What are some good projects for beginner programmers to do?

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google.com.br/search?q=tangram game in javascript

Create a calculator using visual basic, i dare you

I never did anything useful, I can only do math, too dumb for programming.

An IRC bot

Write a text adventure, do some language parsing

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tell me more
Then fuck off out of this thread

Don't be too mean dude. You should do a Tangram game in JS and send it to me, it's my project for web-development 2 class and I didn't even start. Deadline is tomorrow.

I used to write text-based adventure games in batch on my dad's laptop. Some good and innocent times.

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modify gentoo


browse github for something easy in your preferred language

im not the op you absolute fuckin plebian

and im not your personal programmer either , if you want something then give something in return

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library management
simple text based games

Web dev 2 is such a stupid class, I don't know why I took it.

I think I'll just give up and fail it, still have 35 credits this semester

Find some random-generation tables in a tabletop RPG book and automate them.

I recommend GURPS Space, which contains complex systems for randomly generating (1) planets, (2) star systems, and (3) alien species. See also GURPS Infinite Worlds, which allows you to generate a random alternate timeline.

I will give you a warm kiss on the cheek

How are you taking 35 credits in one semester

My classes are: OOP, FP, Formal Languages, Web-dev 2, Calculus 1, Discrete math 2, Programming methodology (we learn how to prove if a program is correct via math it's a complete bullshit), economics basics (don't ask), law basics (don't ask)

literally anything, it doesnt matter.

i got into python by scrapping a site
i got into c# by making a flash player
just do what interests you, and it'll come naturally

pay a chink to do your homework

I'm too poor to afford that

Unless you live in the uk and are cute , that kiss means nothing to me

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I live in Hungary :^) and also boy (male)

Damn dude I'm only taking 5 classes and working part-time and I'm stressed the fuck out.
Maybe I'm not fit for a comfy programming job

>And are cute
Never specified gender, and couldnt care , cute is cute
but out of sheer curiosity , list the criteria you must meet to complete this "assignment" of yours

do craftinginterpreters.com

google.com.br/search?q=tangram game in javascript

now kiss me like one of your french girls

It should have a menu, 3 different game modes, one is a "learning" mode, the 2nd is the normal mode with levels, the last one is a free mode where you can use as many shapes as you want. Also, it needs to be optimized for mobile devices, and if you do a really good job, they will pay you some money.

Yeah right I'm not a fucking faggot to steal code from some pajeet, also we need to defend it by explainging how it works, so yeah

kid, it's not about programming it's about get your shit credits to get your fucking dregree.

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Yeah that's why I'm saying I still have 35 credits going, with webdev 2 I have 39. Also, I don't know why we learn formal languages and such in 2nd semester and learn about compilers in 5th, it's complete bullshit