Electrician pros

Is it normal to consume 6.4 kWh in a day?

I suspect something is stealing my electricity. This is way too much, no? I hardly use any electricity aside from small fridge, computer, tv and radio, small one bedroom apt, no heating was on.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-5 My consumption profile My Customer Space Hydro-Québec.png (1173x678, 55K)

I don't know, you sure there isn't a Chinese cryptomining farm in your basement?

I can't for the life of me understand what is consuming the rest? 6.4 kWh from just comp, tv and small new make fridge?

Average household's daily consumption is about 30 kWh if Google is right. So, you're fine. Its probably the fridge and the TV/comp

why didn't you just google it idiot, you seem to be below average

looks normal
I use 9 kWh a day, 2 bedroom, computer on 24/7

Did you try unpluging all the stuff in the house, and seeing if the power meter was still moving?

OP here, my apartment is like 450 sq feet.

For European standards that's way too much.

But I take it you are American and keep all appliances on 24/7?

TV is always on and radio and comp and frige. What else? that's it

6,487 kWh over 12 months

heating at my own cost in montreal
and ac in summer

>What else?
Electric stove/oven?

Screens can use up a lot of electricity.
You really should only leave them on when you actually use them.

That's 2336 kWh per year. That is pretty normal for a one-person household in Canada. Do you have an electric boiler for your warm water?

If your PC is on 24/7 and the whole rig averages 100 W from the wall, that's 2.4 kWh daily right off the bat. Pile on the TV, lighting, fridge and whatever small fry you have contributing to the energy consumption, and you're getting real close.


>6.4 kWh in a day
>So average of 266W per hour

100W is your refrigerator.
10W is your LED light
150W is your PC
6W is your various other junk

I live in a 1700 sq ft house, we're pretty conscious of electricity usage, and we use about 15-20kWh per day.

Under 7kWh is easy to do just with regular devices running. I'm assuming your small fridge is older or not energy star rated, so it probably averages around 100-150 watts or 2-3kWh per day. An older or large TV can easily draw 100-200 watts or more, so if it's on for several hours a day that's another 1-2kWh.

Seems completely reasonable, OP. That low of usage is almost negligible, how much do you pay per kWh?

>So average of 266W per hour
Nitpicking but watts are an instantaneous unit, like a rate of flow or horsepower; it would just be "average of 266W"

Op here. My fridge is new, energy compliant, inexpensive one. 32" old flat screen. Comp power supply is 1000w. 1 display. I only use the stove like once a week. Hot water i think is free. I pay for heating with electricity, but i haven't heated during this period in the screenshot. Radio is always on. That's about it.

That's OP. Runs up with heating by electricity in winter and A/C in summer.

fucking pleb, get on my level

Attached: Untitled.png (936x304, 10K)

But my point is that i'm in a small 1 bedroom apartment. And I wanna know what runs up 6.4kwh when i don't do any heating and only the comp, tv and fridge is on and radio.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-5 My consumption profile My Customer Space Hydro-Québec.png (1142x633, 67K)