/emacs/ thread

/emacs/ thread
Hey Jow Forums I'm trying emacs for the first time. It's a bit overwhelming but I'm willing to learn.
I'm having trouble with installing "org-mode" though, I can't seem to auto-install it with MELPA, what am I doing wrong?
Also feel free to post whatever emacs-related: tips, questions, etc...

Attached: emacs.jpg (225x225, 6K)

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This is my init.el btw

Attached: pic.png (707x836, 24K)

For anyone who uses emacs, what advantages does emacs have over vi?

Org mode comes preinstalled. You just visit a file (c-x c-f) with an .org extension to invoke the org mode automatically.


org-mode is included by default, the package on packages-list is an outdated version. I'd recommend ivy if you're still getting used to the commands. Stick (ivy-mode 1) in your .emacs after you've in stalled it to have it set on launch. You don't really need any other packages right now, evil is a little bit janky (it doesn't work with certain packages) so trying to use it when you first start will be pointlessly confusing.

Try setting your theme and font first - don't forget to save - and then play around with ielm (installed by default) for a while to get some fundamentals of emacs lisp. Maybe then try to set your email with gnus (installed by default) or set up emms (need package manager). ERC irc client (installed by default) is also worth checking out.

The hotkeys for splitting buffers are improtant: ctrl+x 2 (horizontal), ctrl+x 3 (vertical), ctrl+x 0 (close buffer). Do the emacs tutorial.

Orgmode is already installed; there is no need to re-install unless you want development/user contribution packages.

Check if the package exist first.
Org mode has its own repository for elpa packages, try that one.

I recently transitioned from vim to spacemacs. The reason was i wanted to be able to change the splitted left window from one tab to the other.
spacemacs does that, also bazillions more and evil mode has vi key bindings.

lol really it comes preinstalled? I've spent one hour searching to install it.
Do I still need to add the org elpa repos? For what purpose?

M-x package-list-packages

and it should already be there (usually right at the bottom).

And no, you don't need to add the orgmode repos.

To get access to hundreds of community packages of varying quality. I've just got Ivy and JDEE installed at the moment though.

The only one you need to add is Melpa (melpa.org/).

My packages section has
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "elpa.gnu.org/packages/")
("melpa" . "melpa.org/packages/")
("org" . "orgmode.org/elpa/")))

But only because I'm a heavy user of orgmode and like to have the most up-to-date version.

I got it!
Another quick question: do I have to do this:
(require 'evil)
To load every package? (evil in this case) Or If I have this line at the beginning:
every package gets loaded?

you load evil globally with (evil-mode 1) in your .emacs

one per package, always check documentation to ensure additional configuration isn't needed

Oh ok, I have:
(evil-mode t)
What does the (require 'package) do then?

Emacs have native line numbers now, so there is no need for the 'linum-relative' package.

Just set
(setq display-line-numbers t)

But if you want relative line numbering
(setq display-line-numbers 'relative)

'require' loads a package into Emacs' memory, allowing you to use its functions and variables.

'package-initialize' attempts to load each package's autoload functions into Emacs' memory. You don't really need it; I don't have it in mine, but then you need to call manually. (It gets complicated.)

If you're just going to use evil mode why not just skip the 30 mb editor and use the slim vi?

It ensures that the package is installed.

at least he's ricing it himself instead of using pleb spacemacs

I spend 90% of my time in Emacs tinkering with its configs. This is normal.

tho i'm gonna change colors

>if you are going to use this set of shortcut, why don't you use this inferior waganda product that has 1% of the functionality but you have the desired shortcuts?
Good boy, 0.02 waganda shekels have been deposited to your account.

If you're going to defend emacs shitposting isn't going to help your case

I want to learn it
I tried it but I feel like to truly learn you kind of have to build it from the ground yourself
Oh ok.
I want the hybrid relative numbers option though (relative for every line but the current one, which displays the absolute line number) is that native too?

By the way guys, can you recommend me some (maybe yours) more or less basic init file for people that come from vim (emacs with evil-mode package obviously)?
Also I'm trying org mode and the keys are not really well set (cycling is S-TAB, not tab, for example) comparing to spacemacs. Do you know of any good keybindings file that I can take and modify? (maybe yours, too)

It's Stallman approved.

A list of good Emacs configs: github.com/caisah/emacs.dz

You'll have to Google for hybrid relative numbers, I don't use them myself.

Tab does cycle in Orgmode.

Thanks for the info.
I've installed org-evil. I should, right? Default evil does not come with vim-like org commands, or am I wrong?

Check out this list of packages too, github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs

not even close.
I am stating the facts.
Dude's suggesting using his preferred product to a guy asking something completely different.
Did he ask what to replace emacs with? No.
The first response from the shill was, "use slim vi", like there's a chance slim or fat vi can reach the functionality of emacs, even when emacs is loaded with zero packages.
I am not defending emacs, I am having fun with vimtards/slim vitards.

> hey does anyone know how to install X package on loonix
> if you are going to install, why don't you install Temple OS.

> I gotta larp vim, those niggers are hungry.

Fucking vi is loads smaller than emacs and you know it

Thanks man, I will when I start to get the grasp of it and want to get more packages.
Do you guys know If I should get the "evil-org" package If I want to use org-mode with vim keys? Or does the "evil" package has this covered?
Also, since org comes pre-installed to emacs where are the org keymaps files?

Come on guys do you have to fight in every text editing thread? Both are good and have theirs pros/cons

Because if emacs is so great why do you need to have to use an emulator for a different editor to make it usable? Why not just cut the bullshit and just use vi if you're going to use evil.

Because I'm used to the keys and these editing keys are just a small part of emacs, that's why I want to use emacs

i know why you don't mention vim, because vim's runtime is just 29MB.
If you want a superior editor than vi, you pick zile.
There's no variant in the vi family of editors that's superior to anything.
zile is even more lightweight to nano and ofc more agile than vi.
Now, stop shilling and check your facts before spreading your bs around.

emacs doesn't have or is an emulator, it doesn't emulate anything... the changes run natively on emacs.
by your logic, mapping alt+f2 to win+r on linux is emulation of windows on linux.

What evil-leader key do you guys use and what do you use it for?
Is having it on SPC a good idea?

Vim is piece of shit you faggot. I like vi as in the original vi without vim because the key bindings are completely sane without giving you RSI from constant use of the ctrl key or whatever you set your mod key to. nvi is a bug for bug re-implimentation for the original vi that actually follows Unix philosophy without having to be its own operating system. The fact you think I'm talking about vim when I said vi is you're just following memes and probably don't even use emacs that deeply or know how long its been around for.

On a side note, what does "&" in vim actually do? What do they mean with "repeat your last substitution"?
(excuse my dumbness)

Use evil-collection. It adds bindings to most emcas programs that people use.

Evil mode gives you vim's keyboard layout (which is far superior, how the hell is b for back and f for forward ergonomically usable)
while still keeping emacs' extensability and ability to do all the lisp bullshit if your dreams

>type "dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks"
>result: "cocks dicks dicks dicks dicks"
press &
>"cocks cocks dicks dicks dicks"

Just try spacemacs, OP, it's very beginner friendly

Oh ok, it's like "." for commands.
Thanks, great example btw
I've tried it but it was really overwhelming. I prefer to build it from the ground up and learn

Is customizing emacs black magic or does everyone just suck at explaining the basics or am I just retarded? I just want to be able to install a few packages, use evil mode with a leader key and some sensible default bindings, and maybe use lazy loading. EVERYTHING fancier than that can wait until some time down the road. I have never just blindly copy-pasted configs for any other program. I just read through supposedly good ones and pick up what I like, but I only have the vaguest inkling of what exactly most lines in a given init.el actually does. (And by that I mean, if that specific line weren't there, I wouldn't know exactly how it would work differently or what functionality I'd be missing.) Fuck, spacemacs is massive bloat and vanilla hurts my hands. There is not a single line in my .vimrc that I don't know the exact function of. Fuck, this is overwhelming.

It's not written and maintained by a nodev.
It has a native, sadly underused plugin interface.
It likely has a better text buffer.
Elisp is way better than vimscript.

For me I realized that the only big reason I used VIM was the keybindings. Emacs can do the keybindings just as well with evil so to me it made sense to switch to the more powerful tool if I could keep the same functionality

Just watch this and then tell me if you can do any of this with vim.

Install spacemacs.

Then you can take your time to learn elisp, and taylor fit your emacs to your own needs. In a year you can choose to ditch spacemacs and build your emacs from scratch, or keep spacemacs and configure it to your needs.

>muh rsi
lift and don't be a pussy

Basically all of that can be done with s/new/old/g, so yes. I agree that emacs is more powerful, but that's a shite example. Also, default keybindings are hot rotting shit. If someone had just whispered "modal editing" in Stallman's ears enough times when he was younger, Emacs would hold 99% of the programmer's text editor market share.

Zile seems awesome but vi is way lighter. Nobody really uses vi except in embedded stuff, but it is.

I was really interested in the zile-on-guile because really everything should be using a lisp1 AND guile is getting pretty well optimized. Zile alone is just a half measure.

Slow way down. Google emacs dired. Start off simple, just using it like a file manager. Learn how to invoke dired and basic navigation type commands within dired. That’s enough for one day.

Vi sucks donkey balls, just use ex or ed, those are only ones with sane configs.

>install evil
>set it to autostart in .emacs file
better vim than vim

i'm an ex/ed guy from way back and yeah, pretty much. Vim has great (equally arbitrary) mode key bindings but a programmatic interface will always beat it.

its pretty bad at being vim really but you get all the emacs with it. If it wasn't for portability I would start from scratch.

Spacemacs is a bit big, but I've come in after some experience with using Vim with plugins for a time, so perhaps it wasn't too much. I also had about a year of dicking around with it before actually starting to use it.
I recommend giving it another try. The most used command for me is still "SPC b b". I started learning the ins and outs of other packages as the need arose

customizing emacs is easy with C-h

Honestly it all hinges on your understanding of emacs lisp. Torrent the O'Reilly Introduction to Emacs Lisp book and play around with ielm for a while. If you can understand what you're setting in the config files it all starts to click.

Right, yes. I'm trying to jump straight in and put together a bunch of non-trivial modules. One step at a time, no rush.

Anyway, I just stumbled upon the following:
Now I'm not sure if I should use package, use-package. or el-get. Any suggestions would be helpful but I guess I'll just start with package if I don't hear back.

Ok, it's not bad.
I want to replace kate by emacs but I don't want to take several months to learn to use it.

>Basically all of that can be done with s/new/old/g
Basically all of text editing can be done with sed/awk so that's a shite argument. You cannot deny that it's more convienient to navigate with multiple cursors than to write a command for every single editing task you want to do.

Attached: 1509032305860.png (657x539, 110K)

>You cannot deny that it's more convienient to navigate with multiple cursors than to write a command for every single
How much more convenient? How many keystrokes am I saving? Is that worth learning a new tool or writing a new major or minor mode? Of course it fucking isn't, because situations like that are rare if you aren't a blithering fucking retard. Emacs is more powerful in general, but that's a fucking retarded example to wow people who never actually code a god damn thing. kys

use-package is awesome, I wholeheartedly recommend it.

There are also 2 elisp books that come with emacs

use-package is harmful since it introduces an altogether different syntax without any real benefits. For deferred configuration you can use with-eval-after-load and as for the :ensure functionality you can have a look at the require-package function here:

I'm not him, and I actually agree with you. But what's up with all these instults though? Why dome of you can't discuss text editors without being aggressive towards others?

Thank you to everyone posting though.


>Is that worth learning a new tool or writing a new major or minor mode?
It obviously is since somebody wrote it and people are using it you dumb nigger

This happens here everytime, for some reason vi users feel the need to shitpost every emacs thread they see.

Well it's a shame.

Btw, emacs evil-mode users, do you use default Evil emacs to use org-mode? Or have you installed the evil-org package?

How complete is evil mode for normal text-editing?

I have a quick question if someone can answer it it would be great.
I want to remap in evil-motion-state-map "C-w" to "SPC w" to enter evil-window-state-map (it's what I believe it's called prefix-key).
What am I doing wrong? First I disable the current SPC key (move forward a char) and then I set the prefix key.
Pls help

Attached: evil1.png (594x85, 3K)

Here's the error (pic)

From what I know it's practically the same as vim (+ extra emacs functionalities If you want)

Attached: evil2.png (747x175, 5K)

Should I directly change the "~/.emacs.d/elpa/evil/evil.maps.el" instead of my init file: "~/.emacs.d/init.el"
Though I've read somewhere that I should only change my init file, not files from packages

Look up 'evil leader'.

And read this

I've just solved it. I had to put those after loading evil.... That first function tricked me (in the docu it says that that function needs to be before loading evil, I asumed that all keymaps would work like that too)

install vim

but org-mode


How do you guys handle choosing from your kill ring. I'm just trying to find a poor man's way for choosing from the minibuffer without needs to install a package.

Also I understand why C-y is for yanking from the kill ring, but what's the mneumoic for C/M-w for the kill ring? Writing to kill ring?

Attached: 570104189.jpg (256x256, 71K)

M-y, yank-pops the kill-ring, my dude.

Or you can use a numeric argument to C-y to go to a specific kill ring history.