Tell me Jow Forums, What is the best IDE for programming in C++ or progamming in general? pic unrelated

Tell me Jow Forums, What is the best IDE for programming in C++ or progamming in general? pic unrelated

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Emacs is the best in general. You can get a full featured IDE for as many languages as you want in the same package.

The only downside is the long startup time and the ugliness of the editor in general.

visual studio, msbuild is objectively the best and most widely used c++ compiler regardless of how much the gnutards cry about it

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Visual Studio is the greatest IDE

Emacs is all you need

clion, unless you're poor.

visual studio

gedit + terminal


Depends what you want, do you want a minimal text editor that can be run in a terminal, has a plethora of plugins and uses 1337 shortcuts? Then go for Vim
Do you want a more out of the box complete (or bloated some would say) terminal IDE? Then go for Emacs
Do you want a more graphical less shortcut focused IDE? Then go for Code::Blocks

Is that photo gimp'ed?


OP, XCode, CLion, and Visual Studio are all decent for personal projects. You will find it’s got some quirky bugs- as do all three, however.

I would recommend Clion because its autocomplete is fucking great, it’s lightning fast, up to date with plug ins, and looks the same on mac, windows, and linux.

2nd choice would be VS.

third, if you *really* insist on that macOS ecosystem, XCode

vim and cli

Visual Studio with Resharper for C++ > CLion >>> any other IDE > fizzbuzz text editors

>using VS

Fucking pajeets.


>not using Visual Studio just because you hate Microsoft and want to be different
Yeah, tell me how Code::Blocks is the best IDE or how debugging with vim and gdb is so fun and productive.

Lol I’m a rich privileged white kid. Ain’t nothing “pajeet” about me.

I speak from experience. I’m in a bunch of CS classes in college. I have a new project every month. I basically just switch IDE’s every project, to learn what I like and dislike, and gain experience using a variety of industry tools. I can say with a lot of confidence that I finish projects much faster and with more confidence about the quality of my project, in VS and CLion.

KDevelop is solid
Code::Blocks is pretty good too and has a fuckton of features.

no but this is

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>the ugliness of the editor in general
what ugliness?

Attached: emacs.png (1532x944, 197K)

>can't compile for anything other than windows
>absolute shit codegen
>"msbuild is objectively the best and most widely used"

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vim or kakune

Attached: I_know_I_am_being_a_shill.png (262x262, 38K)

>visual studio, msbuild is objectively the best
I see, you haven't written any non trivial performance critical C++ yet

Looks neat. Want to elaborate a bit more on your setup? I've used Emacs for 2 years now for my crappy programming tasks, but I believe I've barely scratched 0.1% of Emacs' capabilities.

Regardless of what freetards will try to tell you, Microsoft Visual Studio is BY FAR the most advanced and the best IDE out there.

Eclipse Neon

'pajeet' is a state of mind bro

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