Php ide installation pain

Why everything has to be so complicated?
I just want to write and learn php.

I need to setup 100 things, find right versions from 10 different ones in download page, ide, server, path, locations, default setups, fucks sake god knows what everything is in different versions, everything requires some sort of setup, localhost for some reasons don't work 50% of the time.

Im freaking out. Why have you geeks not programmed some simple generic default environment where i can do that, and fuck around and learn servers and shit later?

Attached: T0Mos.png (494x192, 7K)

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Just try an online ide for learning. No setup required.

Besides, Eclipse is the best PHP IDE.

You're using Windows, right?


Just install WAMP and Notepad++/Sublime/whatever text editor you like

Install WAMP for Windows

Or install MySQL, Apache and PHP for Linux
3 commands.

>Or install MySQL, Apache and PHP for Linux
>3 commands.
Single command on some distributions:
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

Huh? Can't you just run php myfagcode.php?
Learning php is the same as any other high level language. Lean about html and shit after you can actually script in php or you replace your server backend with any other language that isn't retarded. That's what CGI is for. You can use anything that can be run on the server, be it your own c programs or whatever else.

>i want to learn but i don't want to contribute to acquiring knowledge
you will be shit at whatever you do with that attitude, just stop right there, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble that you already can't deal with you whiny faggot

So i got this, how do i make it run so i can see the results on web/localhost or wherever to start checking php code?

Attached: 1516024194736.jpg (1280x1024, 240K)

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x1024, 171K)
>Where should I place my web content?

I'm contributing to the things i know, if i can.
I'm sorry to come off as dickhead it's all this setup thing is just rather frustrating. What can i do to make it up?

There are so many other languages you could learn. Please, do not perpetuate php. Let it die.

see run php test.php and see the output or use a IDE that has a console included. You are trying too many things at once. Start with simple script writing and after that learn simple static html that don't need an actual server. Furthermore you should search for LAMP to see what setting a server up is like.

I recommend you search for a serverimage, like google apache vm image or search for nginx for easier setup, that runs in a VM and learn how to get your data in there so that you can actually use them. Webdeving is nowadays done in docker images(some kind of VMish deploying solution) on linux systems so you are kind of fucked on windows if you want it easy.

how do i connect xampp to eclipse?

Jesus christ user, tutorials exist for everything.

>using an ide
never gonna make it

can someone tell me why I can't find the 64 bit version of wamp on their official site

Attached: 1521907386096.png (500x375, 222K)

You should use an OS where things just work instead of Windows.

just use tomcat and java. if you need a database, install mysql or mariadb, then load the provided jdbc driver to interact with the database.