How do I make vim a c++ IDE?

How do I make vim a c++ IDE?
I'm used to stuff like function autocomplete (with parameters) etc. and would like to have that in vim now that I am using it as my main editor

Attached: vim-editor_logo-300x300.png (300x300, 35K)

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get a linter


OP: Install an LSP plugin and use clangd or cquery.

YCM is a pain in the ass to setup. But I know, vim isn't for noobs...

>vim a c++ IDE
isn't vim a text editor?

Use emacs.
Sepples is a big, obtuse language. You need a big, obtuse editor to properly deal with it.

use emacs instead

Install QtCreator and use vim mode

LSP is bloated shit and only useful if you're working on a giant codebase

>install clang
>run YCM setup

idk vim-rtags? or just design your shit so you don't need autocomplete.

Actually learn the language so you don't need autocomplete. YouCompleteMe is the only auto complete plugin I know of but I don't use any of them.

>The absolute state of Jow Forums

>the absolute fucking state of Jow Forums

>How do I make vim a c++ IDE?
Literally fucking why
Why use vim in the first place, are you that shitty at programming that you have to compensate by using obscure software from the 90s?


>hey guys you should just use whatever new thing is trendy and cool without ever questioning why
if it ain't broke, don't fix it

i tend to agree with this but it can come in handy if you're working with a codebase that has shitty out of date (or nonexistent) documentation

>step one
>don't write c++

Just don't. If you want features like autocomplete, linting, snippets, etc. just use Emacs - it handles extensions way better than vim.
Shitting up vim with too many plugins will only make it bad.

We all know none of you IDE code monkeys know how to program. Your 500 exabyte autocomplete IDEs just make you worse at it.

Attached: vimmasterrace.png (1500x1230, 77K)

I cant believe no one has heard about Spacemacs, you get all the keybindings and modal commands of vims on top of the functionality of emacs. There is no reason to use vim or emacs anymore, you get the best of both with Spacemacs

Attached: ss1.png (1380x718, 200K)

>Autists who tinker with config files are technically inclined.
What else is new this fine Saturday night?

>if it ain't broke, don't fix it
>ain't broke
>uh guys how do I get autocomplete working
Basic stuff.


The holy trinity.

It's what I use in my CS courses. Started using VIM because it was required, but have since fallen in love with it. Use it with tmux and you can keep a file open, write changes to it, and in the adjacent terminal pane, you can test it.

Makes debugging a lot easier, especially with the GDB debugger.

Attached: comfy_IDE.png (3840x2122, 203K)

Don't use vim as an IDE. Vim is a powerful general purpose text editor, but its not built to be a fully featured IDE. Vim has many features that are similar, like tag searching, auto complete, and directory trees but if you need more switch to something else. If you really need that much more power just use emacs in EVIL mode.

This. you really dont need any addons.

maybe add some
autocmd FileType cpp inoremap

to your vimrc, to save some keystrokes