Indian traitor?

Why would a pajeet CEO create an AI assistant which would probably lead to call centre job losses for millions of his own fellow countrymen?

Attached: sundar-pichai-1.jpg (900x750, 81K)

obviously hates indians lmao.

Survival of the fittest.

It's about dominance.

Why would an American CEO outsource all his jobs to India and lose jobs for millions of his own fellow countrymen?


Its so his fellow countrymen can catfish white American girls online without their giveaway accents.


Because these autists are too fucking stupid to realize that they are being paid pennies by billionaires to put everyone out of work. Including themselves. At some point AI will be better at programming than the humans who made it. Ultimate revenge for a generation of autistic idiots who made this happen without a thought. Future gens of autists will go back into the retard pile from where they came prior to the 90's.

If you know Indians, you'd know that they have no loyalty to anyone but themselves, which is I'm surprised a country like India exists.

Indians may be street shitters but they are sitll asians and asians take "fuck your buddy" to a whole new level.

everytime i watch his face i have to wash my eyes

As an Indian, I want the call center pajeets to die also. I'm glad

stay mad pajeet!

>thinks the purpose of life is to work

When only one Indian is left, all the bobs and virginia will be his.

You have to understand the caste system in India; upper castes hate the lower castes.

He feels he is doing his duty to his caste by driving the lower ones out of work.

AI advancements are making me extremely, extremely paranoid

No Indian who loses his job as a result of automation will get a UBI. Automation for countries that have a GDP per capita below 10 grand will probably mean mass starvation.

he's a man of superior caste

call center pleb castes can go suck a dick for all he cares

>Overpopulated countries can't support their ridiculously huge population
This is old news, user


Ask an AI if your paranoia is justified. How do you think it will respond? Why will you think it will respond as it does?


onions xD

The techno elite, irrespective of ethnic origins are all mostly social Darwinist's. It's why they can sleep easy at night whilst their companies figures out how to make half of the world's population redundant

TFW you chose physics and proper science instead of the faggy parts of STEM, and you'll help the world get better, instead of fucking it up for the profit of some mega-rich bully.

India is still largely a caste system.
Most Indians hate the other 95% of all Indians more than anyone else.

Bolton, deja Jow Forums y ponte a estudiar

The indian "upperclass", as in richer, well educated people not living in india, absolutely detest the shit-in-the-streets indians. They think them just as subhuman as the rest of us