Why is it so hard for people to understand feminism is actually fully justified? It has a point...

why is it so hard for people to understand feminism is actually fully justified? It has a point, it has helped tons of people and I'm just here to remind you if u don't like it then you are part of the problem.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I agree with the concept of feminism. Yeah, women should have as much equal rights as men, but it's just the advocators for it claim to have even more rights. Equal rights are cool just don't go overboard

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Because that would mean facing they are wrong and they don't like that.


The truly dumb generalize. There are as many definitions of any movement as there are members.

People on the internet like to get mad at people who don't exist. Nobody on Jow Forums has any clue what feminism is and who a feminist is. They fall for their own false flags.

actually, I am the entirety of the problem

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I don't think they misunderstand it. They get it pretty good, but is too dangerous for them to accept it cause that means they have to start changing their whole structure. People hate on feminism, and use terms like "feminazi", just because it's benefitial to them.

Because neckbeards generally don't have the awareness to acknowledge that the representation of most moral movements is skewed because the most ridiculous and extreme opinions are shared and talked about more than levelheaded ones. It's the same with veganism, people only focus on the loudmouthed minority.

Maybe in your shit country it has a use but not in the U.S.

Women are already equal to men in the eyes of the law. There is no "more equal". "More equal" means that men will have less advantages than women.

modern feminism isn't traditional feminism and is detrimental to human rights rather than beneficial for them

the reason "feminazi" became a term in the first place was to differentiate the modern waves of feminism from its traditional form

>"More equal" means that men will have less advantages than women.
my god! Are you a 25+ yo virgin right?

Could you shut the fuck up please nobody cares

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Right, because the law is always 100% reflective of what actually exists. People can just make up laws and reality instantly conforms. Here's a hint: laws need to be enforced.

Can you explain the difference between third wave feminism and traditional feminism please?

Well they argue they are not equal in more aspects than the law. I'm not autistic enough to go into that field and research it but I'd be happy to learn more about it in this thread consisting of clear feminism professionals

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>Only replied to the people who did not said anything negative about feminism

I think a lot of it is immaturity too, when I was a teenager I was one of those "fuck those feminazi SJWs they're ruining society" people, but luckily I grew up and realized I was being lied to.

Well yes nobody cares about feminism

I can't tell if this is bait or you're actually retarded.

Nigger laws do reflect what actually exists and they are enforced. And no, we don't just "make up laws". We have a long system in which a Bill has to become a law, and when it does, it's enforced and people must conform or face the consequences. I hope you actually trip down the stairs and burst your head open when your mom calls you down for your pizza rolls underage fag

I'm no professional at all. But I know the basic obvious fact that women are seen as equal to men under the eyes of the law. And that things such as "the pink tax" and "the wage gap" is easily refutable bullshit they like to cry about.

This thread seems to have quite a bit of replies. So I think people do care.

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>11 posters
>a lot

In short traditional feminism advocated for equal treatment of women with regards to voting rights and property rights, among other things.

Modern feminism focuses on bogeyman-tier social issues such as a fictional "patriarchy" intangibly oppressing women, or vying for controversial subjects such as abortion and gender stereotypes, and is also intrinsically tied to the LGBT and SJW movements and all their faults.

An easy test to see whether feminism is needed is to see if women do not have any rights that men do; if they don't, then feminism is needed. This goes for places in the middle east or africa where women do not have basic rights such as autonomy or the ability to vote. In the west, however, women have exactly as many rights as men do, and actually have a tangible benefit from them in how they are treated in places such as employment (via affirmative action), college (more women apply and get accepted yearly), and in courts (where women consistently receive smaller and more lenient sentences for equivalent crimes, in a case equivalent to the "baby face" scenario, where less adult and less masculine features make you tend to get off easier in courts.)

this is not comprehensive but gets the gist of it across

Is this your first time on Jow Forums? It's a slow board and this thread was made 20 mins ago.

>This is what you look like lole
Ok retard


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>No body is posting in this thread because X

Didn't say no one is posting because of *bullshit reason here*. I'm saying people are slow to post because this is a slow board faggot.

You are legitimately retarded if you think every single law is enforced 100%.

>Modern feminism focuses on bogeyman-tier social issues such as a fictional "patriarchy" intangibly oppressing women
That's... the same thing as pushing for equal treatment of women. It seems that the rest of your post is just ranting, but go ahead and provide some sources on that if you're serious. You will likely respond that women are treated completely equal to men in modern society, in which case I'd ask you to get your head out of your ass.

i like my grammar :(

What rights do women not have that men do?

>everything he says is based on believing feminists and SJW fringe groups crying about muh patriarchy are all the same people
Jesus where do we even find these brainless faggots

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Tell me 1 law that isn't

I have seen and made threads threads that got more replys in less time i guess no body is interested in this bait

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the bully belgiume

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The main one is equal treatment in the workplace, both in terms of wages, diversity of positions, and just straight out harassment in some fields. There are obviously laws in place to prevent things like this, but they're hard to enforce; it's more of a cultural change. Also representation in government.

Everything I said above, as well has: speeding, human trafficking, drug laws, jaywaking, underage drinking laws, I mean really, I shouldn't have to provide examples for this.

Nothing but fear
Fear that they shall the yoke of oppression will be placed upon them instead of being destroyed.
And probably artistically listening to a feminist rant about masculinity and taking offence because
>I'm a man and I'm not-

Way I see it, your average internet white guy isn't masculine enough to reap the benefits of a patriarchal culture. He is utterly confused by the claims of feminism, therefore he rejects the idea entierly.
In reality, it is patriarchy that enslaves the Robot and the incel, shames him, and tells him he isn't good enough.

>speeding, human trafficking, drug laws, jaywaking, underage drinking laws
Faggot when the police find these things it's enforced. Surprise, but the police aren't omnipresent. some things people get away with, but when authority is present, they're dealt with accordingly.

great thread

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*autistically listening

When I went to a get together hosted by my Uni's study abroad program, this being a large state school famous for being Social Justice central, the organizers mentioned that white women do study abroad programs far more then any other demographic. Thus, in addition to the usual encouraging of more minority students to sign up, they encouraged all men to sign up as well, white or otherwise.
It was rather nice to be advocated for in such a way.
t. cis white guy

Woah! Is it possible... the police haven't found these things?
>but the police aren't omnipresent
Good job, you're starting to get the point. A lot of these things are really hard to prosecute, especially when they're issues that have existed with a system for a long time, and when (specifically in corporations) upper management wants to hide them as much as possible.

>The main one is equal treatment in the workplace, both in terms of wages,
wage gap is a demonstrable myth
>diversity of positions,
non-issue; women actively choose which fields they go into. A difference in proportion between men and women is not demonstrative of any bias other than individual choice.
>and just straight out harassment in some fields.
this is the intangible bogeyman; can never be tracked down or treated. Also, women just tend to report harassment (and "harassment") more often.
>There are obviously laws in place to prevent things like this, but they're hard to enforce; it's more of a cultural change.
baseless then
>Also representation in government.
again down to personal choice, especially to the individuals.

Also I want to make it clear I'm not trying to be rude or aggressive, pardon if it comes across that way

>Is it possible... the police haven't found these things?
Implying they aren't looking for these things. What the fuck do you thing the DEA, FBI, and CIA are for? To twiddle their dicks all day?? And may I ask for you to say specifically what issues have been in the system for "a long time"?

Read up! You can find copies of these on #bookz if you don't have a university jstor account; it's just what I used when I decided to get educated on the issue.

>What the fuck do you thing the DEA, FBI, and CIA are for? To twiddle their dicks all day??

>And may I ask for you to say specifically what issues have been in the system for "a long time"?
See and also read the sources that I posted; once you've read them and/or actual studies you can reply to me.

Feminism isn't egalitarianism. In third wave feminism women are elevated above men instead of trying to be on par with them. The constant push for higher wages, forced diversity and no clear goal is a clear attack on men. They hold firm to imaginary issues like the pink tax, the gender wage gap and continue to make more problems attacking artistic mediums like movies, video games and books forcing creator's to having female main characters even if the original character was male. They shoe horn their diversity into places it doesn't belong (see: BF1 women in war which is historically inaccurate) all for the sake of elevating women above men. Many feminists call for violence or genocide of males while hiding behind feminism to not look like radical sexist terrorists.
Second wave feminism had a point and a political goal that they accomplished. Third wave feminism is a front for women to try to get ahead of men. Essentially believe what I say or we'll slander you. Hire who we want you to or lose your business. Raise wages to what we want or we strike.
True egalitarianism is equality on both sides. To this day women still collect alimony without question, can rape men without anyone believing the victim and worst of all beat/abuse men without worry of recourse. If a woman hits a man she's stunning and brave everything short of getting a medal. If a man hits a woman he's a coward and will get his ass beat by anyone who sees it. This is inherently not equal. Women in the military have more lenient PT and course requirements. This is not equality.
Equal rights means equal lefts. Feminism in the truest sense means being able to hit a woman who hits you.
If you disagree with this you're part of the problem.

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Actual dumbass

>once you've read them and/or actual studies you can reply to me.
Actually laughed at the fact you told someone they can't reply to you on Jow Forums. You actually need a life dude

Absolutely this. I never thought i would ever agree with you.

Implying women don't ever get reprimanded or have ever faced legal repercussions for physical violence. Get your head out of your ass you're spouting overly generalized parroted bullshit

>be man
>go to police
>my wife hit me
>I want to press charges
>do you have any proof?
>well no she didn't leave any bruises
>have a nice day
>she also raped me after

>be woman
>go to police
>my husband hit me
>what?! Okay calm down ma'am we'll help you
>he also raped me after
>this sick fuck is gonna pay
>even though this is just an allegation we can still arrest him and launch an investigation that could take years
>he might even die in prison before hand
>even if it isn't true we can help you ruin his life
>yes ma'am we absolutely don't need anything other than your word he did it
>source: kavanaugh and usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/05/07/convictions-vacated-26-year-old-rape/588406002/

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based and unironically redpilled

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Besides just because issues exist on the other end of the spectrum too doesn't mean people aren't allowed to fucking work for their own. That's a retarded non-argument because then nothing would ever get fucking done. If you want to get shit fixed for dudes work on it instead of bitching about the fact that some women are at an advantage in some very specific situations, and then claiming that's a valid reason to make sure any other ones aren't allowed anything to have their shit fixed. Nobody said they want true egalitarianism so the fact that you're shifting the discussion to that is your fault not anyone elses. Social contracts are different and they shift constantly, trying to get them equal is retarded.

Cool singled out story bro

feminism is also looking for that difference to end you know

>singled out
Golly gee I sure am BTFO waffle.


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You realize that spamming stories still doesn't make any sort of point right? Like I said. Issues exist for dudes as well. They need to be worked on. The fact that this is a thing doesn't negate the ability for chicks to work on their own.

guys you're not having another one of those autistic debates that boils down to semantics are you?

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No they don't Texas they want to force the elevation of women.
There's nothing wrong in America and no reason for third and fourth wave feminism other than to create more division to elevate women more.
A woman can do anything a man can in America. You want to fight for feminism? Go to Saudi Arabia or anywhere in the middle east where women are truly oppressed.

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Just from glossing over it seems to support the difference in pay being due to women and men working different jobs (something it considers inequality) rather than an actual difference in payment or discrimination

What is lost in the current discussion are real women's problems that are due to physiology. As a man I'll never have to breastfeed anyone for a year and that gives me a certain advantage in employment. American maternity leaves are a joke. Similarly, though women on average live longer, they have way more health issues, so healthcare is more important to them. And since it is fucked in USA, it affects women disproportionately stronger.

And although there are cultural problems in certain male circles regarding what is acceptable and what is not, prohibitive measures are not going to solve it. Trying to enforce what is really just human decency through Title IX offices and public executions is counterproductive. Not to mention that the problem itself is blown way out of proportion.

americans are truly brainwashed

>Imagine arguing about feminism in 2018
Jesus Christ the "skeptics" already disproved this shit long ago
You must be pretty brainwashed to believe men and women don't have the same rights in America


>Argument.exe had stopped working

the problem is that you are speaking in terms of the law, and is stupid to base a whole society on that. Don't you think that the fact our gender primes on the way we have to dress/act/behave/etc. is enough to say men and women are not equal? Cause to me it is...

kneel down, suck my foot and tell me you love feminism or i'll vaporize you with a ki-blast, boy

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different doesn't mean unequal

well, it is unequal when you are treated as the weak one tho

Men and women are of course not equal men are stronger faster and more aggressive women are weaker but have a kinder nature but in the laws eyes every one is equal
Y-yes mistress i love feminism

not if the other one traditionally protects the weak one and/or the weak one gets to use it as an excuse to get out of things

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So when one subset of chicks uses excuses to act like entitled brats that means they spoil it for everyone and none of the others deserve fair treatment
Jesus it's always the same fucking fallacy over and over and over and over and over
Stop treating everyone like one big homogeneous group it just doesn't work in your favor it makes you look retarded

I know... And people act like
>me protect, me defend
and that is a fucking retard way to see society.

>He think biology changes just because it's the current year

I wasn't saying they were acting snobby, I'm talking about how men are supposed to lift things and get dirty so that women don't have to.

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Women are physically weaker than men

Spot the bait in this thread!

Don’t have a problem with feminism. It just turned out like every other civil rights movement in this day and age: Good ideas, poor executions.

The concept of feminism is fine, but feminism ONLY being brought up when it's beneficial for women is not.

Imagine my shock