/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla/github where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


is mint good yet

your GNU overlord is eating onions

>if quick, easy editing is your goal, I'd say emacs over vim. Also with your note taking in mind, I think emacs will have a better (easier to set up) environment for that.
Thank you, I'll look into emacs then. What about Sublime Text? I've only watched a couple of vidoes about it and it looks like a great tool too!

Proprietary pig disgusting.

h~ow d`o I f^ix th'is?

Look into atom editor.

It's not the worst thing he eats.

How do I edit gtk3 themes? Is oomox really the way? I don't get how it works.

xfce version is , but mate is also great

>What about Sublime Text
Default installation is nice enough. I use it to maintain a local dokuwiki. It just werks. It's better if you don't want to mess around configs too much. There's a bunch of themes here and there and changing the scheme is pretty much editing an xml file.

It is proprietary and not free though. You'd want to look into atom or vscode if you want free.

I've never extensively used sublime, so I can't say. But you said you're looking for something lightweight and terminal is almost always more lightweight than gui. Also stay away from atom if processing power is a concern, since it's kindof built around a corner, running on a framework designed for web

>Get used to VS Code
>Want to switch to Linux

What do?

install vscode on linux

fuck off
install gentoo

I consider installing a Linux on my Laptop but I have a really slow internet connection at home.

So I use my Laptop to download Steam games for Windows in my uni, where the internet is much much faster.

Can I run Wine to download Steam games for Windows or should I run a virtual machine with Windows to download them?

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gpu passthrough exists
ps4 exists
last but not least: real life exists

Steam runs under wine and if you are just downloading you will have no problems.

I know. I'm sorry.


Thank you.

Ok thank you very much! Yeah I mean, the weight of the program depends on the next laptop I'm going to buy. Can I ask an opinion on a laptop? I've come across a new Ideapad with the following specs: 8GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, full HD screen, i5 8250U. Price: 649€. Is it good? Or is too much? Do Ideapads support Linux well, if you know?

Should EXT4 or XFS work better on a low end harddrive?


WTF? You know my weight? And my age? Am I being HACKED?


How do you pipe 2 variables as two lines to a Python script? Basically I have a Python script that calls input() twice to read some variables from stdin and I wanted to execute that from bash.

I tried:
echo "$ABC_VERSION" "$DEF_VERSION" | python ./tools/version.py ABC.bin DEF.bin

But it doesn't work, I also tried adding < vars at the end but neither that worked.

try echo -e "$ABC_VERSION\n$DEF_VERSION"

enjoy your ban, idiot

wow, you sure showed that guy who was obviously joking who's boss. Well done.

It's just CSS. Just open the theme up in a text editor and knock yourself out.

Thanks, that worked. I just had to add another \n after the def_version variable so it also gets submitted.

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So I've decided to jump head first into Linux finally as a summer project. I think I'm going to choose Lubuntu but I want you guys opinion on whether this is the right choice.

>Dual Core 2.4Ghz E2220
>2Gigs of RAM

>Most experience with Windows XP
>Registry editing and service disabling knowledge
>Have used command line programs made for linux on windows for several years
>Over a decade of changing my desktop visual style and replaced shell with litestep

I'm mostly worried about system requirements and the ability to easily change the look of my desktop. Is Lubuntu for me or am I better off choosing some other distro?

Oh also as far as desktop looks are concerned I head Wayland is an up and comer and will eventually take over. Should I choose a distro that uses it so I'm better prepared for the future?

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You better start out with Gentoo.

manjaro + bspwm

Can someone tell my why my CentOS 7 container isn't getting internet. Routing tables brainlet here. I assigned it the IP of

So I start the container and go to test testwork connectivity. However, if I try to ping

I get connect: Network is unreachable

The output of route -n is:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 425 0 0 br0 UH 0 0 0 venet0 U 0 0 0 virbr0 U 425 0 0 br0 UH 0 0 0 venet0

The switch/router is at

what am I missing here?

lubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-mate are all good choices.
You can also consider Debian with lxde, xfce or mate.

This. Using the bspwm community edition of manjaro and its bad ass.

I need a way to press the left button mouse with a terminal script on ubuntu, is this possible?

Basically what i need i some script that when i run it, simulates left mouse button as if i pressed it with my finger

i use xdotool
theres others too like...i forget the name
starts with x

Is it possible to filter network traffic from an IPv4 source to an IPv6 destination using iptables or nftables?

nftables gives me the following error:
test.nftables:5:39-47: Error: conflicting protocols specified: ip vs. ip6
ip saddr ip6 daddr fd77:aaaa:aaaa:::/64 drop

Calling all Archfags

What AUR helper do you use? Why do you like it? I've been using yaourt for 2 years, it just werked

Thanks that is perfect.
I need one last thing.
When I run the script, I would like it to enter a loop, where it will check every second if, poop.com/clock returns 0 or 1 and if it returns 1 then it executes the xdotool mousedown 1 command.
As someone who doesn't know shit about scripting it would take me ages to put together what i assume are like 3 lines of code

Richard Stool Man is a fat and smelly autist and the freetard movement will be a niche of a niche in ten years. The impracticality and name confusion (free as in freedom) will literally never win over or convince normalfags (see German tv interview). If he wasn't a sperg he would have chosen a name that didn't also mean lacking monetary value, the fucking retard. I hate this fat commie cunt.

I should add I'm looking at yay and trizen

while [ true ]
wget google.com -Otemp.txt
return_value="`cat temp.txt`"

if [ "$return_value" == "1" ]
xdotool mousedown 1

sleep 10

git and makepkg
or use git and ./configure && make DESTDIR=/path/to/your/house like real men

>not /bin/sh
>while [ true ]
>not while :
>not curl


curl is better tho

i prefer systemd-fetch

>while :
>not while [ 1 -eq 1 ]

Attached: le binary log face.jpg (1204x803, 138K)

Thanks that works great

>while [ 1 -eq 1 ]
>not while [ 0 ]

>not exec $0

>not rm -rf /*

>not rm -rf --no-preserve-root

>not kill -9 66029060


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how do you do this with wget
echo 'ur mom gay' | curl -F c=@- ptpb.pw/

help pls

It's a completely fine choice for a first distro.


while sleep 1; do
[ "$(wget -qO- poop.com/clock)" -eq 1 ] \
&& xdotool mousedown 1

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>stupid party tricks
A telltale sign of an bafly or eternal student.

Thank god we have these threads now. Jow Forums is evolving.

I have an Amazon KindleFire and I want to burn a fresh Linux distro onto it (is this advisable?). However, a must-have is some kind of touch-based note-taking application compatibility. Is there any OS known for good touch screen support that I can essentially run some free version of OneNote on?

>hey guys why did you remove the ability to close windows with middle click in "present windows" overview?
>hurr, because uhm, let's say a friend comes by and he wants to use your computer, and then he opens "present window" overview but he doesn't know middle mouse click closes windows - he could accidentaly close something and you would lose your work progress! Sounds terrible right?

>hey guys why doesn't nautilus have per folder settings?
>because i don't need it.

year of linux desktop never ever

Is it wise to cold turkey switch from Windows to Arch? I've done a year and a half of C and C++ development in an Ubuntu VM, so I know basic she'll commands, piping, etc.

>mingw-w64 provides a 32-bit libwinpthread DLL making it impossible to deploy 64-bit applications
Is there any other crosscompiler toolchain for Linux that does not suffer from this issue?

I'm always confused by this, why do people use Mint XFCE/Mate instead of say xubuntu/ubuntu mate?

Yes, you can dl the windows version of games from linux using SteamCMD via cli.

GNU/Linux is always the right choice when:
1) You understand it doesn't have all teh latest gaems
2) You're at least a little bit of a computer nerd

#2 is important because it means you're more likely to forgive perceived shortcomings in favor of the often more elegant solutions it provides, solely based on its coolness factor.
Average users won't understand that, and if it doesn't wipe their ass for them they get upset.

meant for

I wouldn't worry about expertise since the Arch Wiki is really good. Really, I switched to Arch with less.
The "problem" of Arch is how much of a time sink it is because you're setting everything up manually. (Of course, those who wish to learn how Linux systems work underneath rather call it a feature.)
So make sure you have enough free time and no pressing matters, otherwise you're going to have a bad time.

I cant really say, I run an X200 personally :^), but you shouldnt really have any problems installing linux on it. And then you shouldnt have to worry about the weight of your editor lol

sudo pacman -S gnome gnome-extra

near identical desktop to that of debian, fedora or whatever the fuck you consider to be not "manual".

GNU/Linux*, excuse.

May the freedoms be with you my child.

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this is like trying to explain what love is to a machine

why are gnome devs always like that...

How do you control your processor voltage from the desktop in linux?

Unplug the cable.

Have you used W10 recently?

Linux/GNU market share has grown faster ever since Windows started pushing those big updates that breaks everything, like a rolling release distro but forced on you.

There are three different versions so which one?


Thank you for replying. That laptop looks a good solution indeed, but I'm concerned by the 30 wh battery. It might not be enough for a good battery life.

Well in that case, even better.
But I would still feel like having a little bit of an interest in computers in general really goes a long way. Because GNU/Linux is still very much run by people who themselves don't need or even always want software to be "user friendly".
I put it in quotes, because there are 2 different ways to interpret it. The most common one is that someone who doesn't know shit can have an easy time, and the other definition is that someone who really knows their shit can have an easy time. GNU/Linux and its software still mostly caters to the 2nd kind.
So being a bit of a computer nerd really helps a new user to go
>well it's kind of weird and unintuitive, but I totally understand that this is a more generic and elegant way to do things that will feel like second nature in the long run
Whereas your average user will just get kind of angry at it and ask why it doesn't work exactly like it does on windows.

week b8

How do I change the keyboard layout in gentoo?

Have you tried "Googling it" sir?

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install systemd-localed

yes I have, thank you for asking

I do not seem to have systemd


>it's the so clever botnet recommending fag
Fuck off fag.

Do you even get jokes?

There is no 64 bit option when I try to install Linux on Virtual box. I downloaded the 64 bit version and my CPU supports hardware virtualization.
Helb bls

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GNU/Linux belongs on bare metal, senpai.

can I use Leap as a desktop distro comfortably? I'm just looking at the packages I need and it seems like there's barely any difference between Leap and Tumbleweed, do I really care about a newer version of the Linux kernel?

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I know but I have a hard time installing drivers since I got my new Nvidia card.

How do I install/enable/display/view etc. Japanese fonts in Wine?
I'd like to play some VNs.

get a distribution like ubuntu

imagine what those fingers could do to my raw asshole

I just installed Arch and honestly it wasn't that bad. It did take me a full friday night to get it installed because I had to check the wiki a lot but really it actually makes sense what you are supposed to do. After that because it is so bare bones you could really spend a ton of time on it if you want "ricing" it and what not.

The only really annoying part was that I am on a laptop and for some weird ass reason the harddrive was constantly going through load cycles due to power management or something which is apparently really bad for it. I fixed it by following the wiki and making some udev rules (pretty much exactly as the wiki said). Just be aware of that if you have harddrive and not an SSD. That kind of stuff along with having to configure somewhat basic things like hibernation is probably where it gets the reputation but it isn't so bad with the wiki.

I'm at the end of my rope. I created a user on a server for a guy who helps moderate a thing running on it. He needs access to the file mysql.sock in the /tmp directory. He couldn't see the file for some reason. I created a new user for myself, just like I did for him, and gave the new user sudo rights (just like I did for him). My new user could see the file just right. I signed into HIS user, and I could see the file just right. But HE, via HIS connection still CAN NOT see the file. So we thought maybe it was some kind of IP thing. So I logged into his user via a different server, and I could STILL see the file. What the FUCK is going on? Why can't he see mysql.sock, despite me being able to see it when logging into his account?

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