He clicks apply before clicking ok

>he clicks apply before clicking ok

Attached: .jpg (1300x957, 125K)

This is some 9gag level shit

literally in incompetent windows shit because unironically sometimes if you don't under certain circumstances it actually won't apply the changes

yeah i do just in case it looks terrible or my mode isn't supported

ok always applies your changes

people who click apply usually do it to test the changes without closing the window
And that shows that they are BETA males without confidence in their actions

>having both OK and Apply in the same dialog window
>OK button does the same thing as Cancel

windows programmers are idiots

ok doesnt do the same as cancel though
how retarded can you be lmao

yes it does sometimes, lmao

>using software that changes regullary
>being confident in actions that does not belong to you
today you press OK and everything works
tomorrow you press OK and your system folder deleted

What if you already clicked Apply? What's the difference between OK, Cancel and X for closing the window?

the apply doesnt close the window
so you can see if the changes that you made are to your likings and if they're not you can change them right away
okay accepts the changes and closes the window

That didn't answer the question at all. Apply was already clicked and changes were saved.

>this level of degeneracy

Can confirm. Printed out trash a bunch of times at work cause I forgot to apply the printer settings before clicking ok.

Some shit application used in my work:
>wild edit value window appears
3 options:
>do nothing an press OK
>press CANCEL
>close window by pressing X button in the corner
Each does totally different actions and can cause massive fuckups depends on current use case.
Button captions are just captions, if programmer fucked up, nothing is obvious.

Traumatism from the old time. Today things have improved, but the traumatism is still there.

Another traumatism, change a settings, quit and relaunch the application. Because some app save settings only on quit, and the application crash often. That one is not a thing of the past. A lot of modern apps failed.

Not only printers. I remember that even XP had these bugs in settings windows when the CPU was loaded, because it was closed faster, than it could execute all changes. I believe it's already fixed, but still...

Sauce on the blonde

I click APPLY and then I click CANCEL.

you have a lot of unjustified trust in programmers.

Is me mommy.
You want go?
Good price my friend
To you this day $3.5

>ok always applies your change
dumb u r

Attached: 500_F_165319793_Rz6L5nZHS61LbBCnWKv3paa0vb3mXXQp.jpg (500x334, 157K)

func Close():

func Apply():

func ButtonApplyPressed:

func ButtonCancelPressed:

func ButtonOkPressed:
