Why are plebbitors so dumb?

Why are plebbitors so dumb?

Attached: C8BCC790-FDAD-4153-BE6F-A86BD0B4A3A0.jpg (249x222, 13K)

>uses a broad generalization
>calls other people dumb

Attached: e02.jpg (645x588, 29K)

what did he generalize?

How the fuck am I supposed to read that


With your eyes and brain.

>posts image for ants
>calls others redditors
Go back

>iOS filename
>saved the thumbnail
You're as retarded as redditors, fuck off.

your a plebbit if you can't read that

>posts unreadable ant-sized jpg

Why are 4channers so dumb?

we are you

Attached: file.png (895x796, 80K)

>mfw all the redditors ITT don't know how to read it

Attached: 1410670448339.gif (350x249, 765K)

Sorry fixed

Attached: DA7E5DCB-E39F-481F-9A9C-FACE540E931D.jpg (808x720, 37K)

I think OP is making a statement with the crappy screen cap. By deffault he can be called a plebbitor since he was on their to get the picture, and since it’s shitty and unreadable, it reinforces the idea that plebbitors are stupid.


Fug u got me

I think op is a retard posting meaningless trash.



Attached: danger-dog.jpg (1414x1270, 629K)

Fuck you

Attached: Filthy degenerate.png (1130x721, 742K)




You dickhead. Fuck you. I love my mum.


Hello new friends.

simply pretending :^)

simply ebin :^)

Why did you expect from shitstain faggots? just read that shit, it's some gay retarted shit.


bredending :^)

Jokes on you, my mother is already dead.


>screencaping reddit

Attached: 1525112796477.jpg (740x1042, 717K)


heh, got me good

fuck you nigger.