Preference on Markup language for text/image board

Hi all. I'm the guy doing the NO JAVASCRIPT text/imageboard. I posted here at the beginning of april. Now, to the point: What Markup language do you prefer?

* BBCode
* Sexpcode
* Markdown
* other?

I like the one in dokiwiki, but i would love to know what type of markup would you expect as EXPERT Jow Forums POSTERS. Latex support, for example?

That's is. Here, i leave you with a small gif of the login process and the notification when you get a response for one of your posts in the background.

PS: I probably wont be able to respond to this thread because i'm leaving for the office, but i will get all of your responses tonight. Thanks!!!

Attached: ss6.gif (551x598, 1.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:

bbcode because markdown syntax disgusting and sexpcode is a meme

Just embed prosemirror.

Just parse and filter HTML input. All of your options are retarded.

doesnt matter what i prefer because nobody will use your ib

I'm doing it for fun. I don't really care. But if i do it, i better do it right ;)

Besides, it will have some great features you don't see on other text/imageboards. So it might find its niche.

use nntp instead, set up INNd

> And how exactly are you doing authorization (saw it in screencast) and posting?

Iframe with autorefresh for notifications and css3 for effects.

Markdown syntax is easy and handy.

>hurrr durrr how are you gonna log in without javascript?

The absolute state of post-Node.js programmers

I don't relate to web programming in any way. Correct me if I'm wrong, but to handle authorized user you would need at least basic kind of javascript to handle some kind of token, because saving authorized IP's on server is silly?

Yeah right? Is one of the reasons i'm making this. Js is almost an environmental issue now. All that energy spent on megabytes of js frameworks..

Cookies and sessions. It is all you need.

>save token in cookies
>save token server-side
Wow, it's so hard.

And reasonably well standardised now too:

Thanks. I think i will steal some ideas from it, and combine them with bbcode and sexpcode. Not a single one convinces me completely.

I like markdown.

is it open source?

Not yet. But it will be. I want to release it as a whole package in a VM on Alpine Linux. And then i will release the code.

what's the point of logging in?

I'm working on a CMS without javascript. I have almost finished writing it. I used PHP
When I'm done I'll open source it on github

The point is that you are encouraged to be anonymous, except for when you want to do some privileged tasks (most are configurable). Uploading pictures, creating polls, voting for stuff. Each 'board' will be like a separate, sometimes democratic, country with its own laws and features. Also you might want to be identified from time to time, or act as a mod.

These are the points of logging in.

>but to handle authorized user you would need at least basic kind of javascript
are you 12?

Correct, and that token is called a cookie. They were invented in 1994

There is no need to repeat things one after another. So you can send your forms without JS, cool, thanks, one reply was enough.

If you guys are so cool web coders, would you tell me how would I make a link that would toggle some simple variable in cookie, and then use this variable to make change to block's class without having server app involved? I'm just curious if you could do this.

my brian, it hurts

markdown is gay use bbcode

markdown, markdown or markdown



Basically all of those "humane" markup languages are cancer. You might as well parse and sanitize a subset of HTML with some custom predefined CSS styles:
>BBCode - a shit tier faux HTML, just give me the real thing
>Sexpcode - asking lisp faggots for syntactical ergonomics... might as well use HTML
>Markdown - a shit tier format that doesn't respect newlines which causes a lot of quirks. Better use HTML.
Nah, most are shite.
Unless you want to make this an all /sci/ board, no.

I like rst

>I like rst
see Markdown

easy, common, you can add your own tags (sure, you can with HTML, but then it isn't actually HTML anymore)

I like having a switcher for various formatting options.
Also does your script there use anonymous accounts? that's what it looked like but I want to be sure.

Attached: formatting.png (660x49, 11K)

The idea is to encourage anonymous conversations but requesting registration for uploading images (configurable) and other board democracy related stuff. Also i will do my best to make hard to relate a username with a user_id if someone gets a copy of the database.

>but requesting registration for uploading images
dead on arrival, don't do this.

It is configurable. HOWEVER. for anonymous posters there is a library of reaction images, that will be per-board too. :)

Remember that this is all in heavy development, and also is thought from the start to be a blind friendly board, that's why the default images are referred by description instead of filename.

Having a fixed amount of reaction images would allow to to have communities with tight censorship while at the same time allowing certain freedom to post memes and shit. (Example, a forum for kids). Also, it will be possible to vote for adding a new pic to the set of predefined images too.

Attached: ss7.gif (551x598, 1.02M)

I prefer text over image clutter and I'd probably avoid posting them if an account were required to post them. In addition accounts annoying to deal with.
>blind friendly board
Imageboard software for blind people? funny thought. I would've gone with a textboard if that were my target audience. Also I've never heard of anonymous communities specifically for blind people, it would be interesting to see what it might turn out to look like.


Upload webm, not gif.

Nice work man.

The images by "name" are part of the default images that you can post **without** being identified. In the current incarnation, you can only upload new ones when being identified with a user account. But this will be a per-board configuration. You will be able to have some where you can upload anonymously, and others with no images at all. And anything in between.

In fact. this started as a text board, i added images later... But if all the images (default ones) have descriptive texts by requirement, it might work as an actual bridge for these communities.

I saw an short video once of a blind person using his phone to identify stuff near him "Sky", "red flower", and this kind of stuff. Someday this tech will be available in the browser, but in the meantime this might help a bit, even if the set of images is limited.


Do you have a link for the spec for this markup? I cant find a reference for this, and i'm not familiar with it.

>doesn’t respect newlines
one of the best parts about markdown is that you can have neatly formatted source code manually wrapped at line 72 or whatever without fucking up the actually produced text

I found the source code BTW, it seems that is basically sanitized HTML, but still i would like to see some reference.

You cant do that in js? Shame.

Thanks for the reference, i was actually lookng at the wrong function :) . I will study it. Right now i am being inclined to a combination of sexpcode and markdown though.

After trying them for a while, i found this comfortable to type. Now i am coding this and see how it goes

(All these works only on column 1)
: This will create a header (no multilevel headers. I'm keeping this intentionally simple)
+ Item List
++ Item List level 2
+++ Etc
> green text
# purple text

These are free to type anywhere
[b bold]
[i italic]
[u underline]
[h hidden] (AKA spoilers)
[sup superscript]
[sub subscript]

some source code

Yes, some will have parameters. In the case of code, end is showing the default value for it, meaning that a new line plus a closing ] indicates the end of the code block. Notice that there is NO space between code and the opening parenthesis.

[do action]
This will allow your post to trigger some specific action on posting. Example
[do dice]
This will throw a 6 side dice and print its value. (A nice replacement for trips i guess)

Points to post1
:2 Points to heading 2 in post 1
.3 Points to paragraph 3 in post 1

[table(title="this shows some data" separator="|" header="1" start="[" end="]")
[Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3]
[ data1 | data2 | data3 ]
[ data4 | data5 | data6 ]

Since this has no JS there is no way to do markup except by typing it. So is imperative to keep it as simple as possible with sane defaults. Like for quick replies

No post is instantaneous. There is always a confirmation stage on every post, a "forced preview" if you wish.

Well, that's it, these are most of the ideas i have in my head for markup. Any suggestions are welcome.

And make sure syntax highlighting for programming languages works.

Oh, i have been thinking about this a lot. Seems that is TOO MUCH WORK, however.... i was thinking on just interfacing the rendering stage with a pygment service, that you as the board owner will have to provide. So it will be like an external service, if you wish. Pygment seems very good, it can even parse Perl6!!! (not a small feat). And there is the issue of colors and CSS themes. All in all, might be too complicated at this stage. But i am considering it.

You can do this.

>some source code

I made a typo there. The correct example should have been:

some source code

You fucking retard, discussion was about NOT using JS.

You can do this in php. However its not the right tool for the job and you banned it for some reason.

Throw me another one bitch boi i charge 30$/hr btw.

You can include cookies in http responses... The page loads with the authorized cookie set to expire in x hours. Form submissions are still a thing. Ajax was so groundbreaking because it could do the same thing without the HTML forms. Before that, JavaScript was primarily used for popups and tacky page "widgets"

Sure, just use web assembly. While your at it, replace everything you're doing via HTML hacks with proper web assembly. Just download dart, this is very easy user

the link is actually a form which you send to the server, the server gives you a new/changes your cookie.

Dear NO JAVASCRIPT guy, ever thought about using the glorious HTML feature known as Framesets and Frames? They are truely amazing.

There is CommonMark, vfmd and that github one, and they differ pretty much imo

Still, go with markdown. I’m not sure if syntax highlighting will work without JavaScript, so maybe with a check before posting (accidental backticks etc).
Remove all fancy unneeded stuff because it will only cause things to break (nested lists, starting OLs at not-1, checkboxes), and people will format shitposts annoyingly

If you want to go full meme, take a subset of troff

I only know LaTeX and like it pretty much.

I remember them. Used them many years ago. I don't have the need for those at this stage. If you can think of a use case for those please share it with us.

I do use iframes for the small notifications in the main navbar.

Build it in Flash

is there any actual reason why you're not using JS besides your autism, OP?

just ditch HTML and HTTP completely and use ANSI escape codes as markup, served over plain TCP. Then we can browse with netcat and a vt102 emulator.


has there been any improvment in the non js way since cookies, I mean other than html5 or css3?

So make a BBS?

The "non js way" for what, client authentication? You can send unique URLs to different users, or even do some wacky per-TLS-session identifier thing with sufficient hacking, but cookies are still the best way for a user agent to keep some state about a domain and send that back with subsequent HTTP requests. "non js" implies pure HTML/CSS over HTTP, so you make do with what browsers support, which is a cookie store.


Yeah, but allow image posting by converting any png/jpgs sent from clients into some unicode abuse approximation . it'll be great.

>You can send unique URLs to different users
Has this been tried?

Yeah, even google does it

The main problem with URL-based authentication is if you copy the URL somewhere, say posting it on Jow Forums, then you just gave away your auth. Cookies persist because there's an understanding that they're private information, thus you can't copy authentication normally (outside of "copy as cURL" in the browser console).

FWIW non-cookie auth can also break to some odd compression/length extension attacks like BREACH, so better to use the cowpath of cookies. Though it's unlikely would want to BREACH your shitty imageboard anyway, so

I'm not him, but I'm just interested on how things were done before, and what options there are.

I quite like this, especially the [tag content...] style as opposed to the usual [tag]content[close tag] verbose and annoying style.

Nothing wrong with rolling your own markup, it takes like 2 minutes to look though a spec. Just make sure you have a good, comprehensive spec written up.

Adding latex would definitely be neat, at least
as an optional thing.

I don't like any of this.

all of the old man programmers responding to this wrote some PRETTY SHITTY and INSECURE login pages in the past

Cookies, the Set-Cookie header, and HTTP forms that make POST requests are the bread and butter of "web 1.0" session management. In ~2004 devs figured out how to use XMLHttpRequest from javascript to make arbitrary HTTP requests without incurring a visible page refresh (like if you hit submit on a form), leading to "web 2.0" stuff, namely gmail and google maps. They still use HTTP and browser-persisted cookies under the hood though. the 2010era gave webdevs a few more client-side persistent things to play with like localStorage, sessionStorage, indexedDB, as well as inadvertent channels like canvas fingerprinting. Oh, and I guess it's worth mentioning sending unique ETag cache headers can also be used for sessions since your browser saves it semi-persistently for caching efficiency, but that's not its intended use.

Before HTTP, most internet protocols were "stateful" as once you connected, your TCP session itself was your state, e.g. FTP with $PWD. If you lose your TCP session (internet disconnects), then you have to log in and cd around again. With HTTP the session id (cookies) could be carried across multiple TCP sessions, i.e. how you stay "logged in" to websites for long periods of time, as long as you don't reset cookies/storage in your browser.

That it supports oldfarts who never learn is the second worst part.

thanks for that input man

Attached: 1524866056989.webm (640x640, 2.87M)

HTML is the best markup language.

so you make new Jow Forums

Attached: Jian Yang.jpg (1280x720, 46K)


Use the tinyboard markup. LynxChan uses it as well I think.

is this the imageboard technology thread?
i made a thing a while ago, lots of people say it's pretty rad but the code is a shit.

why not \TeX ?
\spoiler{ur a faggot}

Attached: considerthefollowing.jpg (251x251, 9K)

Interesting. Saved!
Will take a look at it later.

>doesn't respect newlines
>Better use HTML
HTML treats newlines the same way

LaTeX image board?

Attached: 1520738376471.png (800x800, 84K)

>no troff