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Text Editors
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Maybe not the fastest, but when percistency is important, nothing beats stone.
After Sublime got botnett'd i decided to switch to the real macfag solution.
nano because i'm not a programmer
You don't have to be a programmer to appreciate genius.
How does using vim help poor people in Uganda?
If I suffer, those kids won't suffer any less.
>hes never been to the vim website
Real men use line editors not text editors.
que tema é que estás a usar?
>>hes never been to the vim website
And why would I?
I am not developing the editor, I just use it.
I wonder if those kids have the faintest idea what Vim actually is.
Kryptonite for left-handers.
>younger futhark mixed with elder
the arrows on your memeline are ugly.
Why don't you switch to NeoVim?
Lucky I'm a gurl UwU
Come at me poorfags
>inb4 solarized
Solarized is the only color scheme any sane human should be using
use sed, fag
>most of the editors posted here are Atom
>some Jow Forumsuys need to use a browser to edit text
>Jow Forumsuys
Jow Forumsirls*
The complete lack of contrast makes it annoying as fuck for me to read for long periods of time.
the lack of brain cells make they don't notice the difference
Why are you speaking Spanish?
Vim in con_emu, I'm ssh'd into a server. I'm working on a molar mass calculator using a generic stack I wrote. All in C.
>Not one line of code
Why am I not surprised, go ahead and show a project.
It's Portuguese, not Spanish.
The contrast is fine, especially with thick fonts like plex. I use it all day at work and continue using it at home and it never tires my eyes
Why don't you switch to Vis?
how some of you tolerate linux poor font rendering is beyond my comprehension, especially being coders
gcc helloworld.docx
You don't need `else continue`
>street shitting intensifies
kys pajeet
not from your country
what font?
>banner comments
>American education
I don't really care, did nothing beside the font.
Not sure if line 3 is bait ...
>that ascii art block comment
Why? Is it just for aesthetics, or is there a point to it?
Hey, what is that colorscheme and font that you're using? :)
that comes default with vim
my fucking nigga
Good old rock. Nothing beats that!
>werks on my eyes
Have you heard of nano?
What's the matter? Wrote this today. Simply, but no one utility outputted quite what I wanted.
mfw still haven't got around finishing that small text editor in Py/tk
echo "hello" > text
Its Consolas. The terminal window is ConEmu's Cobalt2 colorscheme and Vim is using the default colors.
wtf is that? bbedit?
wrong gupta, go is the white man's choice
Spacemacs is garbage. It's too bloated, better to just steal configs from it.
I'm in love with the hacker font.
looks fun! :3 desuuuu
Anyone use Micro?
>forget to use >> and use > instead
>text gone
Hey, what’s the package or whatever that shows you your whole file there on the right in your Atom window?
how do I into code folding in emacs
install gentoo
why do people still do this? please stop
jk figured it out:
had to enable hs-minor-mode
I don't get syntax-highlighting (anymore).
I used to use it, but after trying out acme I started just using themes that don't have it, since I realized that I like it better that way.
Don't even know what features I need at all. Probably next to none, except for multiple views into a file. And maybe bracket highlighting, since that can get messy quickly.
can I get that satanichia debian logo pls?
not the same user but here's the png
thanks! :)
é sent, imbecil
First good setup after all this winshit and Emacs, IDE shit
Been happy with sublime text for years. I purchased a licence for it at work but don't really use it that much at home, so another (UNREGISTERED) reporting in.