
>Hey Luke, whats your opinion on foo?
>Oh, its just a meme.

He really is the embodiment of Jow Forums, isnt he?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 153K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey, Luke’s crawler, include me in the parse!

why is he constantly diddlying his dingdong when streaming?

>mom said its my turn

Attached: 1.png (634x367, 248K)

The foo is immunized against all dangers: one may call it a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off it like water off a raincoat. But call it a meme and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured it is, how it suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

He put a screencap of this thread in his livestream

copying examples/macosx/aliens_app_example/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pygame/examples/macosx/aliens_app_example

Attached: WTF.png (201x200, 30K)


really? harry, can you confim?
ok thanks harry
why would you lie on the internet? what is you and your problem?


Is this another shitty e-celeb? holy shit stop

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why doesn't he even get nude
on stream
what is he hiding

Attached: huru ukko.png (255x423, 102K)

theres a livestream?

h-hi luke. i l-like you. you want to watch a movie or something?

chaturbate dot com slash lukeinthenude

He is a cuck
>Are games proprietary cuckware?
>Yes, they are. *still plays*

Attached: varg.jpg (760x460, 128K)

he's such a massive shithead.

This guys is so weird and gay. What do people watch this weird rambling videos for?

>What do people watch this weird rambling videos for?
To feel sophisticated about being weird creeps without any friends.

>This guys is so weird and gay.
He has a hot wife and a bunch of kids, retard. And his vids are much more interesting than this Luke dude's pretentious videos that are full of errors.

fucking alt-right dumbass embracing every conspiracy theories he can

top kek that guy is applying for a phd americafag are so fucked

vargs larpers are this delusional lmao

can you repeat the same thing in English please?

lol kek anaal seksy lmao faggioli pasta poloneesi lauantaimakkara

>that autistic, deer in headlights woman
she literally has the CWC stare

What didn't you understand?

Except a missing "s" and caps there are no mistakes

Are you srsly defending that guy?

show us pics of your wife.

having a wife is beta bro incel 4 lyf

> He has a hot wife and a bunch of kids, retard
lmao his wife looks braindead and creepy as fuck

>And his vids are much more interesting than this Luke dude's pretentious videos that are full of errors.

not difficult you compare him to a retard


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Fucking kek

I like his new full-nazi 14/88 look.


t. varg

i don't pursue women and i especially don't pursue marriage

Being a youtuber weirdo who is paraded around by pol isnt exactly what i would called a chad

i am a marine

>i don't pursue women and i especially don't pursue marriage
Well, your faggot lifestyle is your own choice.
PS: men can marry other men now. You might wanna consider gay marriage at some point.

>I need more viewers for my shitty youtube """job""" so I guess I should make more threads about myself on Jow Forums.

>if you don't pursue women, you must be a fag and you want to get married with men
no varg, that's not how it works


pls gib patreon money i want to do shitty videos instead of an actual job

I like you luke I got ur back bro

excellent digits, user

Attached: checkem.png (50x58, 5K)

you're either a faggot or a disgusting ugly fat piece of NEET shit that no woman would ever wanna fuck.

nah it's just not worth the money and time, that's all

Luke is not Jow Forums
A gay is not a gee, period.

Someone buys him a razor so that he shaves that hideous beard.

>unironically using foo/bar/baz

>I can't give you one term that describes my socio-politics, but if forced I'm a political reactionary with strong localist and primitivst leanings. A lot of Neo-Reactionaries support a form of monarchy or another, which I understand (i.e. the "state CEO"), but for me, the goal should be totally endogenous, spontaneously ordered micro-societies, which is frankly how humans naturally arrange themselves in all times and places without the specter of universalist relgion/ideology.

>That said, for me the greatest, perhaps only, threat to human freedom, prosperity and world cultures is the homogenizing monolith of information-control institutions in Western countries, or what reactionaries generally call "the Cathedral", the order that perpetuates this ideology. That is, the hivemind of interlocking and reinforcing media companies, think-tanks, universities and lobbying organizations that speak in one uniform tepid voice, calling for more standardization and centralization of decision-making and power in the permanent bureaucracy and intelligensia.

Attached: Doug_sad.png (300x300, 143K)

Someone post his wife already

I missed it :(

I was watching his utoob videos and theyre all stupid shit like like tiling window managers no offense seems like a cool guy.

>he drinks water out of a copper poisoning bottle
So that's how he got brain damaged.

Attached: 1526418580863.jpg (590x579, 36K)

ty for linking this great livestrram recording. i missed it on RSS :^)

Attached: Screenshot_20180522-182829.png (2560x1440, 1.64M)

vids are cool. tired of people who actually have the Jow Forums mentality tho

Well, it's either that or drinking water out of plastic bottles, which is filled to the brim with xenoestrogen, hence feminizing you beyong belief. Me, I just drink water out of the tap in a paper cup or out of a glass bottle/jar.

Attached: (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) ClipboardImage.png (736x947, 816K)

I'd take plastic over heavy metal poisoning any day.

it's not mercury

It's copper, not lead. People have used copper for drinking apparatuses for milenia now with no major side effects.

a copper bottle you won't poison you, brainlet

>copper vessel
>heavy metal poisoning
pick one and only one u dumdum

>kike eceleb shitthread

God this board is a fucking shithole

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this RIGHT NOW please

Dude has a serious obsession with Lunduke.
The first thing he talks about is him and he's constantly complaining over how much Lunduke makes on the forums. Wanting to get on his stream and shit.

I'm sure you will Schlomo.

said the chinese cartoon poster

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-23 Bryan Lunduke ( BryanLunduke) Twitter.png (588x169, 22K)

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-23 Tweets with replies by Bryan Lunduke ( BryanLunduke) Twitter.png (588x217, 30K)

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-23 Tweets with replies by Bryan Lunduke ( BryanLunduke) Twitter(1).png (588x157, 24K)

can you take all this youtube drama somewhere else please?

who would win in a fight

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-23 Tweets with replies by Bryan Lunduke ( BryanLunduke) Twitter(2).png (588x157, 25K)

>needs to man up
>blocks anyone who doesnt qualify to his safe space


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And that water comes out of plastic pipes...

I want to ask what 'dealt with' means, but im blocked

the other year on one of those Linucks Sucks presentations where Bryan appeared mildly drunk and at the beginning he was boasting about how he is like genetically 99% Western European White according to that DNS test la creatura amerimutt Jow Forumslacks often take and even used his whiteness on Twatter in a sarcastic remark against SJW 'whtie privleg' shit infecting FOSS community, but now it's all "DAS RACISSS!!1"

jews truly are whiny faggots.

A true Jow Forumsentooman

Attached: based_luke_smith.jpg (1503x216, 46K)

based luke putting jews in their place

Lunduke has gone full retard

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looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome desu

Attached: file.png (550x422, 403K)

HAHAHAHAHA this made my day!

Ahahahahaha I'm fucking dying.
Why do (((they))) act like this every single time?

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>centuries later
>jews still don't like being called jews
I'll never understand being offended by your own self.

>You can't be shamed into submission by people who aren't morally serious
Heres Luke's apology.


It's in their genetics.

Their "Jewnetics", if you will.

wtf? I'm dropping emacs and installing vim and LaTeX, RIGHT NOW

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remember to donate to the ugandan children

das rite

fucking kek

faggot detected.

I love you Luke! don't fucking apologize.

Holy shit it's real

Somebody @ this at Lunduke