Best language to learn first?

I see a lot of people saying C++ but just wondering what Jow Forums thinks, cheers.

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>dumb neckbeard frogposter
Yup C++

C than C++ is the way to go


fucking FPBP.


Just take a community college course on C++

> C than C++
Also known as the "Reach Around" approach. Learn C initially, because C++ is the dom in this relationship which reaches around to jerk off the subset C


Learning C/C++ first is a surefire way to stunt your growth. Right off the bat you'll be introduced to structures and concepts that will seem arbitrary and convoluted. You will pick up bad practices and not really understand why you are doing what you are doing.

>I see a lot of people saying C++
Tbh most people on Jow Forums don't know what the fuck they are talking about and either were forced to learn C++ for school or just picked it for bragging rights because it's traditionally "harder" that other languages.

Do yourself a favour and read some beginner threads on SO or elsewhere.

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What's SO?

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Fuck everybody in this thread and learn Lisp. It will change your life.

Then learn OCaml and it will change your life again.

Lastly, learn JavaScript in an afternoon cause you already know everything once you master OCaml.

Stack Overflow (and it's sister-sites)

Thank you user. Have a blessed day.

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>Fuck everybody in this thread and learn Lisp. It will change your life.
So would faggotry, but you don't see me sticking my thumb up my ass while declaring "I'm a chocolatier"

C++ if you want to actually get a job.

nice quads, i've legit learned fuck all in this thread, thanks for trying everyone but i'm legit going to try reddit, seem to know their shit without trolling.

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Lisp brings enlightenment. It is a pre-modernist deconstruction of programming languages.

Greek alphabet

you sound like a humanities postmodernist neo-sjw anarcho-faggot.

>implying so doesn't have shitty opinions
Look, I agree "start with C++," is a troll/meme answer, but there has never been any solid evidence that sequence matters with students. I've taught CS for over a decade and the best predictor of success (gpa, graduation, and employment metrics we track) is what the student got on their standardized tests before enrollment. IF you come in at 120+ iq, you're basically going to get anything you apply yourself to. If you come in more than 5-10 points below that you will never be more than a code janitor no matter how much study you put in. It's a deterministic world out there.

Best learn VB first. Verneral Bisease pays the bills.

Erlang. Its simple and elegant. You could program an entire 3D game in it, and write all the infrastructure to serve it to thinkpads and android phones in the one language.

Fuck Lisp, only used in Academia

C# if you want a job dealing with anything C related, a beginner isn't going to be working for Lockheed in 6 months.

Don't listen to these shit turds, VB is fucking obsolete

TLDR: C#, Python, C if you really want to learn about memory management, high-performance

Fuck Java.

This. C++ if you have infinite patience/willpower (you don't). Start with Python and worry more about the basic concepts. Then when you feel confident you can learn c++ to learn how the nitty gritty's work. I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but aside from learning about pointers and memory allocation your better off learning something like Java or C# than c++ if you want to get into the workforce ASAP.

What about Erlang?

Mr Su says "A real man learns C++. You can really turn alot of heads with it".

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Way more jobs in C#, Java, Python, and even JS. C++ if you wanna do low level stuff but if all you care about is jobs and pay C++ isn't going to get you far relative to the other languages

I'll be honest, never used it or know anything about it.

If you want future-proof languages, C, C# (OOP concepts), Python, and any possibly a statistical language or just pick-up some database procedural.

Do C, C# (OOP concepts), Python run on my Thinkpad 470 Windows 10 latptop? What do I do to install them?

Don't start with sepples (or even necessarily learn it...). You'll regret it. I'd do Python -> C#. You'll land a job that way.

Would a python get me a meating with Mr Su at AMD for a job?

Attached: mr_su.jpg (2100x1500, 986K)

Visual Studio Code, VS Community Edition (lots of bloatware though), for Python you can do VS Code OR Jupyter Notebook (Anaconda has all of this) for a notebook style layout which is good for people from a math/science background.

>unironically using the word "deconstruction"
The only people who wank over Lisp are those who don't actually know it. It's quite ironic, since autists use the same argument for C++, when it's probably even more true with respect to Lisp.
Anyway, OP, C++ has its place, but I would not recommend it as a first language. Way too big. Learn C first.

I support this message, except the last bit. Java is fine. Learn Java or C# and Python. Give C a shot if you want, but Javascript would be more practical. Don't listen to anyone who gives you a lecture about being close to the metal, they're just wasting your time trying.

>starting with python
You can't fully appreciate what Python brings to the table. Also, using "C/C++" proves you're a brainlet. They are two different languages, with different practices.
The best programming language to start is C or Java. Yes, Java. Ditch Java, however, once you've learned the fundamental programming concepts, and move to another language.

Listen OP. Mr Su will job you if you lean VB for chip design. All of AMD and Intel runs on VB for their chip fabrication system.

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but javascript runs on bare metal. its like assembler but more powerful with OOP built in.

why are people recommending python first? I feel c# would be best

its best to get grip with python, kinda like getting your mouth around it. That way you can advance to Javascript when you are ready for that paradigm shift.

ok, so I wouldn't be wasting time learning python first? i'm a legit brainlet with little experience, i'm not looking for a quick fix but literally a foundation i can build upon

Because it's deceptively easy. I find it quite ironic that the other user recommended it because with C or C++ "you will have no idea what you are doing", since Python actually performs a lot more magic under the hood.
Starting with Python will delay the inevitable need to understand static typing, which is fundamental.
I'm not saying that Python is a shit language. It definitely has a place. But I wouldn't recommend it as a first language.

see i don't want it easy, is python essentially a quick fix without actually understanding the fundamentals?

Python works best when used on a thinkpad. The underlying architecture of thinkpad linux windows manager is in python and Visual Basic

Java, unironically.

It can do everything has very good performance and it will get you a job. Its also easy enough to not shoot yourself in the foot.


Then C

Then C++

Way to break my heart. I've never been tested, but I doubt I'm 120+ IQ, so I'm probably doomed to be some shitty full stack web guy forever, if I can even manage that.

i did it! i learned all 4- languages, job prease?

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with or without reach around.

both faggit

I'd start with python or haskell then learn java. I wouldnt waste your time with C or C++ unless you really want to work with low level stuff like device drivers for some reason. Theres not really any reason to learn C over java these days.

so, you want Shrodinger's reach around.

we''ll never know

So yeah, Python then C#?

There's no point in learning anything but Python, JS, and Java. C# is miniscule by comparison.

>I'd start with python
Aka imperative language with immutable data structures. Fuck that shit.


Are you looking to get paid for programming? Then you might as well learn Java first. Java is the language for comfy 6 figure business programming. If you are in your 20's or younger you might be in the industry long enough to be there when it fades away for something else.

Honestly most languages feature the same data structures and features. Python would probably be good to learn if you want to learn basic features that carry over to other procedural / OO languages.

C is good if you want to actually learn low level stuff and learning what its like when you don't have garbage collection and other hand holding stuff. The only thing you would actually use C for would be OS or game development and you had better be a programming rockstar if your want to do that.

Functional programming is neat but its had the status of "the next big thing" for the last 30 years.

Learn Go if you have purple hair, a non-binary gender and want to work at Google.

You might as well stick with JS at that rate. I'm not aware of anything that hipsters haven't done with JS and practically speaking it's being used for everything down to the application layer now. I think that's an abomination, personally, but there is apparently no stopping "progress," with Node in particular.

To add to the broader discussion; however, I learned half a dozen langs in college: C, C++, Java, Haskell, Perl, and Scheme. I guess I understand the meme that being exposed to new paradigms gives you more perspective and thereby imparts some wisdom. I can't really test that by removing my prior knowledge, but I will say that learning many languages hasn't really made me a better practitioner in general, particularly when those languages were little used or esoteric. My fleeting fetish with haskell and scheme in college just made me want to try dumb things a lot when I got into the workplace and was working on primarily Java codebases. Later on when I was heavily into C++ the years I had spent with Java also had me making some best-practice snafus a lot.

So realistically, while it is important to not be pidginholed some place there isn't a lot I would say for being a polyglot. In my honest opinion newbies with their eyes on a job should just be doing their best to ferret out what's hot in their area (or in general if they're willing to move) and go with that. Don't pain yourself over covering every paradigm and syntax detail because you're going to commit to memory only what you use regularly and you will lose anything you don't (I have only foggy memories of haskell now).

Off the top of my head, and im in Austin not the Bay or New York, I think the big one here is Java but don't quote me on that. I consult and make my milk money with C++ these days. Best of luck.

Something Oawful

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>tfw non-binary
>tfw purple hair
>tfw Google NZ intern
you know your shit

Java has higher standards for jr level than JS. I caution the self-taught about this when I can. I hire for a bog-standard enterprise java shop and we can generally afford to discriminate against people with no degree or non-CS/CE degree. Having said that, I have hired people who charmed me with a neat Android app that they self-published or some other demonstrations of competence, but it's rare, maybe 10% or less of the people I hired if you round up generously.

Contrast that with what my friends who work in the more lassieze fair web shops do, which is essentially flailing around trying to hire anyone with a pulse who can string together something coherent in node/react. I know for a fact a good third or more of the guys working under my friend have no formal education, by his own numbers, and i'd bet good money that of the other two thirds a significant number don't have the CS/CE background either. JS is still very much the wild west side of the software world so I think it's something for the uninitiated would-be autodidacts to consider.

Start with Javascript. Stay mad C dinosaurs.

How do you like programming in Go?

Its not bad, easy to pick up on from a background in C and Python. Only complaint is how much hand holding is built into the language.

>as soon as he doesn't get what he wants he fucks off the reddit
stay there.

>starting with C++
You're being trolled, retard.

C++ if you want to get a hand job

What's a good IDE for a C++ beginner using Linux? Eclipse or QtCreator?

Basic javascript is what i recommend. Ez as shit and it transitions fairly well over other languages.
