What I dont get is that if blockchain seems to be relatively easy to implement...

What I dont get is that if blockchain seems to be relatively easy to implement, why isnt it being used outside of just MUH COINS?

Is it lack of ingenuity?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Well, you have Ethereum which is used as a computational platform. Ether is the currency used to process transactions and computations. The block chain is there to record all that has taken place. Block chain isn't about just muh coins. It's about crypto-economics, both micro and macro.

Git is blockchain based, yknow.

gibbe pls

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yea but 1. why rely on a coin-based platform like eth
2. if blockchain is supposed to be so revolutionary, why hasnt it been applied to other industries yet?

even smart contracts arent really catching on yet.

Because the whole point of decentralized computing is so that no one has to trust a third party with their information. The blockchain keeps it safe.

Another thing is that it's not that blockchain hasn't been applied to other industries, it's that blockchain isn't necessary in all industries. Banking/finances, blockchain is great. But I don't need a decentralized VPN, or a coin to be used as collateral for loans or something.

For example, distributed cloud computing(something similar to what Golem is doing. Coin tag is GNT) is something that can be decentralized. Because of all the wasted idle computing power that available globally, allowing normies to use their extra computing power and get paid by a token, etc. Not to mention that most computer components are more efficient than in the past.

Smart contracts are still a new idea. Programming isn't something that works on paper all the time. Someone could make something that seems legit, but then when it gets audited, they get fucked over due to bugs or security issues. Additionally, there aren't many smart contract auditing services. However, they are growing. Bitcoin was created in 2009, it's just now that it's gaining traction. Realistically, those who are technologically dense will lose out on the next coming industrial/internet revolution.

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why does business want something revolutionary? They want something that works and outside marketing there isn't anything the want bad enough to justify the risk.

Risk of the unknown is the worst one. Nobody saw this GDPR thing sneaking up and now people need to figure out how to remove pieces of the transation if somebody requests information be deleted.

The third party becomes the blockchain.

The third party is math/cryptography.

Blockchain isn't the solution to every problem.

And trusting math/cryptography is what got us WEP.

post moar op

Trusting math is what got us computers lmao.

Trusting cryptography is what got us GPG public/private keys. It's what gave us different hash functions for encryption.

It gave us the ability to create VPNs for private, secure browsing. Trusting cryptography is what gave human beings an edge over an ever increasing corporate, private money entities.

It gave us WiFi encryption so that fuckers don't get on your network and fuck *you.* Crypto-currencies solved the always looming double-spend issue, which was a key aspect that needed to be solved so that new money doesn't get spent again/printed.

What else?

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The girl on the black bikini is Daji Toxic.

Here you go: phimvu.blogspot.com/search/label/Daji?m=1&zx=796936aab4cb0d1b

Meant PGP, my bad.

What are you even asking? Blockchain isn't some magic wand that can be applied to anything to make it better. What do you suggest people should use blockchains for? For pretty much every use case I can think of there are already like a dozen projects working on it, it's far from just being used as a currency.


what were you saying?

Nothing. OP obviously sees Blockchain as a buzzword and doesn't understand what it is/does.

disgusting tatoos


Well, you're fake and gay.

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not japanese

Because it's just a database but slower, more energy intensive and larger (in that it needs replicating on every node at least in naive implementations).
For most applications except for replicating cash you don't need to decentralize it and the established players would prefer you didn't.
For example you could perhaps buy and sell airline tickets through a smart contract marketplace. But the current system of buying them works fine and the only benefit would be making it far more difficult for airlines to screw with the prices to exploit people. Airlines have no interest in nobbling their own ability to do that, so they don't.

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Think of anything that needs a distributed non-central linked list. Because that's what the "ledger" or "the blockchain" or whatever buzzword people use these days is.

underrated post

Nothing is more saddening than seeing an actually attractive woman go out of her way to destroy her own beauty. Goes to show that women are too stupid to even govern their own bodies.

so you use duckduckgo on your phone?

>if blockchain seems to be relatively easy to implement, why isnt it being used
Because it's a shitty technology with no advantage over existent solutions that isn't outweighed by costs in efficiency (in time, power, storage, etc). Many implementations which try to improve consensus end up effectively centralized, and others fail to achieve robustness, let alone Byzantine fault tolerance.

it does not solve any problems

>big fat asian tiddies

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>it does not solve any problems

Found who bought at the top.

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You need to scroll up some and read. You have some fucked up eyes or honestly can't tell real from fake. I'll even link it below for you.

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that tattoo just trashed the whole perfect body lmao what was this hoe thinking!??