Got a flu shot yesterday

>got a flu shot yesterday
>wake up this morning with a sore arm and a runny nose


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Congrats, you gave yourself the flu..enjoy.

you have a working immune system, which is unusual for u dog fucking AIDS ridden chink leafs

>inject self with flu virus
>wHy Do I hAvE dA fLu?!

You gave youself the flu because the government told you to.

T. Haven't had a flu shot or the flu ever

You are a whiny bitch. Your unhealthy lifestyle has ruined your immune system. A normal person does not even notice that they had a flu shot. How pathetic are you that you have to come to Jow Forums to whine anonymously to randoms? Go to plebbit where you will fit in.

The flu shot gives you the flu.

Only a real brainwashed sheep faggot gets a god damn waste of time flu shot.

You apparently don't even know how they work.

Your immune system is compromised.

You’re fucked. It was the fag pathogen.

Oh no no no
>he fell for the vaccine meme


>just turn 50 and doctor tells me to get a shingles shot
>decide to ignore him because I don't even know anyone who has ever gotten shingles
>get to work yesterday and find out the old woman who I work with is out because she has the shingles

Haha. You got Morgellons

Norm, you dirty dog!

That's what you get when your healthcare is "free" and your standards are "nationalized medicine" you silly leaf cunt.

Congrats. You just got Agenda 21'd

Flu shot?? Why on earth would you get a FLU shot?? Its not like it is Polio or chickenpox. Retarded Americans....

>sore arm and a runny nose
stop jerking it

arm is still sore from vaccines in grade school where they injected right into my muscle. i move furniture all day and do guided hunting and hiking. its ok though we beat the ever loving fuck out of all the leftist masonic shit kids for their parents allowing this shit and sank 4 of their boats after one of my friends died from a measles shot that he was allergic to. these diseases dont even exist up here in canada fuck this sand nigger immigration shit

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you probably waited in line with contagious people

gooooood goy

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You now have autism from the mercury. Enjoy your Judge Wapner.

get well soon

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>these diseases dont even exist up here in canada fuck this sand nigger immigration shit
what do you mean I need to be vaccinated against "African's Deadly Flu For Fucked-Up Dead Africans"? I've never even been to Africa!

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Vaccines have a "weak" version of whatever it's trying to immunize you to. It literally does get you sick with it sometimes.

Hide the threads if you don't like them. Or better yet, get a job.

Hiding cancer doesn't make it go away.