Why are there 'no girls on the internet'?

Why are there 'no girls on the internet'?
Where did this idea come from, and what is it based on?
Why does it specify girls?

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girls are myths

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Yo, I just found out how good it feels when you play with your butthole

It just seems like 99% of girls are normalfags with healthy social lives and thus no need to use Internet forums. Anyone autistic enough to use Jow Forums who claims to be female is just assumed to be a man seeking attention. There is also a much lower incidence of autism among girls.

Because when the internet first started becoming a thing it was mainly used by middle-upper class Caucasian males of above average intellect, mostly from America.

Took many years before it became cheap and perhaps more importantly mainstream enough that other countries, women and minorities started getting onboard in large numbers.

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even computers and cellphones were still relatively new in the 90's when the internet started taking off and many people, especially from poorer house holds didn't have them

Why males?

Is this still the demographic? I'm a poorfag and use Jow Forums as a distraction from poor reality

I am sure the explanation is rather simple and can be related to other things (like the male domination of early video gaming) but its just not coming to me right now.

Not sure.
I would think Jow Forums is used much more by males then females (like 80/20 atleast if not more) but I am less sure about the demographic makeup though my gut tells me its still heavily European and doesn't have alot of users from certain minority groups.

Clearly females do exist on the internet. Some make it obvious that they are female and draw the attention of raging incels and dribbling online orbiters alike.

It's sad most males do not know how to act (even in) in the presence of an online female (let alone a female in real life)

My estimate is 96% of females enjoy the mere fact that they can declare they are female and soak up both negative and positive attention, even if they wont admit it.

Jow Forums does perpetuate a hatred of women, it's actually quite unhealthy because males on this site tend to treat it as real life.

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Why is it male-dominated,

Women have friends irl and generally don't have obscure interests

Who says it really is? Who knows the amount of females that come here but do not let it be known they are female? Everyone just assumes that the person they are posting to is male.

The claim "no females exit on the internet" is a tool used by the incel to diminish and take away from female posters because they feel entitled to a girlfriend but cant get one because they live in an entitled fantasy world.

Because men and women are different and have different interests and live differently.
This was probably even more true in the past when gender roles were more well defined.

Stop using that racist establishment propaganda, its stupid and offensive.

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Err, males have friends irl as well you know. That is, if he is not pathetic or a degenerate or both.

You should really learn the word racist and propaganda before you use them, kid.

Precisely my point, kangaroofucker.

Because every girl you will talk to in your lifetime will not browse the internet but instead use snapchat or Facebook instead

I know what both terms mean and you are unwittingly using one of those terms and its cringey.
Don't take it personally, you're certainly not the only one.

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You are making your point obscure.

Are you trying to say, if you are a male and use Jow Forums you are pathetic and a degenerate?

No, Jow Forums is full of geniuses.

Oh I won't take it personally. Be sure of that but now you have my curiosity lol.

Please explain how I am being racist or using propaganda?

You would be surprised.

I wouldnt call myself a genius by any stretch of the imagination, I have friends, I am not pathetic nor do I have degenerate tendencies though, I am sure I am not the only one, so...

Underrated post.

I am not saying you are being racist or bad I am saying you used a term/slur that the establishment has stolen and is using in an attempt to dehumanize and demonize a certain group of fairly innocent people and they get away with it because hatred and racism towards the wider group they are apart of has become tolerated.

Anyway, lets just drop it, as I said you're not the only one who uses it and you didn't mean anything bad by it, just felt like venting about it.

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Thats assuming all girls are the same, which they are not. I am sure plenty of girls come here. The more preppy girls wouldnt bother or girls who can't be bothered with incels and degenerates frothing at the mouth when they post but other girls would come here and enjoy Jow Forums.

lol hang on a minute. Yeah sure, ill drop it but can I at least know what term or slur I used? What group of "fairly" innocent people I demonise?

I'm not even sure what you did wrong. lol

No one said all girls were the same, just that most of them share a common trait

No, I get you bro. you felt like you wanted to say something and get it out there at any cost. All good.

I will agree with that. Most do but is it that big of a deal?

>its still heavily European and doesn't have alot of users from certain minority groups.
Jow Forums is like 60% non white

are you retarded

i fucking hate the leaf

i knew a girl that browses to Jow Forums and is not mentally ill...

i have 0 friends irl

I'm sorry, but I cannot believe that you're a girl.

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Why does it matter?