At what point can I say that I *know* a language...

At what point can I say that I *know* a language? Is there a list of all the stuff I should know from top of my memory or at least be aware of existing for any given language?

Pic not necessarily related, I mean any language

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If you can't write reverse fizzbuzz on a whiteboard, you're pretty much feigning knowledge and should bin your degree

Typically 10,000 hours is needed to 'master' something.

But if you're still hung up about language, you're missing the point. It's not about the language, it's about the design patterns, the paradigms you use to solve your problems. The abstractions and the utilization of them.

Selection sort vs merge sort for example. The algorithms you build in the language. The language itself is just a tool. It's what (and how) you do it that defines you as a programmer.

First test: Count down from 700 to 200 in decrements of 13. Pass? You are in the top 0.5%

Second test: Write a useful program. Pass? You know that language.

When you can read a program you didn't write yourself in the language.

Writing something in the language is a really low bar to set.

If you can read most if not all code written for the language (except for purposefully obfuscated shit), and can come up with solutions to any problem that are tossed at you, you can say you know the language.

But it's always nice to try to improve your knowledge on the language, as most shit you learn just make your job easier.
You can do pretty much any program just with ifs, whiles and variables, but getting a for here, a switch there and an struct or two makes the shit a lot easier to read and code in.

let loop=function(value,testFunc,updateFunc,outputFunc){
loop(700, n => n > 200, n => n - 13, console.log);

hire me please

Are you a Malaysian citizen? Because I am desperate to hire you.

Attached: CodeAnswers01.png (1236x245, 19K)

Not that guy but I'm a retarded neophyte. Isn't that only ever checking against a null int? Also even if it worked (changing 'result' to 'i' in the if statements), isn't the 2nd if statement completely unnecessary? And for something like this shouldn't you be printing to the console for each result or appending to a text file or something? All he'd be doing is constantly reassigning output.

Are you willing to work for 2 rupees per day? Because that's how much this tripfag is offering.

std::vector odds(50);
std::generate(odds.begin(), odds.end(), [num = 1] mutable () { return (num += 2) - 2; });

what's the problem ?

>he needs 10,000 hours to master a language
Once you know how computers work, it takes literally less than 200 hours.

is this like just a test to see if a candidate can spot all the mistakes in the code?
because why would you ever find odd numbers like this in the first place

You did not the see the programming interview thread?

It is down to 1.5 rupees now, since the local economy is not doing so well.

Attached: CodeAnswers06.png (917x301, 15K)

What sort of waterhead wrote this


Attached: CodeAnswers02.png (1275x401, 28K)

what the fuck
got a link to the archive? i want to have a kek at more shit like this
I warn you: It was a very, very long thread. Well over 30 resumes and code answers.

It is almost like they have seen C syntax in a movie when they were a teenager and was trying to guess how to do something.

this is a good thread, well done

tfw just learning to program and horrified that I'll be untalented and end up like some pajeet who can barely code and can't answer basic concept questions like itt

Attached: DaItFjTX0AAGwI7.png (600x328, 279K)

You serious?
First off, you don't need to find odd numbers, but as a thought exercise let's continue
>for(int i = 0; i i = i % 1;
1. He's assigning the loop index in the loop so it breaks the "flow" not bad by itself, but
2. He's assigning a result of modulo operation to the loop index and rhs value of op is smaller than loop's exit statement so without any additional changes to i in loop's body or a break statement this will run forever
3. (anything % 3) can produce [0, 1, 2] as a result, (anything % 2) - [0, 1]. Do you see a pattern? (x = x % 1) is (x = 0)
>int result;
It's uninitialized
>if(result = 1)
this assigns 1 to result and then checks if result casted to bool is true (I don't remember how C casted int to bool but I think it's != 0). It is always true because we just assigned it to true.
>int output = result
Output is a local var so it's destroyed right after the } so the function doesnt actually output anything. It is assigned result so it's always 1 anyway. Even if both of these were fixed it's still a number not an array of numbers so the whole thing will only find last odd number.
>if (result = 0)
This never runs, cause again, assignement to a const and bool cast (or maybe previous one never runs and this one always, as I said - dont remember).
This doesnt make sense and is useless but. I think he wanted to skip a value if it wasn't odd to cut down time in half. He'll probably skip in the wrong place (number is even, skip one, nber is now odd, loop adds another one, number is even again) so it wouldnt find anything. Aint none of it matters tho cause of the i = 0 above so he's not going anywhere

less worrying more automating

No unfortunately

>for(int i = 0; i