/fglt/ - friendly GNU/Linux thread

old: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla/github where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for GNU Arch Linux!

Is there some kind of error log in linux? I was backuping some of my files while I sleep. When I woke up, the backup process was still not done and I noticed that the read/write speed were so slow. I ended up REISUB-ing the PC but it works just fine like usual.
How do I know what happened when I was backup-ing? Is there some kind error log?

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Trying to configure firewall (nftables) to drop packages from subnet A to B unless the connection has already been established by B.
sudo nft add rule inet filter filter ip saddr ip daddr ct state != {established,related} drop
But it gives me the error
Error: syntax error, unexpected drop
add rule inet filter filter ip saddr ip daddr ct state != established related drop
(should the formatting be lost, the ^^^^ is pointing at the last word 'drop')

How do I do this properly?

sudo dmesg or check /var/log

I'm having some issues with my volume mixer in KDE on Debian Stable. Every time I suspend my laptop, or open anything that plays sound, the volume suddenly gets maxed out. I'm having other issues with the sound as well. Do you guys have any advice on how to trouble shoot or fix this?

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>or check /var/log

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So I'm dual-booting Win10 and Xubuntu, I'm soon to do a fresh linux install...so any advices before I jump right into a fuck it up badly?
>inb4 remove wangblows
>inb4 install gentoo

Enough. I'll finally filter this pic.

It is unfortunate that you still have nonfree software in your computer. You need to defenestrate it (which means, either throw Windows out of the computer or throw the computer out of the window).

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>sudo dnf install "*" --allowerasing --best --skip-broken
>total download size 60GB
i wonder if it would run

what do other package managers do when you try to install everything?

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My fonts are fucked and there's too many places I am supposed to change things to fix it. I can't load the "Courier New" font (the monospaced font) in google docs using Google Chrome. My terminal font is also tiny and I don't know how to make it bigger without it changing the font. How can I find out which fonts aren't being loaded correctly in Chrome and how do I make my terminal font bigger?

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I found it out! Apparently ct state doesn't accept a set when using != so I had to pass the inverse set to the regular ct state match.

Tried it once with apt. Well, it worked.

alsa? jack? *shudders* p-p-p------pulse? *vomits*

It's pulse T-T

Download the additional font controls from google to change fonts in more depth
Im assuming you dont have your DPI set according to your monitor, check that first(.Xresources).If it is still too small you may need to scale up your terminal(.Xdefaults).

That's very nice advice, Mr. Stallman, not exactly what I was asking for though.

Suspend and then when its at max, reload it using this command
/usr/bin/pasuspender /bin/true

If this works you can automate it

Moc or Cmus?

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what system tools should i have on a multiboot usb?
right now i just have all in one system rescue toolkit and DBAN, anything else i should put on it?

> gave it a shot for a couple minutes
> actually not a meme
Welp, I found a new secondary browser

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Hello, so I'm new to shell scripting. How can I add options to my script? So it could be executed like script.sh -o , or script.sh -p. and each option doing something different? Use switch statements?

It is a complete meme though.
Outdated,poorly implemented
Self imposed political correctness above users choice
There is literally no reason to use it

Why use mopidy instead of just mpd?

how can I determine what or who caused an unscheduled system reboot on Ubuntu?

-unattended upgrades

make your choice

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>tfw too much of a brainlet to figure out how Linux works

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do you use snapcraft or bionic beaver repo for software?

distro main repo>backports>software developers' own repos>3rd party repos>building .deb files yourself>appimages>>>>>make install>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*>snaps

i wanna get into pentesting on my raspberry pi 3b+, i know my fair share of linux commands, so do i just dwonload kali?

It allocates the system resources to the programs that you run.

Make sure flat-volumes = no, and make sure you're not actually running two volume mixers, I had that problem once.

You should start with a single topic, install the necessarily tools on your distro and learn.

Mate is buggy for me, what should I use instead thats stable and lightweight?

A different DE.


Are there any graphical programs that write directly to the screen without using a windowing server? I just need a basic image, and PDF viewer. I don't see the point of having a windowing system if all I have open are terminals most of the time.

I hear lxde is lighter than xfce, however if you want something really light-weight just use openbox

if I'm using docker to have a website up and running, and I want that to be up whenever the machine is also up, I need to have systemd enable with a unit file that has the relevant docker command in it, correct?

Someone redpill me on emacs. Why do I hear about so many people switching to emacs after using vim for a long time.

xinit command -- :0
replace command
replace :0 with unused server

*buntu and Debian with a DE work perfectly on my laptop by default. I like that installing a DE also installs helpful tools to configure the system, as well as things like a file manager, session manager etc.

Ultimately I'll probably just use i3 but I would like to have all those tools installed instead of dealing with config files for everything. What DE is going to be the lightest weight for this purpose?

the same reason they use vim over notepad

you tried

i like xfce but lxde/lxqt are more lightweight

please don't hack me

you can configure every single thing from terminal, idiot
just install i3 and be done with it

you're welcome

Stop lowercase posting.

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Brainlet here, plz help
I don't understand what would happen in this case:
r - - r - s - - - bob group1 prog.exe
bob is in group2
Does this mean if bob runs prog.exe, he only has r - - or read permission since his effective uid didn't change even though his effective gid is now group1.


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capitalization makes my words look more important than they are

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I wish I could act happy. Then I wouldn't have any problems.

Owner of file can do whatever he wants, while group can do some stuff with it.

Communism is gay but I enjoy Linux.
So i'm here.

Did GNU/Linux finish migration go Vulkan+Wayland graphics stack?

It's not communism retard, software is just some knowledge and technology, patents for windows expired also, you can duplicate and distribute this shit. GNU/Linux is like fork, no one can blame you for using fork, you can buy and share it or make your version of that tool.

I googled this problem but no result had the answer.

I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 with a rtl8723b and WiFi only works after i suspend the laptop. Any solutions to this?

Wait is Linux a commie OS?
Might have to switch to Winblows.


Same issue. Just tried it.

does it work if enter into console:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

I think I'm finally done with Arch. I had Katie e completely failed at startup after trying to run a doom mod, which I never fixed. Network manager completely locks up if my session has been suspended to RAM for too long and I have to reboot the system to get any networking which I don't know how to troubleshoot let alone fix. At some point the clock set itself to some random time and games from Steam get crackling audio with exception of Cities Skylines which freezes up the entire system I'm not sure if I can imagine how am I fuck up trying to run Windows only games their wine.

Meanwhile I've been using Solus on my laptop for the past few months the only issue I seem to have is that they don't package pywal to make i3 terminals look pretty and lot of games I like are not in the repos. I used to like to the Aur for that last part but I found that a lot of people in the Arch community don't do a good job packaging certain roguelikes. cataclysm-get is 2 years out of date and I installed Sil from the Aur and found it won't start up because a key file is missing so it appears I'm better off installing these obscure neckbeard games from source anyway.

If compile these games from Source will they stay within my games folder? I hate for my system to start to get messy because I installed Sil and Infra Arcana from source.

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I think this fixed it. Thanks my dood!

I'm using KDE Plasma. Is it possible to have a different window manager? I want to have what awesome haves: "normal" windows and tiling at the same time.

>I had Katie e completely failed at startup after trying to run a doom mod,
Check logs
>Network manager completely locks up if my session has been suspended to RAM for too long and I have to reboot the system to get any networking which I don't know how to troubleshoot let alone fix.
Check logs and follow power management wiki for information on how to setup suspension.
>At some point the clock set itself to some random time
Check logs,Use systemd timedatectl or ntp to setup time
>Steam get crackling audio
Checking stdout logs, if using pulse follow the pulse wiki on how to fix cracking audio, likewise for alsa
>Cities Skylines which freezes up the entire system I'm not sure if I can imagine how am I fuck up trying to run Windows only games their wine.
Cities runs perfectly fine nativly.
Use a better aur manager that informs you of packages being out of date and reading the comments about the package
Download the tarball and make changes to the PKGBUILD to fix issues, most likely addressed in the comments section on the AUR page.
>Games from source
It depends on where you install them
I could reccommend creating a "~/build" folder and putting all your source material in there and build in that folder. Then move/symlink your compiled bianries to lets say "~/games" and then edit your ~/.bashrc to include "~/games" in your $PATH so you can launch games from anywhere.

Outside of Cities, i dont use most of the software you are using, but diagnosing core problems such as these should be easy, and i would be willing to attempt to help you

>use linux on my laptop for the first 3 months of uni
>mostly discard it and only use a noobuntu on a VM on windows on my desktop because it's convenient
>feels like cheating

Most guides only seemed to say "type this in the console to install the packages/tarballs" and they never explained what they are, what their purpose is and such. What's a good place to read and learn about how Linux and associated things work and understand the system better? The system itself, not just terminal commands.

I'm starting to build packages from the aur without yaourt because it's not recommended. When I get the $ sudo pacman -U x.pkg.tar.xz and I run pacman -Sy will this update the ones I manually installed?

I'm still at your stage. A lot of people will recommend "just use linux and when a problem arises solve it" which I found to be unhelpful because sometimes the problem would be so difficult or the steps required other background knowledge or I didn't know why things worked the way they did (they just worked).

For me, I'm downloading and reading no starch press books. When I started on ubuntu "ubuntu for non-geeks" was great. I'm going to read the command line one and how linux works. I can't vouch for the latter books (because I haven't read them yet) but the ubuntu for non-geeks was good (and simple). It treads the line of being basic but not a "dummies guide".

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cmus or ncmpcpp + mpd

thanks but some of these bugs I'm experiencing completely kill video output or otherwise make my machine unresponsive.

>Cities runs perfectly fine nativly.
I have begun suspect that it's a display driver problem and probably the same problem that stops plasma from working. That probably means that I'm having another issue with pulseaudio when running proprietary games. I do have Steam sandboxed in firejail but I doubt that could be causing problems.

>Use a better aur manager
In some cases the Aur package I install as the only one for that given game and in the case of Cataclysm dda it's not even marked out of date but that is cataclysm and that gets a new version every few seconds.

>I could reccommend creating a "~/build" folder and putting all your source material in there and build in that folder. Then move/symlink your compiled bianries to lets say "~/games" and then edit your ~/.bashrc to include "~/games" in your $PATH so you can launch games from anywhere.
Probably more organized than compiling everything in the games folder itself.

>From the aur
No, it will not. Pacman only touches the main repo's. If you used a aur helper such as pacaur(still supported,considered feature complete until pacman 5.1 "soon"),then it would wrap around pacman and add access to the aur, in which your manually installed packages could be updated if the aur package version number changes.

anyone hiring linux sys admins at the entry level near los angeles? i have no linux professional history or certifications, but have been using linux since 2002 or so and think i would do just fine. ill work cheap. i have been an electronics technician for the past 11 years but wanna switch to IT

Hosting companies are almost always hiring, and LA has a bunch.


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Sorry, I've never heard of "qt" before.

I chuckled with this shit. Noice.

What is the systemd controversy over and should I install devuan linux because FUCK SYSTEM D! Or is it not a big deal and what other distros are ther without systemd?

I have
free( b[j] )
it looks like "free bj" should i change the variables
doing this syntax
free(*( b+j )) makes it a little better I guess

> =ffmpeg-4.0 exists in the repo
> in =mpv-0.28.2 ebuild it says "!libav? ( >=media-video/ffmpeg-4.0:0=[encode?,threads,vaapi?,vdpau?] )"
> mpv still pulls in =ffmpeg-9999 instead of =ffmpeg-4.0
What the fuck am I doing wrong?

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Apparently what I was doing wrong was not having unmasked ffmpeg-4.0.
Though I explicitly masked ffmpeg-9999 and it still tried to emerge it.
I don't understand this PM's logic.

I was sent here

So I tried to migrate from manjaro to artix (lul) but this "sddm" display manager is stuck like this on boot up. I don't know what the problem is, I see no logs of any events, no discernable errors, and I have all of its dependencies. How could I fix this? (no, wiping and installing arch won't do, I want to migrate, not redo).

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Did you edit the config files by hand or by using a utility like dispatch-conf? How does your package.keywords relevant lines look like?

I used the auto config that sddm has

Xorg also gives an error "could not resolve keysym xf86rfkill/xf86wwan" but I have already installed "utils-linux"

Nevermind. I wasn't informed that infinality was deprecated. Now everything works swimmingly enough.

apologies the question was directed to the mpv guy.

As far as your problem is concerned, go into another tty after bootup with Ctrl+Alt+2, edit the /etc/conf.d/xdm config file (if necessary) and restart the service by executing "/etc/init.d/xdm restart".

Personally, I've had better luck with lightdm rather than ssdm.

>install gentoo

did we upgrade to ubuntu 18.04 yet?

I am having very annoying problem.

Ssh on my server always worked fine, i was able to connect instantly, but then suddenly without me doing anything, when i try to connect over ssh from anywhere it hangs about 15 seconds and then it connects normally?

Whats going on

On wine (actually PlayOnLinux), how do I fix

0009:err:listview:LISTVIEW_WindowProc unknown msg

Nope, part of communism is subverting movements.

I want a distro tht looks like win 98/95.
I find out there is reactOS which seems pretty good...expect is in alpha since 1996.
Is it good? if not which distro should I be installing?

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you implement a handler for the unknown message in the wine source code.

Ctrl+alt+f2 (or is it just 2?) To get to a text login. Login. Check logs.

>I want a distro tht looks like win 98/95.
>tht (sic) looks like win 98

>a distro
>not a wm/de/whatever

Pack your shit and get the fuck out.

This is a friendly thread.
Please be nice to newcomers.

Install Debian, Xfce and Chicago 95 theme.