Does anyone have a serious tutorial on how to learn to hack with kali linux?

Attached: http_%2F%2Fi.huffpost.com%2Fgen%2F4792406%2Fimages%2Fn-HACKER-628x314.jpg (630x315, 20K)

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-r chmod 777

A hacker is someone who enjoys playful cleverness—not necessarily with computers. The programmers in the old MIT free software community of the 60s and 70s referred to themselves as hackers. Around 1980, journalists who discovered the hacker community mistakenly took the term to mean “security breaker.”

Please don't spread this mistake. People who break security are “crackers.”

Attached: 1521577763429.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Watch Mr. Robot

Too broad of a topic. What do you enjoy fucking around with when you use your computer? Start with things related to that and you'll naturally branch out from there.


Install Gentoo and it will all come go you

Kali is just a toolbox dude.

When a hacker uses kali, they pull it open like a plumber does opening his toolbox. He pulls out the spin-threaded cross hatch fix 3/8inch vice grip ply hammer and knows exactly what to do with it.

the tools used to "hack" are constantly changing and you can do it with nothing but a terminal and text editor if you know what you're doing. what is important is that you understand how computers work. You can't learn how to make use of something like metasploit framework by watching a few minutes of a youtube video. Go learn about programming, networking, security, reverse engineering and everything else.

where to begin! how competent are you with computers.

nigger just youtube some of the tools kali has
kali isn't special, it's distro with a bunch of stuff pre-installed that you can learn individually

did this dude do anything more in his life than pull terminology out of his ass

Download some VMs off vulnhub or join hackthebox.eu

> did this dude do anything more in his life than pull terminology out of his ass

man commandname


Attached: pentest_cover-web.png (605x800, 705K)

I started with "rickdiculously easy" on vulnhub. Its cringey as fuck, but it is really fucking easy. If you cant figure out how to break into that, then you'll never get there.

Another thing, dont use kali. Its shit. Just use debian or arch (or arch derivative), and install the tools you need (netdiscover, nmap, nc, wpscan, nikto, john, burpsuite, wireshark, setoolkit, dirsearch/dirbuster).
You shouldnt really need any more than those tools if you're just starting out, unless for specific use cases.

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>lets laugh at a genius

DVWM and metasploitable

t. former pentester turned crypto investor


Well if the thinks that only kali linux enables him to "hack", I think he is not THAT competent with pcs or linux in general. Also his question indicates that he is really young.