model. They should choose a userland (XP - and capture the HUGE legacy market) and shoot for that. Forget later shit until they get there.

No further comment needed.

Wouldn't work - they wouldn't get to XP level until 2050.

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>impotent rage
Whatever floats your boat, user.

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Angry someone would imply I should be writing software on a Windows machine