Windows 10 + Android > MacOS + iOS
debate me
Windows 10 + Android > MacOS + iOS
debate me
You can't debate facts.
did you really have to make this thread?
yeah kiddo
You have to be 18 or older to post on Jow Forums
Im 21
Where does Windows 10+iOS and MacOS+Android fit in?
Windows 7 > Everything else
W10 Phone > everything else
You have to be retarded to use a device that the other device's manufacturer is in direct competition with.
Win10 + Android works well because they know their places. Win10 on desktop and Android on mobile. Neither encroach on each other's territory.
Everything is shit after Windows 98 SE
ok grampajeet
MacOS + Android > *
>Windows 10 > anything
top kek
Lineage OS + GNU/Linux > Android + Windows
Windows 10 is the best desktop OS and Android Oreo is the best mobile OS, so you're not wrong.
>Lineage OS isn't Android
Gen + too > Poo - loo
GNU/Linux and no fucking botnet tracking device phone > *
You can't debate me because I'm right.
It's Android without jewgle
It's google/linux
Google and friends still wrote a bunch of nonfree elements.
This is why Replicant exists.
>running anything on a phone with botnet non-free firmware and has a fucking radio literally tracking you everywhere you go
The best phone is not having a phone at all. When will we all finally learn this?
Name one thing wrong with Google without going on about "MUH BOTNET" or them selling your data.
>name one thing wrong with google besides two fucking huge things wrong with them that would make any sane person stay far, far away from them
Jesus fuck, kids.
OS X and OpenBSD + BB10OS > both
It's really fucking hard to go five minutes without a computer in striking distance.
At least I have secure shell access from my lineageOS S5 so I can poke my home servers while away.
Clumsy cloud software that nobody was asking for, forced Android integration that nobody was asking for, constantly shutting down and replacing applications that do the same thing as the previous iteration, and YouTube has a multitude of problems on its own.
So you're basically addicted to computers and being online. You should probably go get some help for that.
I really should but at least it's a malignant growth as I've gone mostly libre and suck very little in the manner of hardware consumerist cock.
Most winfags I know look depressed in the glow of their monitors but I'm just happy to fuck with something new on a machine, come the friday night, and apply it on the main machine for something cool.
Go back to Jow Forums and shitpost there, commie. This is a technology board, not a political one.
>You have to be retarded to use a device that the other device's manufacturer is in direct competition with.
Why not Windows + Windows Phone and any GNU/Linux distro + Android or a custom ROM?