How far do you think we are til we have AI advanced enough to reject incels sexually?

How far do you think we are til we have AI advanced enough to reject incels sexually?

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What do you mean when you say how far do you think we are til we have AI advanced enough to reject incels sexually?

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but how do you program an ai smarter than yourself, right?
ahahahah, high five

Easy, just have the first question the robot asks be

>"Do you use a tiling windows manager?"

you code one that's one-quarter as smart as you, then you create five instances of it and network them.

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>Be ugly, 400pound man
>Buy sex android
>Boot it up
>It takes one look at you, goes "ew, no," and walks right out the door
>20k down the drain

Better luck next time!

>make product that doesn't do one thing it's supposed to do
>get bankrupt
>complain about patriarchy

>buy game
>say bad word
>60$ down the drain

Puritanism is he haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. That definition should be expanded to include feminism.

>tfw I'm now getting bullied by girls on the internet for being a virgin, just like back in high school

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There is something quite amazing and monstrous about the education of upper-class women. What
could be more paradoxical? All the world is agreed that they are to be brought up as ignorant as possible of erotic matters, and that one has to imbue their souls with a profound sense of shame in such matters until the merest suggestion of such things triggers the most extreme impatience and flight. The "honor" of women really comes into play only here: what else would one not forgive them? But here they are supposed to remain ignorant even in their hearts; they are supposed to have neither eyes nor ears nor words nor thoughts for this-their "evil"; and mere knowledge is considered evil. And then to be hurled as by a gruesome lightning bolt into reality and knowledge by marriage-precisely by the man they love and esteem most! To catch love and shame in a contradiction and to be forced to experience at the same time delight, surrender, duty, pity,terror, and who knows what else, in the face of the unexpected
neighborliness of god and beast! Thus a psychic knot ha:s been tied that may have no equal. Even the compassionate curiosity of the wisest student of humanity is inadequate for guessing how this or that woman manages to accommodate herself to this solution of the riddle and to the riddle of a solution and what dreadful far-reaching suspicions must stir in her poor unhinged soul-and how the ultimate philosophy and skepsis of woman casts anchor at this point!
Afterward, the same deep silence as before. Often a silence directed at herself too. She closes her eyes to herself. Young women try hard to appear superficial and thoughtless.The most refined simulate a kind of impertinence.
Women easily experience their husbands as a question mark
concerning their honor, and their children as an apology or atonement. They need children and wish for them in a way that is altogether different from that in which a man may wish for children.
In sum one cannot be too kind about women.

Why are you a virgin user? And how old are you?

i'm gonna design a food delivery service with such advanced AI that they still reject people with empty fridges

Feminists will just ban any decent sexbots.

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but sex robots would mostly be used by incels. what's the point of these robots if they're useless to target demographic?

>get a loan
>use all your resources to create a sex bot factory
>nobody buys them

28, autism

live with parents

Even if I make 100k a year, it doesn't change the fact that I will never ever...

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She couldn't design herself out of a paperbag

I hope we'll shed our disgusting biological bodies one day

No company would ever invest in that kind of sex robots.

Actually its kind of fun to have a sex robot you have to convince to have sex with you. Like a VN

>Benchmarking is not allowed

Just really shows the astounding ignorance on her part, doing that will hardly resolve any problem with that community and would ultimately just lead to them hating women even more.

>tfw no Isla robo gf

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>cd AI
>cd.. AI

>be butthurt feminist
>build this idea for hundreds of thousands of dollars
>doesn’t sell
>non retarded sexbot sells like crazy and they buy up your company and use the AI personality checking in reverse to make their sexbots identify and insult/ridicule real women and especially feminists on sight.
>their incel friendly sexbot sells harder than ever before
>even people with no need for a sexbot buy them just to get feminists to fuck off

"Hey, lets provoke a bunch of depressed males even more to see what happens!"

you mean dating sims? you don't do shit in VNs

>expecting women to be anything more than overgrown, highly emotional, and incredibly vain children

>28 year old virgin

You're trolling, right?

>design sex robot
>primary audience is incels
>design its AI to reject incels
>go bancrupt

>implying the incel wouldnt just reprogram it
Do you even think?

I'm five years past him.

>design AI to reject incels
>sell to incels to ridicule them
>block sales to incels, since they just reprogram it anyway
>go bancrupt
>mah patriarchy

Are you in a wheelchair or some shit?

get out norm

I am going to design sex robots with such advanced AI that they will rape feminists

user please fuck off where ever you came from. There's a fucking in joke around virgins at 30 becoming wizards that has been around since before you were born. I'm fucking 23 and fuly functional and have no desire to talk to let alone fuck a girl any time soon.

>russian hackers (a couple K $ in facebook ads)
>nazis (one guy in a car)
>incels (again, ONE guy in a car)
>dylan roof (one white guy in a church)
liberals sure do know how to turn isolated events into excusses to push huge changes in society

>Having women design sex robots

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You forgot that one Hillary supporter shooting up a country concert

>normies believe having sex is something to brag about
>can't resist the urge to brag and put down the supposed loser to make themselves feel better

Even wheelchair bound people get sex (at least they have something to strike up conversation with).

>ONE guy in a car
Was there an actual incident? I thought the liberals had finally said fuck it and just started good old fashion school yard bullying like they probably used to do. It's not like making fun of others lack of sexual experience is a new thing.

And the democrat that tried to shoot republican congressman right after the election

See, this is the problem with you incels: you're scared little shitstains who think everything's about putting you down.
Calling you a shitstain isn't to make the other person feel better about not being a shitstain -- "not being a shitstain" is the default. It's to get you to realize you're a shitstain so you can clean up the poo that is your life.
People like it better when the people around them aren't colored brown. (yes, I went there.)

I'm not bragging, I'm just saying it's absolutely unimaginable that a grown adult without a disability can reach 30 years old without having sex.

The term is used by a very specific group of assholes.

The kind healthy people shouldn't get involved with.

>doesn't understand why women don't like losers
You're not very healthy yourself.

See, this is the problem with you niggers: you're scared little monkeys who think everything's about putting you down.
Calling you a nigger isn't to make the other person feel better about not being a nigger -- "not being a nigger" is the default. It's to get you to realize you're a nigger so you can clean up the poo that is your life.
People like it better when the people around them aren't colored brown. (yes, I went there.)

That's not true and you know it

Christ I forgot about that.

I actually think they have everything prepared (talking point, policy positions, PR people, list of compaines to presure etc) beforehand and just wait for (for lack of a better word) an "excuse" to roll it all out.
It's how to get your policies enacted in these days of social media mobs.

Note you can't do anything about the color of your skin. You can change from being a loser.
Nobody's forcing you to stay holed up in your room with no friends. You're just too lazy to go out and change.

Indeed. It's kind of impossible unless one simply does not become a grown adult and instead simply ages.

You could always pay to have sex, but what's the point of doing that? If it's just a physical act of relief without any deeper emotion connected to it, it becomes effectively meaningless.

>nigga just close your eyes

But anyway, just call them fat or a slang. It's nearly always true.

>You can change from being a loser
You can't learn social skills if no one wants to be around you because you're socially inept.

Emotional connection, and sex, will come naturally. It's not something someone has to try to do if they socialize.

You're saying people who identify as incels are well balanced individuals capable of healthy relationships?


It's more complex that people on this site would have you believe.

>combine the AI
>market it to domfags

For some people having any sort of connection with women apart from job related stuffs feel like a waste of time.

not a fan of this poster if I'm being honest with you all

You don't have to like me for me to be right.

Who the fuck identifies as an incel? It's used by a bunch of whores to make fun of people they don't like.

Where do you think you are? That's nothing, I'm a wizard. I don't blame women though.

If you work with women, you will eventually hit it off with one. it's the natural state of things,

If you are not very social and you don't take the chances by the time college ends then you are on the road to 30 yo virgin. T. 28 yo with no end in sight

Incels are scum.

No it's not.

we could have that right now. nothing more than pattern recognition.

Genocide all the ugly i'm right?

That could work, just add a smell sensor.

Yes, it is. Being unable to seduce women is retarded. Put more effort in. It's not that hard.

I socialize plenty, yet I have never managed to create an emotional connection of this kind.

Even if you give incels sexbots they will find something else to complain about and someone else to blame it one, as always.

>not having sex in 30 years is unimaginably abnormal and retarded
>I had sex
>but I'm not bragging
You're doing it and you don't even consciously realize it

Is this the state of Jow Forums now? Posters can't even fathom that permavirgins exist. Did you arrive here yesterday?

How pretty are you?

But what's the target market of said sex bot?

Then you're not trying hard enough. Standing in the corner of a room isn't trying.

>just be yourself
>t. Chad
About as useful as saying "just do it, it's easy" when someone tech inept asks you for help.

>Tying your shoelaces is impossible

>I can tie my shoelaces

>You're bragging

This is how you sound.

For a chad, yes.

Nice reddit spacing, faggot. Now begone and don't come back.

Can someone explain Nietzche's quote here? I always had trouble understanding what he's trying to say.

I have yellow teeth, bad breath (due to a gum infection) and I have still managed to fuck 7/10's on the regular. It's all about how you present yourself and being confident.

Do you happen to be a woman who uses reddit?

I go to university, I meet a lot of people of all genders, I'm involved in local activities.

Still no deal.

For anyone.

I don't know what an incel even is since english isn't my native language, but blocking potential buyers from giving you money isn't how the world works. There are target groups but they will sell to anyone who is willing to buy. No bank or other financier will back you up if you absolutely deny potential customers from buying the product. You'll be laughed out immediately.

Then smash one you fucking faggot.

I can't think of anything weirder than having a romantic relationship with a workmate.
Sorry, I just can't.

Why involve romance? Just fuck her.

They're all either taken or clearly not interested.

That shallowness is in your head. People do not mind being around a person who makes an effort.
The point of ribbing someone for nonconforming behavior isn't to force them away, it's to get them to define themselves: "Is this who I am, or am I acting this way because I didn't know it was weird?" People can handle weird just fine if there's some logic behind it. but if it's simply through ignorance then we want to get you back on track. This requires sounding you out.
This is likely something you do to others all the time. The hallmark of the incel's social ineptness is self-centered hypocrisy. "It makes sense when I do it to others, but others aren't allowed to do it to me because Mommy said I was special!"

That's even weirder.

>problematic dolls

>sex without love
What's the difference aside from social stigma?

Then you're not an incel, and your virginity will never come up.

Then make them interested. Find out their interests, subtlety drop it in conversation, build from there. It's not hard.