Can we have a thread discussing CLI stuff and using CLI has a primary method of doing your computing?

Can we have a thread discussing CLI stuff and using CLI has a primary method of doing your computing?

I have some questions.

If I want to go CLI only, what do I do it for the actual set up of terminals itself? Do I use a WM to tile them to make it usable? That's the only part I know absolutely nothing about.

Taking the OP pic from a lainchan general of the same topic but whatever.

Attached: 1514294010179.jpg (1242x592, 1.05M)

You use tmux. Window managers are GUI.

Use dwm
Use st.
Use the terminal as a file manager
Use w3m or links for text web browsing
Use firefox for web browsing
Use what you need to.
btw bash is bloat

>I want to go CLI only
>Use dwm
Good answer

Fuck off.
Use lynx, links or dillo.

Byobu is good
Don’t install a DE or WM
You’re probably using a distro that comes with one of those so hit ctrl+alt+f2 to get to a command line and do all your computing from there
Elinks is a good browser for no GUI
Learn the commands for byobu and you’ll be a smarter man for it

You’re just gonna go back to using a GUI in a day or two at the most because all the stuff you use a computer for in 2018 is built around guis

Then use tty?
why make this shitty thread cunt

What the fuck is going on with that PS1

w3m does such a better job at actually presenting the site the way it's supposed to look.
This thread's about CLI/TUI shit you fucking dumbass, not your gay tiler rice.

>If I want to go CLI only, what do I do it for the actual set up of terminals itself?
Technically nothing, but if you're interested in things like creating your own aliases, pretty much all of your configuration is done in your .profile, or whatever your shell's equivalent is.

>Do I use a WM to tile them to make it usable?
Congratulations: you're retarded.

is there a way to construct a pseudo-desktop in a simple tty? like having a clock persistently displayed on the top line of the screen or something.

there is no such thing as ricing in dwm.

Music: cmus
Browser: w3m or links
Picture viewer: no idea
Video player: no idea

using only tty is pretty limited

Byobu shows the time and some other hardware info persistently

>CLI only
>Window Manager
wut. no
tmux my friend

Install tmux friendo

Attached: 1518920512887.png (800x800, 1.34M)

Picture viewer: fim
Video player: vlc or mplayer

>Picture viewer: caca
>Video player: mplayer w/ caca

You can view videos without xorg?

I'm only familiar with tmux, but you can easily edit your local config to display the time in the status bar.

Do you want to...
Maybe not

Attached: 1518986927112.jpg (506x373, 35K)


I'm trying to do this and so far there aren't many advantages. I have an SBC at home and it's nice to SSH to a permarunning Weechat tmux session there.
At work I'm using i3 with kakoune, fzy, and zsh to try to replace an IDE. It's fun, but doesn't even come close to the functionality.
My biggest pet peeve is the inconsistent shortcuts between the three pieces of software that I absolutely need to use, which are the shell, the browser, and the editor. Shit was actually better when I tried Sublime.

yes mplayer does this as standard

screenshot only works with xorg...

just use the console.
If you like it
"apt purge xorg" :}
"apt autoremove"
"apt update"

Irssi or weechat?
tmux or dvtm?

Whats the comfiest set up to watch anime via CLI

Attached: 1515034396791.jpg (500x500, 44K)

>people who conflate text user interfaces with command line interfaces

