
How are people able to remember the amount of syntax in programming languages, than be able to use them?

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its instinctive

how do you remember your language's syntax or be able to learn another language? its literally the same thing and with programing languages you have to know one to know how the other works and just learn the different syntaxes of each one which isnt a big deal compare to learning a foreign language for example.

1. They aee mostly all simillar, C-like languages. When you are learning a new language that has completely different constructs to those in the languages you know, It's almost like starting from scratch.

2. You learn them by using them, in a project, to solve a problem, not by reading them from a sheet of paper or sth. like that. When you have spent 2 months or more trying to express logic in something, the rules (syntax) really sticks in your head, like a favorite song.

To add to what the others have said, for languages that I don't use very often it's extremely common to google some syntax details. The important part is knowing what to write, not how to write it. Kinda like how if you know the grammar and general structure of a natural language, you can look up the spelling of a word or even use a translator to find out some word you don't know - but you can't do that to speak the language properly without already knowing how and where to use this word.

You don't need maths except the very basic order operations. Programmers are not mathematicians even if people think they are. They make the program do the math for them. What you need to know is Logic and that's it. Any non brainlet retard can learn to program you don't even need to be clever to make some programs.

Maybe you're dumb.

I'm guessing you're new to this stuff.
Here's the retard's guide to learning programming, user. It's the foolproof, best way.

>Pick a language, any language
>Think of something simple, like a calculator
>Write down the basic steps to accomplish it in english
>Google how to do each step in your language, and do it


Most programmers remember a core set of functions and expressions from their language of choice and look up the rest from reference books. This isn't school, you aren't penalized for having a reference. What matters most is remembering the algorithms, and having the critical thinking skills to work the logical progression of what needs to be done. So short answer is: repetition through application.

Mathematics is the expression of logic so they go hand in hand. Programmers tend to use computers for their purpose, to compute, when faced with applied mathematics however programmers also make use of pure mathematics when designing said alorithms. Programmers that have no need for advanced mathematics are programmers who are just their because the person actually making the software doesn't physically have the hands to code everything that needs typing.

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Unless you building some kind of advanced mathematical program you do not need maths for programming.

All you need is highschool maths and you can make whatever the fuck you want and if you are an actual programmer and need a fancy equation you could just google it and make a function to use it.

You dont need to do any maths to be a programmer, you make the computer solve everything for you and if you are a programmer you would know about that.

There are countless self taught programmers that are highschool dropouts and and built to shit and get jobs on google and facebook and all these companies as software engineers.

Programmers are not mathematicians, they are problem solvers

It isn't memorized, it is learned.
First time you see a function, you notice what sticks out.

Take this example in C++:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
if(argc == 1) return 1;
std::vector numbers(argc-1);
for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i){
numbers[i-1] = stoi(std::string(argv[i]));

remembering syntax is for pajeets, gaymedevs, and autistic millennial nusoy. real programmers use their brain capacity for logic, algorithms, and data structures, and look up syntax pajeetery as needed

They cannot. That's why APL is so unpopular these days.

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C++ hard. Python is much easier syntax and easier for someone to learn and be taught how programing works, after all you need to know one programming language to be able to know how this shit works
garbage = 100
human_feces = 50
def function(arg1, arg2):
print("How many shit we got here?")
print("We got {} garbage and {} feces".format(arg1, arg2))
arg3 = arg1 + arg2
return arg3
totall = function(garbage, human_feces)
print("totall of {} shit".format(totall))

I don't try to. After awhile it clicks and you just lookup syntax as needed. Typically if working in a different language you just just break the proplem down in pusedocode either in your head or written down then look up the syntax for that specific thing. Then you git gud.

Language doesn't matter.
I used C++ as an example because it have an easy syntax to learn.
The biggest disadvantage python have over C++ for new people is you do not have a compiler to smite you when you fuck up.

Just learn the basic and learn how to look up the rest.

Applies to every trade.

No you can easily use Atom with linter and flake8 package which will auto-correct any mistakes you make and show you an error for forgetting something. It's like debugging the program as you write it, can't get easier than that. All someone needs is picking up a beginner python book such as "learning python3 the hard way", follow it and learn the basics in no time. If they don't want to learn or cant follow a single book and the examples they have no place on programming world

Bullshit. Python is the worst because it's syntax doesn't translate to other languages unless it's meme Monty movies. White space and left tab syntax should of never been a thing. Imagine left tab syntax for else statements in a real language

download node
install express
"WOW i can make a webserver"
fiddle with settings
"WOW now i passively learned syntax"
go learn something else

C++ is an absolute clusterfuck desu

Spoken like a true python fag. Relying on your ide because the syntax is so bad and to dumb to use a better language

Horrible syntax. Basically, where it does well is that for simple scripts like the one you just showed, its functions are human readable (i.e. print).
I'm actually fairly adamant that people should start with C. Anyone who doesn't isn't going to have a good fundamental understanding of how their code works.

>Thinks everyone has to know C no matter what profession you do on computers

You're one of those faggots that learn a language just to learn it and be an edgelord on a weeb forum supporting it cuz you wasted all this time learning something you can't use.

The same way you do for english.
And we can make mistakes, the compiler/google will tell us where we were wrong.

Just like you used "than" instead of "then".