I want to "downgrade" my mobile. Prevent myself from accessing social networks, forums, the browser...

I want to "downgrade" my mobile. Prevent myself from accessing social networks, forums, the browser, and other distracting shit like that. Though about getting a dumbphone, but I don't want to miss out on the actual practical stuff, like maps, synchronized calendars, ride-haling apps, etc.
So I thought about creating a super-minimal, unattractive android launcher (mockup pic related), but while I am a software dev, I have never done anything mobile, so I don't know if a launcher is sufficient to:
- Prevent non-whitelisted apps (the list of apps deemed utilitarian and non-addictive) to run
- Supress all notifications
Or would I have to further modify the OS, maybe create a ROM?

Attached: mockup.png (304x491, 3K)

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You could try a rooted custom rom and removing the browser, but that might catastrophically break the system. I'm not sure if removing the common browser apk will just remove the basic browser application or if it will take the chrome framework with it, which Android relies for a lot of stuff.

Just freeze it, don't remove

Why don't you do yourself a favor and learn some fucking self-control?

That's the ultimate goal. It's just an aid to break my habit of checking hacker news while waiting in line for coffee or checking my mail everytime I get a notification. Make it ugly and inconvenient, so I think about what I am doing.

I'd probably either break stuff I don't want to (google maps is chrome-based, I believe), or not break other that I do want to.

create your own smartphone OS using android

That's an option, but if all it takes is a launcher, that would be easier to both code and distribute (in case anyone else is interested). The thing is, I am not sure whether a launcher is enough to limit the system like that.

Just fucking use KLWP to create the mockup and nova launcher to hide apps you don't want to use. Or you could disable them from the settings.

Just use KISS Launcher and hide all the apps you don't need. Then the rest goes into your own self-moderation.

By the way, it doesn't limit you from manually opening the app. You could disable it, or remove them at all, if you have root access.

Very sensible suggestions, thanks! I'll see if I can use the combination of those two as MVP.

Just get the phone on kikestarter that just has a numberpad

As I said, I still like maps/lyft/google authenticator/last pass/etc. Shit you use for one purpose but doesn't try to rope you in.

Else I'd try to get a new old stock moto F3 btw... best phone I ever had. Or maybe one of those new nokia bananaphones.

Then just don't use it. I have a smartphone since last year, but I still reject using Whatsapp and other shit. I have Discord on it but only use it if I want to upload images fast. Most of the time its in plane mode, prolonging battery life over multiple days.
This. I'm far from being "addicted" to a smartphone, if I want to game I have a highend desktop, if I want to browse comfortly I have a TV setup. Why would one use a shitty 5 inch virtual keyboard? My favorite "apps":

- Opera / Mini (on mobile)
- Sony Album
- Sony Music player
- Camera
- Calculator
- Calendar

I don't have much installed on it, even a few games, for absolute emergencies. Maybe if I ever have a 8h train ride.

Also, Opera Mini helps to get through the month with 100 MB of data, delivered by a Netzclub free card. It works.
>Paying for mobile internet

>This. I'm far from being "addicted" to a smartphone,
Good for you, but while I am not addicted I am forming a habit and want to stop it.

There is a launcher like that already, search based launcher or something like that on fdroid.
is ultimately more usefuo though.

this? I'll give it a try, thanks!

but you'd still have all that fucking bloat

should take this to the software minimalism generals?

Use "offtime" sounds like what u want