Zuckerberg's notes

Zuckerberg's notes

Attached: egi0jlf096r01.jpg (2048x2048, 630K)

Source? Or satire?


Holy shit, thanks whoever did this. This is gold.

>We are sorry

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 39K)

Someone posted it on Hacker News so IDK, should have clarified that.

What? This works perfectly fine in America, hence why South Park was mocking it in the first place.

Anyone who is on Jow Forums that uses kikebook despite numerous warnings not too, deserves to be Z U C C E D

WHat the fuck.

what's the context though, I am sure everyone make prep notes like this when they about to give a public speech/presentation.

>Important that you hold everyone to the same standard.

Hold the fuck up. Facebook doesn't believe that for a second, at least not in practice. They selectively censor shit all the time, while letting other shit go without even a warning.

I hope to christ he says something like that, and someone else calls him on that.

Yeah it's really nothing I wouldn't expect, just thought it was interesting if true, especially because it covers topics like GDPR that weren't brought up.

>Literally plays to fears about China in order to argue against a breakup.

>taking on Apple
Ooohh boy

>Defend Against the Goy
[If attacked: Respectfully, I reject that. Not who we are.]

He said it when Cruz questioned him. Dodged it like a faggot.

Cruz shouldn't have let him go. Honestly, I'm surprised that he did, if what you're saying is true. Dude's known to be a bit of a bulldog.

>Implying China isn't a real and present threat to the basis of western civilization
Fucking chink shills



Those comments were so generic they give this reply a run for it's money

How do we save Jow Forums from the consumerist drones? Stallman sticky doesn't appear to help anymore.

Can't question him too hard. Facebook probably donates to Cruz as well.

while I do agree, Ted Cruz's questions where a bit off topic. The context of this hearing was the privacy scandal, not censorship

An appeal to fear is always a weak argument, even if it's valid.


It's called a "false dilemma fallacy." He's presenting it as though there are only two options: leave facebook a monolith, or surrender to China.

There are always more than two options.

That's about it. I'm scrapping facebook once and for all. Any scripts to turn vkontakte back from moonspeak?

Wrong. Valid is valid.

>diversity at silicon valley
>we are a part of that problem

Again, it's called a false dilemma fallacy. Plenty of tech companies that are smaller than facebook operate just fine with their smaller size. For proof of this, just look at the shit facebook wound up purchasing.

No, there aren't. FB represents a bastion of western culture. There is no other place like it. Twitter is bot central. A social engineering machine. MySpace is dead. Reddit is fucked by self censorship, with the downvote system hiding any unpopular opinions. Jow Forums is Jow Forums.

It's Facebook or nothing, if humanity is to survive.

You repeat yourself instead of giving a counter argument. You are the one facilitating logical fallacies. Those companies are not doing fine if they got bought out. It's not a fallacy. It's factual, and a valid argument.

Because the ones they censor violate the standard, the others do not.

>It's facebook or nothing if humanity is to survive.
You almost had me until you posted this. In the future, you need to hold on to those outrageous claims until they are asked for. You also need to use paragraphs full of fallacies in order to drive home the fact that you aren't just pretending to be retarded.

Whatsapp was sold for 19 Billion dollars. If they weren't doing fine, the price wouldn't be so high.

>I wish I could bomb the White House
Not censored
>I wish I could bomb Planned Parenthood

Well obviously, planned parenthood is more highly regarded than the white house right now.

Both are violations of the standard. Its just that the standard is selectively enforced. Fact of the matter is that even some liberals with conservative friends began to notice it.

One of my liberal friends noticed it when she posted an article about Milo whatshisface losing his twitter because of a review on the new ghostbusters. I just posted some of the shit that she said in response to it, pointing out how both equally vile to each other, and the article got pulled. She lost her shit, because she came to the realization that she's only getting half the story on a lot of shit.

On the contrary, I find that the best trolls are the ones where you don't realise you're being strung along until the end.

Is there any scripts out there to purge all what I've done on Facebook?

No. And even if you manually delete everything, they will still have a copy. Anything you put on facebook is forever.

lol that impotent rage at apple

The argument about "making it cost less for the customer" is such a load of shit.

I don't give a fuck about that. I want security and privacy. I will pay a lot for that. What the fuck. Dumbest part of the whole thing.

And the whole DIVERSITY thing. These are some bad notes.

To be fair, most people would trade away their privacy for a dollar.

You have to provide incentive for people to not want to be consumerist drones. Everyone's already in the system, and deleting your Facebook or google account isn't going to erase what they already have. And unless they're doing something illegal, they don't have much to fear.
So why should the average non-tinfoil hat, non-CP hoarding person give up the massive convenience that comes with these services?
Deleting as much trace as you can from the internet and avoiding google and Facebook still isn't going to get you out of the system enough to avoid taxes or change your identity or anything. You're still at the mercy of your ISP for anything you do. You're not getting free stuff from it.
Most people would lose so much more than they gain. Until you can think of a reason why that wouldn't be true, you're stuck with them.

All the questions were off topic. Both dems and repubs started trying to dig into the Mueller probe and asking about hate speech and terrorism nonsense. Very few questions were asked about user privacy with the exception of those that mentioned the thickness of the EULA and how the average person definitely doesn't read it.