There are people who have replaced their PCs with a smartphone

There are people who have replaced their PCs with a smartphone.
How does that make you feel?

Attached: smugCunts.webm (856x480, 862K)

I like that a lot. Thinking of doing that my self. I can just post via dash-chan, thats all I do on my PC anyway

They weren't using the pc properly in the first place.

I really don't care

I partially did, i also ditched desktop linux at pretty much the same point
i couldn't believe how much time i used to spend on dumb ass tinkering, ricing and fixing problems that end user shouldn't deal with

There are actual people out there who have never owned a pc or a laptop, but started their computing experience with iPhones and iPads.

I'm more concerned with the people who still choose to use windows.

But isn't the point of Linux having the freedom of choice? So what makes windows an exception to that?

>But isn't the point of Linux having the freedom of choice?
No. What made you think that?

the insanely huge clusterfuck of available distros. Otherwise why wouldn't they work towards the same singular, Superior os running the Linux kernel?


More for me!

PC cucks can go fuck themselves

That's not the goal, it's just a product of people wanting different things in an OS.

different things?
Then why are most distros trying to accomplish the same thing?

They aren't.

>Ubuntu is trying to create a user friendly desktop experience
>Solus is trying to create a user friendly desktop experience
>Mint is trying to create a user friendly desktop experience
>Elementary is trying to create a user friendly desktop experience
>Zorin is trying to create a user friendly desktop experience
>Manjaro is trying to create a user friendly desktop experience

Can not be bothered going any further so fuck you.

I work residential tech support for a major ISP, can confirm this is what's happening. I'll rarely get someone with a desktop, though usually the ones I get are either gamers or enthusiasts.

Even businesses are moving to laptops. The majority of residential computing is done by phones or tablets.

I'm not mad or bitter about it, desktops aren't dead, they've evolved to a specific niche.

i hate touch screens so much


Are you okay?


it's like home hifi versus the Walkman all over again. Technology and society will be better for this bullshit we're dealing with.


who gives a shit

I don't care about any people outside of those I choose to associate myself with.

An ergonomic desktop is irreplaceable for people who need to work with a computer in most professional settings, but for misc. personal use, yeah the smartphone is an access point for everything and why would you need anything else?

Hell I even travel to conferences now with just a bluetooth keyboard for my phone in case I need to do rapid data entry at some point, but generally I don't even need that. We have decent voice recording and editing, short video recording and editing, reasonably efficient screen keyboard esp if you become accustomed to it... apps for days to sort and share that data. The only catch is that privacy is now out the window. That is a big deal, but frankly became irreversibly unavoidable once employers started mandating them.

The world is essentially a big office now. You can make it easy on yourself by taking full advantage of the proper tools, or you can make it really hard by eschewing all but those absolutely mandated by convention in your work life.

Personally I say good riddance to annoyances. If it ends up being that the phone is all I need in the future, that's great. Upgrading one phone every two to three years is better than that plus a new desktop every four to five.

Great, the more tech-iliterates the higher my price.

the higher your cost too.

well when you work at a petrol station, your computer needs are fairly limited.

if you're actually a person worth existing in either education or a real job, then its not a replacement.

I replaced my i7-2600k PC two years ago with a MediaPad M3 tablet for media consumption on my living room TV or on the tablet itself and a Redmi Note 4 phone for general shitposting. My back pain is pretty much gone, sitting on a couch or laying on a bed is way better for hours of niggering around on the Internet.

Yeah, someone's gotta run all these services and infrastructure the tech-illiterates love.
I'm not worried about job security for a while here.

... not sure what you mean. Less people who know anything about computers means the people who do know are worth more.

Must have had a shitty chair my man. My desk is by far the comfiest place I sit.

Who are these smug cunts?